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Paladin Holy (WoW Talent Tree)  

See Paladin Talent Builds

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Tier 1

  • Divine Strength - Increases total strength by 10%
    • This is a good talent for Ret paladins since a fair bit of their damage come from white damage with their big 2-handed weapons. However, if you're a Retribution paladin this is pretty much as deep as you want to go into this tree. For the other specs that focus on spell damage and typically use "caster weapons" (i.e. 41.4 DPS weapons with loads of +spell damage on them) this is a horrible talent choice.
  • Divine Intellect - Increases total intellect by 10%
    • This is definitely the 1st tier talent for Holy paladins. More mana and more crit is a good thing. For a Holy/Prot (H/P) hybrid it's the 1st tier choice as well. If you're a tanking or Ret paladin this is a pretty useless pick-up. Neither of those gear at all for int so 10% of the base mana pool really isn't all that much of an increase.

Tier 2

  • Spiritual Focus - Gives your Flash of Light and Holy light spells a 70% chance to avoid interruption while taking damage.
    • This is the key talent for this tier for Holy paladins and is a great talent as well for a Holy/Protection hybrid. Avoiding interruption when casting that life-saving heal is always a good thing.
  • Improved Seal of Righteousness - Increases damage done by Seal of Righteousness and its judgment by 15%. No any Retribution paladins still hanging around, this is not for you. You'll be using another seal very soon and will probably never use this one again. As for the Holy and H/P paladin this isn't a horrible talent but there are better ones to take. You can put a couple of points in there if you need to advance to to another tier or something, but it's not a crucial talent.

Tier 3

  • Healing Light - Increases the amount healed by Holy Light and Flash of Light by 15%
    • Definitely a must have talent for a holy or even H/P paladin. 15% more healing is, well, 15% more healing. And it's going to scale.
  • Aura Mastery - Increases the radius of your auras to 40 yards
    • This can be a good talent for raiding if you have room for it since many encounters will require you be at maximum range. If you're not raiding though, while it can be nice, if there's something you'd rather have feel free to skip this one.
  • Improved Lay on Hands - Gives the target of Lay on Hands a 30% bonus to their armor for 2 minutes.
    • Basically if you're using Lay on Hands that often and in scenarios that this will be useful then pick it up, if you're not then go ahead and skip it.
  • Unyielding Faith - Increases resistance to fear and disorient effects by 10%
    • This will probably be more useful to a PvP healer than a PvE healer. While that resistance may help in PvE encounters it's still only 10% and you're really not facing fears (that are resistible) all that often in PvE.

Tier 4

  • Illumination - After getting a critical effect from Flash of Light, Holy Light or Holy Shock you are guaranteed to gain mana equal to 60% of the base cost of the spell
    • If you're this far into the Holy tree you're probably here for a reason and this is probably it (or this is the pre-req for what you want). This is a must have, period. This is basically a guarantee that any healing spell that crits will only cost 40% of it's base mana.
  • Improved Blessing of Wisdom - Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom by 20%
    • If you're a designated raid "buff bot" then you're probably going to want to max this out. If you PvP or you're a raid healer there are probably better places to put your points. You can stick a point in here if you need to advance a tier but unless you're designated for raid buffs it's probably not worth it for its own sake.

Tier 5

  • Pure of Heart - Increases resistance to curse and disease effects by 15%.
    • This would probably be an OK talent for a PvP healer if there weren't much better places to put your points. For PvE it's not even worth considering at all.
  • Divine Favor - When activated, it guarantees that your next Flash of Light, Holy Light or Holy Shock spell will have a critical effect.
    • Absolute must have. There really aren't too many talents or even trinkets in the game that will guarantee your next spell with crit. Combine that with the mana return of Illumination and it's a pretty efficient and powerful combination. If you're going for a H/P build then you probably want to stop here and put the rest of your points in other trees.
  • Sanctified Light - Increases the chance that your Holy Light spell will have a critical effect
    • This is a must have spell for any variety of Holy Paladin (buffbot, PvP, Raiding). The combination of Illumination and heals that crit is something to capitalize on.

Tier 6

  • Purifying Power - Reduces the mana cost of your Purify, Cleanse and Consecration by 20%.
    • this isn't a bad talent, however for PvP or Raid healing paladins there are probably better places for points. Buffing paladins (which are usually also the raid cleansers) will definitely want to pick this one up.
  • spell:Holy">Power (Rank 5) - Increases the critical effect chance of Holy spells by 5%.
    • Once again, crits are good, and this one effects all of your Holy spells, not just Holy Light. Pick this one up.

Tier 7

  • Light's Grace - Guarantees that your Holy Light spell will reduce the casting time of your next Holy Light spell by .5 seconds.
    • This is another talent that any Holy paladin, regardless of role, will want to pick up. A half a second may not feel like much, but it is. Oh it is.
  • Holy Shock - Blasts the target with Holy energy causing 277 - 299 Holy damage to an enemy or 351 - 379 healing to a friend. Instant cast. (numbers listed are for Rank 1)
    • Honestly, why wouldn't you take an instant cast heal that can also double as a damage spell if needed. And with a 15 second cooldown it doesn't have to be a rarely used talent.
  • Blessed Life - All attacks against the paladin have a 12% chance to cause 50% less damage.
    • This is pretty much a PvP talent, and a good one at that and should definitely be picked up by those doing PvP. It's got little to no use for PvE players and points would definitely be better spent elsewhere.

Tier 8

  • Holy Guidance - Increases spell damage and healing by 35% of total intellect.
    • This is definitely a nice talent but some specs may have a hard time maxing this one out and still pick up the other talents required (PvP paladins, mostly). If you have the points, definitely put at least a couple in here if you can spare them.

Tier 9

  • Divine Illumination - Reduces the mana cost of all spells by 50% for 15 seconds.
    • This is present in almost every reccomended healing spec for paladins. Pick this one up. You know, since you're here and all.

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-06-05 20:56:20.