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Midsummer Fire Festival (WoW)  

Midsummer Fire Festival is a celebration of summer and merrymaking that takes place in World of Warcraft from June 21st to July 5th.

The event also coincide with the Engineers' Explosive Extravaganza on July 4th, where the sky is filled with Fireworks.

Like most holiday event in World of Warcraft, this is a good occasion to run some new unique seasonal quests and earns some interesting "toy" rewards.

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The Festival

The cities will take a much more festive look, with bonfires and fire dancing poles adorning several locations. More then mere decoration however, those items can be interacted with for some interesting results.

  • The Ribbon Pole - Clicking on the ribbon pole will create a red colored energy ribbon between you and it (similar in look to Drain Life or Mind Flay) and cause you to dance. Aside from the entertainment factor, you can also receive a +30 Fire Resistance Buff that lasts for 1 hour if more than one person is using the pole. After all, it's no fun to dance by yourself.
  • Touching a Bonfire will remove most debuff that your character might be under.
  • Bonfires can be used with Burning Blossom - a quest item earned from a Midsummer Festival Quest - to earn a rather powerful buff, Fire Festival Fury, which grants +42 Critical Strike and Spell Critical Strike rating for 1 hour! Definitely not a bad idea to use those before an instance/raid or a Grinding session.
  • To add a bit of PVP mayhem, it is possible to steal the flame from the opposite faction's bonfire. Doing so will start the quest Stealing the [1]'s Flame (example, Stealing Orgrimmar's Flame). When you complete the quest, everybody in the capital city will receive a +30 Stamina buff called Fire Festival Fortitude which last for 1 hour. If you are brave enough to collect all 3 flames (only the original 3 cities of pre-TBC count), you will earn the Crown of the Fire Festival!
  • Several quest will reward you with Handful of Summer Petals, a neat little items that allows you to play some fun tricks.

The Quests

Most of the quest during the festival give you Burning Blossom, which on top of granting the aforementioned buff, can also be used as a currency with the many vendors of the festival. A lot of are repeatable, ensuring a constant supply of Blossom, while the festival last.

The easiest quest involve simply visiting the capital cities of your faction and finding the bonfire. It is given by the Festival Talespinner for the Horde and the Festival Loremaster for the Alliance - it is called The Festival of Fire.

More dangerous quests are given by the Festival Flamekeeper, a npc that can be found in all city of both faction. Most of those quest require you to find bonfire over Azeroth. Some are harder (and higher level quests) then others. However, since they were all create with the level 60 cap in mind, they should all be fairly easy by today's standard.

The quest are following:

World of Warcraft
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This page last modified 2008-06-18 19:25:29.