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Howling Fjord (Alliance Quest Guide)  


Howling Fjord is one of the two "starter zones" for Northrend. This zone contains a wide variety of questing hubs and an instance hub known as Utgarde Keep.

Howling Fjord will be a second stop for most Alliance players as the most obvious way of getting to Northrend will be by taking a boat from Stormwind directly to Borean Tundra. But if you want to take a trip to Howling Fjord first you just need to take the boat from Menethil Harbor which will take you to Valgarde, the Alliance Outpost there.

If you are looking for Horde information, you can head over to Wordaen's Horde Guide to Howling Fjord, 68-72 which cover the Howling Fjord for Horde players.

This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we level into WotLK.


  • Pick up Hell Has Frozen Over... on the docks and turn it into Vice Admiral Keller.
  • Accept If Valgarde Falls... from Vice Admiral Keller
  • Pick up the Flight Path and then head to the Inn, train any professions to Grand Master if you want.
  • If you have Cooking high enough pick up the Northern Cooking quest in the inn.

World of Warcraft

Wrath of the Lich King

This page last modified 2008-11-12 21:58:52.