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Glory of the Hero Achievement Guide (WoW)  

So you've decided you want to be a Hero. You want to go farther than others, you want to have something to be proud about. And maybe, if you're quick enough, you want a nice little red proto-drake. Let's face it, one of the cool part of a mmorpg is showing others that you've done more or can do more than they can. And the Glory of the Hero Achievement is one of the most accessible bragging right Achievement out there.

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Things to Know

Before you set on your way to becoming a hero, there's a few things you should know.

  • Know the Fights: It's no secret to most people now, Instance in WotLK are fairly easy (If you don't find them easy, you might want to reconsider setting out for this achievement). So easy in fact, that it's quite possible to simply plow through most boss, unaware of what they actually do to you. Most of the Boss fight when going for Achievements however, become much harder and longer, and knowing exactly what the boss is doing often become a key part of succeeding.
  • Know the People: It's usually better to find a group of like minded people who are also going for achievements. Those people should be guild members or anybody else you trust and know has a good player. Your average pug won't be able to do achievements, nor will they be willing to wipe several times in order to get some of the tricker ones 'right'. This also allow you some kind of control in setting up the perfect group if needed.
  • Know your Limits: Which could also be seen as 'know you gear'. When I said earlier that if you didn't find Heroic easy, you might want to reconsider - I wasn't saying it to be elitist. A lot of those achievements are very demanding on character performance as well as execution. If you're not pulling the proper dps, if you're not healing enough, if your tank isn't tough enough and if you easily get overwhelmed by having to handle more than two things at once... you either need to learn your class better, get more gear or all around get better before you can complete those. In short, of you're the kind of person that can't do Heigan's dance or Sartharion without getting hit by Void Zone and Lava Wall, you'll probably end up getting frustrated.
  • Know the Strategies: And this is why you're reading this - some of the achievements are pretty obvious. Others requires some creative thinking to get there. Sure, you can go out on your own and figure it all out for yourself. More power to you. Or you can read this :).

While using potions, flasks and food isn't necessary, using them may help bridge the gap for lower geared players and will make things easier for top geared players.


Before we get started, I'd like to point out that I'm not claiming this is the only way to do things or even the best way to do things. But this is the way I've done things and well, I know for sure that everything written in here actually works. My 'core' group was a Death Knight (Tank), a Priest (Healer) as well as a Rogue (Combat), Warrior (Fury) and Mage (Arcane). We also had a Shaman (Elemental), Warlock (Destruction) and Paladin (Retribution) we rotated in. Since everybody wanted all the achievements, I've actually done some of them several times.

Achievements: How to get them done

For ease of reading, the Achievements will be broken down by the Instance they belong to. You can also use CTRL+F and the name of the Boss or Achievement in order to find the one you're looking for.

Utgarde Keep

You won't spend much time in Utgarde Keep, there's only one achievement here and it's on the first boss, on top of being a fairly easy one.
On The Rocks - Defeat Prince Keleseth in Utgarde Keep on Heroic Difficulty without shattering any Frost Tombs.
This one is fairly straightforward. Kelesseth will randomly ice tomb one member of the party. This stuns them (preventing them from doing anything) and deals damage over time to them. Normally, you'd want to break the Tomb by attacking it to free your friend... here, you simply don't do it. You can't use your pvp trinket or other abilities that would break you out of it either. Dealing with the skeletons adds can be a bit tricky, because you want to avoid using AE attack as much as possible, since you don't want to break the tomb by accident. It's simpler to simply have the tank move away from any ice tombed melee. The healer has the hardest job here, since he need to keep up the tank and whoever get ice tombed. Also, the tomb last long enough that he'll usually use ice tomb again before the first target has thawed out, causing a few second where you have two tombed players. If the tank get tombed, you need someone capable of off-tanking him for the duration - Kelesseth deals almost exclusively shadow damage via his shadow bolt, so high armor isn't important for this. If the Healer get tombed, then you need to survive the boss for the duration of the tomb with no healing (This is usually where the tanks use their cooldowns) - the healer should work on keeping himself at full health at all time to prevent this from being lethal and wiping the group.

Utgarde Pinnacle

Utgarde Pinnacle has 4 achievements, however none of them require a specific group composition and the 4 achievements can be done in 1 run.
The Incredible Hulk - Force Svala Sorrowgrave to kill a Scourge Hulk on Heroic Difficulty in Utgarde Pinnacle.
The trick here, is to get one of the nearby abomination (There's one in the back of the room and one in the corridor that leads to the next room) to be on top of the small platform when Svala uses Ritual of the Sword. When the Sword hits the abomination, he will get a DoT debuff that will take off about 10% of his health. If the Debuff kill him, you get the achievement. Rather than repeating this 10 times, it's a lot easier to simply get the Abomination to less than 10% health and have him get killed by one sword. As such, you'll need a player capable of being a decent off tank (Anything that can wear plate or a druid will do), the main tank should engage the boss normally while the Off tank go pulls one of the Abomination. DPS needs to lower the Abomination's health to a sliver, below 10%. The Healer, obviously needs to keep everybody up. When Svala use her Ritual, you need to kill the 3 adds as soon as possible so that the trapped player can move out, you than drag the Abomination so that he's squarely on top of the platform and gets hit by it. If the Off Tank isn't careful with positioning, he might also get hit (Which will most likely kill him).

Do note that you do not need to kill Svala to earn the achievement, so even if the Off Tank dies, or the Ritual's victim dies or in any other shape or form you end up wiping - you still get the achievements as soon as the abomination dies from the Ritual's DoT.

My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time - Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty after having killed Grauf from 100% to dead in a single pass.
The way I've done this achievements also always allowed the group to get Lodi Dodi We Love to Skadi in the same encounter. While there's certainly a way to do both achievements on their own... why bother? Start by triggering the gauntlet by running at Skadi, then run all the way back and get in the little room where his undead Vrykul spawn. You'll have to kill the Vrykul that comes running your way, but that shouldn't be to much of a problem. Once you're inside the room, you won't have to worry about Grauf's frost breath. Just kill the Vrykul as they appear (After the initial wave, things slow down considerably) and loot 6 Harpoons (or more if you want to play it safe) - it's better to have the harpoon split up between 3 players rather than have one player with all 6. Once you've got six, run out of the gauntlet area and back into Gortok Palehoof's room. This will reset the fight, but will not make you lose your harpoons.

Skadi will take a few seconds to respawn, before he does, quickly run back to the end of the gauntlet and hide in the room where you got the Harpoons. And have one of your dps run back toward Skadi, this will trigger the event. Your tank needs to be ready, because the initial wave of 20 or so Vrykul will spawn right away on top of your group, just AE them down. When you see the emote that says that Skadi is within reach of the harpoon, have your harpoon holders run over to the guns, and spam him. Unless your groups has a very bad timing or you didn't get enough Harpoon, Skadi will fall. Simply finish him off and you'll earn both this achievement and Lodi Dodi We Love to Skadi.

Lodi Dodi We Love to Skadi - Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty within 3 minutes of starting the gauntlet event.
See My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time, those achievements are usually done in pair. While there's certainly a way to do both achievements on their own... why bother?
King's Bane - Defeat King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the party triggering Bane.
This one only require you pay attention to Ymiron's cast bar. Before he get to any of the boat (80%+ HP) he will use Bane from time to time. Bane has a 2 second cast time (It can't be interupted) and then put a buff on him that deals damage to any who attack him (DoTs don't count) for 5 seconds. So simply put - don't attack him when Bane is up. Just hit Esc on your keyboard when you see him cast it and resume the beating after the 5 second has passed. If you have a Priest or a Shaman, Bane can even be dispelled. Since he only does this ability for the first 20% of his health, a good geared group will usually only see one of those.

The Nexus

Ironically, for such an easy instance, Nexus holds one of the hardest achievement. None of them requires a specific group composition however, and they can all be done in a single run.
Split Personality - Defeat Grand Magus Telestra in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty after having killed her images within 5 seconds of each other during both splits.
In progress. You'd think this would be an easy one, but I've been breaking my own rule here and I've been trying to do it with people who aren't my usual group. Hence, a lot of failure.
Chaos Theory - Defeat Anomalus in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without destroying any Chaotic Rifts.
This is one of the hardest achievement in the game, mostly because of the numbers you need to pull. It is extremely demanding on the healer. The first thing to do once you get in the area where Anomalus is standing, is to clear the room between him and the area for Ormorok the Tree-Shaper, you will need plenty of room to 'kite' this boss, and the last thing you need is to get aggro from some uncleared group of mobs.
Intense Cold - Defeat Keristrasza in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Intense Cold to reach more than two stacks.

The Oculus

You'll quickly develop a Love-Hate... well, just Hate-Hate relationship with this place. With 5 achievements, you'll most likely need to run this place 3 or more time. For the most part, Oculus is about the people, not the gear - you need people who understand how the drake works and are good at controlling them or otherwise you'll never get anywhere.
Amber Void - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake.
Emerald Void - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Emerald Drake.
Ruby Void - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using a Ruby Drake.
Experienced Drake Rider - On three different visits to The Oculus, get credit for defeating Ley-Guardian Eregos while riding an Amber, Emerald, and Ruby drake on Heroic Difficulty.
Make It Count - Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death.


Out of 3 Achievements in Azjol-Nerub, 2 are heavily gear dependent and simply won't be possible until you reach that threshold. However, with a solid group, you can do all 3 in one run.
Watch Him Die - Deafeat Krik'thir the Gatewatcher on Heroic Difficult Azjol-Nerub while Watcher Silthik, Watcher Gashra, and Watcher Narjil are still alive. This isn't an easy one, you need to vastly outgear the boss in under for it to happen.
Hadronox Denied - Kill Hadronox on Heroic Difficulty Azjol-Nerub before he webs the top door.
Gotta Go! - Defeat Anub'Arak in 2 minutes or less. This requires very strong dps to kill him, and clear out the phase 2 elites within 2 minutes. There's no trick to it, you just need the dps to be there.

Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom

The Old Kingdom holds 2 of the hardest achievements in the game and once again requires a good level of gear in order to even attempt. Some of those achievements requires a certain group composition, and unless you have people willing to sit out to let you rotate newer folks in, it's unlikely you'll be able to do them all in one run.

Respect your Elder- Defeat Elder Nadox in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty without killing any Ahn'kahar Guardians.

The Party's Over - Defeat Prince Taldaram in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty with less than 5 people.

Volunteer Work - Defeat Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom on Heroic Difficulty without killing any Twilight Volunteers.

Volazj's Quick Demise - Defeat Herald Volazj in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.


Gundrak probably has THE toughest achievement to acquires in the game (Less-rabi), since it both requires a lot gear and a specific setup - and such setup is then incapable of completing the rest of the instance. The other achievement range from incredibly easy to quite hard on their own right, but due to the specific set up required for Less-Rabi, it's unlikely you'll be able to complete it all in one run.

Snakes. Why'd It Have To Be Snakes? - Defeat Slad'ran in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty without getting snake wrapped. Pretty much a matter of luck and the tank grabbing all the snakes.

Less-rabi - Defeat Moorabi in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while preventing him from transforming into a mammoth at any point during the encounter.

What the Eck? - Defeat Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while under the effects of Eck Residue. If you can get hit by the Residue, the rest is pretty easy. Eck the Ferocious.

Share The Love - Defeat Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty and have 5 unique party members get impaled throughout the fight.

Drak'Tharon Keep

For the most part, the Achievement in this place are more about execution then number, meaning even low gear players have a good chance of completing them. It's quite possible to get them all in one run.

Consumption Junction - Defeat Trollgore in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty before Consume reaches ten stacks.

Oh Novos! - Defeat Novos the Summoner in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any undead minions to reach the floor.

Better Off Dred - Engage King Dred in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty and slay 6 Drakkari Gutrippers or Drakkari Scytheclaw during his defeat.

Halls of Stone

Another easy one to hunt for achievements in. None of them are extremely hard, although both Good Grief and Abuse the Ooze requires a certain level of gear to be feasible.

Good Grief - Defeat the Maiden of Grief in Heroic Hall of Stone in 1 minute or less.

Brann Spankin' New - Defeat the Tribunal of Ages encounter in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Brann Bronzebeard to take any damage.

Abuse the Ooze - Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty and kill 5 Iron Sludges during the encounter.

Halls of Lightning

Quite possibly the instance with the 3 easiest achievements, quite easy to get in one run. You do need a certain level of gear, but you certainly don't need to be in all epics.

Lighting Struck - Defeat General Bjarngrim in Heroic Hall of Lightning while he is Charged Up.

Shatter Resistant - Defeat Volkhan in Heroic Hall of Lightning without allowing to shatter more than 4 brittle golems.

Timely Death - Defeat Loken in the Hall of Lightning Heroic in 2 minute or less.

Violet Hold

The main problem with this instance for achievements isn't the difficulty of them, but the randomness. It can take you forever to get those achievements if you never get the boss you actually need.

Lockdown! - Defeat Xevozz, Lavanthor, Ichoron, Zuramat the Obliterator, Erekem, and Moragg in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty.

Dehydration - Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge.

A Void Dance - Defeat Zuramat the Obliterator in The Violet Hold without killing any void sentries. You simply need enough dps to kill him and enough healing to outheal his Sentry before he kills you.

Defenseless - Defeat Cyanigosa in The Violet Hold without using Defense Control Crystals and with Prison Seal Integrity at 100% while in Heroic Difficulty.

The Culling of Stratholme

Zombiefest has one of the rare achievement that isn't related to a boss, as well has one of the two achievement that is timed. It's possible, if unlikely, to do both at the same time... you'll most likely end up having to run this one twice.

The Culling of Time - Defeat the Infinite Corruptor in The Culling of Stratholme on Heric Difficulty. Aside from getting the Drake, getting the achievement is the other reason why people want to clear the timed event.

Zombiefest! - Kill 100 Risen Zombies in 1 minute in The Culling of Stratholme on Heroic Difficulty.

World of Warcraft

Wrath of the Lich King

This page last modified 2009-03-24 11:52:25.