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Frequently Asked Questions (forum)  

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Forum Markup

To modify text in the forums, there are a variety of markup tags that can be used. The forum uses a system similar to HTML and generic forum markup code, with some differences. Most markup options can be automatically used from the post toolbar. Most text effects require opening and closing tags.

General text:

  • [b] to bold text like this [/b]
  • [i] to italicize text like this [/i]
  • [u] to underline text like this[/u]
  • [s] to strikethrough text like this[/s]
  • [sm] to make tiny text[/sm]


To quote a section of text, use [quote] text to quote [/quote]. To add the name of the person you are quoting, use [quote=nameofperson] text to quote [/quote]

Preserve Formatting:

When creating a new post, the forum system automatically removes extra spaces and line breaks. To preserve that formatting, use the [pre] [/pre] tags as follows:

a           b             c                d
e           f             g                h


The list system is complex, but with practice can be a very powerful tool. There are 4 main list types. numbered lists, lists with a round bullet, lists with a square bullet, and lists with a hollow round bullet.

The basic list item markup is [li][/li]. That by itself will result in a single bullet item of text like:

* single bullet

To generate a numeric list, you enclose the [li][/li] tag inside [ol] [/ol] tags. for example:

[li]item 1[/li]
[li]item 2[/li]

would result in:

1. item 1
2. item 2

To group list items together, you use the [ul] [/ul] tag. The basic [ul] [/ul] tag below:

[li]item 1 [/li]
[li]item 2 [/li]

results in:

* item 1
* item 2

You can also modify the bullet type by specifying square, disc or circle inside the [ul] tag

[li]item 1 [/li]
[li]item 2 [/li]

results in:

  • item 1
  • item 2
[li]item 1[/li]
[li]item 2[/li]

results in:

  • item 1
  • item 2
[li]item 1[/li]
[li]item 2[/li]

results in:

  • item 1
  • item 2



This page last modified 2009-04-20 20:05:22.