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Elite (WoW)  

Some Mobs are especially difficult to defeat, usually requiring more then one player to team up. Those Mobs are called 'Elite Mobs' or just 'Elite' and easy to identify by a golden dragon that surround their portrait as well as the 'Elite' description beside their level in the tool tip.

While in some case, some class can solo some Elites, it's recommended to bring friends along. There is no way to tell if a certain elite is solo-able, requires 2 people, 5 people or even a whole raid to defeat. It's usually better to play it safe.

Elite mobs always have more hp, do damage and take less damage then similar of their level. They quite often have special abilities as well, making them even more dangerous. Elites in the open world are usually there as part of a quest or simply to make the zone more dangerous in unique. Such elites often have better loot then normal mobs.

The majority of mobs in instances are elites, which explain why those are considered group activities.

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-05-21 10:19:26.