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EQ Mob:Urul Twigslam  

You say, 'Hail, Urul Twigslam'

Urul Twigslam pokes the think he's dead. Combine ambassador on the ground in front of him with his stick and sighs.'

You say, 'I think he's dead.'

Urul Twigslam smashes the Ambassador's corpse with his stick and shouts, 'No dead! Dumb man:Where did this small man come from? fake sleep so no play! Wake up, dumb man!'

You say, 'Where did this small man come from?'

Urul Twigslam says 'Dumb man from you mean the Combine? say giants no strong! Say small dragons win! All are all the giants? so strong no lose!'

You say, 'Do you mean the Combine?'

Urul Twigslam says 'Kombon dumb! But maybe you dumb will help you. me?'

You say, 'I will help you.'

You should return to Lceanium and seek out tasks to do there before returning.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2016-10-21 23:13:35.