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EQ Mob:The Mechamatic Guardian  

The Mechamatic Guardian is fought as part of a 12th anniversary raid task (for event information, see this quest entry.

The Mechamatic Guardian is a gigantic clockwork that roams much of the western part of Dragonscale Hills. Don't go anywhere near it unless you need to, as getting in its way will result in a rather unpleasant experience.

It is literally a walking zone (instanced), and may be entered via a door in its foot. You must first have a task from Overvolt Rigster the IV in order to do so.

Besides Guardian Kick hits for ~10,500. Uses Effect Guardian Push back - Pushes you back FAR, fight near a wall!

  • HP Estimate: 2 billion

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2018-04-21 02:35:09.