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Dunesfolk (ffxiv)  


Perhaps the most unique characteristic of the Dunesfolk is their native dwellings -- structures affixed to the backs of large beasts of burden. It is in this way that they are able to traverse the vast desert expanses of the islands which they call home. The luminous eyes of the Dunesfolk are a result of a glossy, protective layer which covers the pupil, an evolutionary response to the region's glaring sunlight.

Many individuals wear a small, traditional gemstone on their forehead, a symbol of their zodiacal sign. They are adamant about scholasticism, placing the advancement of knowledge before all else. Other races tend to perceive male Dunesfolk as introverts who care more for books than the goings-on of the realm. The female Dunesfolk are known as gentle souls with a love for fortune-telling and divination.

Final Fantasy XIV

This page last modified 2010-08-13 20:17:25.