Category:Icons (TOR)  

Star Wars:
The Old Republic

Use {{DispIcon|icon_name|TOR|icon_type}} to easily use any icon.

This page last modified 2011-11-19 08:37:09.

Articles in category "Icons (TOR)"

There are 23 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Armormech (TOR Skill Icon) Artifice (TOR Skill Icon) Bioanalysis (TOR Skill Icon)
Biochem (TOR Skill Icon) Boss (TOR Mob Icon) Credit (TOR Currency Icon)
Dark Side (TOR Force Icon) Diplomacy (TOR Skill Icon) Elite (TOR Mob Icon)
Galactic Republic (TOR Faction Icon) Investigation (TOR Skill Icon) Light Side (TOR Force Icon)
Scavenging (TOR Skill Icon) Sith Empire (TOR Faction Icon) Slicing (TOR Skill Icon)
Strong (TOR Mob Icon) Treasure Hunting (TOR Skill Icon) Underworld Trading (TOR Skill Icon)