Category:Glyph (TSW Item Type)  

The Secret World
Glyphs give secondary stats to items. You can add or switch them into most talismans and weapons. The stats will change depending on which slot they are added; head/weapon give more stats than major talismans and major talismans give more than minor talismans.

Once added, they cannot be removed but can be replaced with a new glyph. In addition quality level of the glyph applies only to the amount of stats they give, so you can add any quality level glyph to any quality level item without changing its required skill level.

The purple quality level 10 glyphs bought from the pvp and nightwatch venders can be upgraded to quality level 10.4 with upgrade kits bought from the same venders.

Defensive Glyphs:

Offensive Glyphs:

Category: The Secret World
This page last modified 2012-12-31 13:46:39.

Articles in category "Glyph (TSW Item Type)"

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