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Category:Enchanting (WoW)  

For information about having items enchanted, see Enchants.

Enchanting is a profession focused on the magical enhancement of existing items.

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What Enchanting Creates

Most of what enchanting produces isn't actually created. Rather, it's a modification of a current item, giving it an additional +2 stamina or +5 intellect or something similiar. There are a few weapon oils that can be put on caster weapons for bonuses similiar to sharpening stones for melee, but this takes a very distant second to the enhancement of gear.

List of Engineering recipes

What Enchanting Requires

The other thing enchanting creates is a use for unwanted items. If you've ever received a random green or a boss drop that nobody in the group can use, it's time to ask if there is an enchanter in the house.

All enchanting supplies come from dismantling other magical items. This process is called disenchanting and destroys the item in the process. However, sometimes this is the best use for an item. (The flavor quote for the card game adaptation of Shadowstrike implies its most useful quality is that it disenchants to a nexus crystal.)

Is Enchanting For Me?

Enchanters are often very popular people. A blacksmith or leatherworker has to make gear that competes with dungeon drops and quest rewards. An enchanter improves upon ANY item.[1] And because the materials come from taking apart unwanted items with a quality of green or higher, it doesn't cater to any particular class. You could easily be a mage or a warrior, and do enchanting. Note that there is also no associated profession, so you are free to pick up a random second skill.

In terms of making money, enchanting is one of the worst, and it is also quite possibly the best. Enchanting materials tend to sell for large sums of gold on every server, and disenchanting is extremely profitable -- if you can find a source of items to disenchant. Every item you disenchant is an item you could have sold, so often enchanters will run lower-level instances by themselves to rack in greens to disenchant rather than just dismantling the items they find normally. People who dedicate themselves to enchanting do not always reap the same benefits, although some with rare recipes do quite well.

The only benefits for being your own enchanter, other than being able to disenchant your own soulbound gear, is a few enchantments that can be bestowed upon rings. While enchantment is very powerful, it is limited to certain equipment slots and each slot can only have certain things performed to it. The enchanter has just a slightly wider spectrum of choices for themselves.


There is no specialization for enchanting.

Enchanting Quests

There are no known quests that are specifically for enchanters.

Quests that require products from an enchanter:

  • please help out by filling in this list

  1. ^ In certain slots.

This page last modified 2008-01-27 10:36:20.

Articles in category "Enchanting (WoW)"

There are 4 articles in this category.


