Category:Challenge (CoS Zone Type)  

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City of Steam
Zone Types
To see all the Challenges available at a specific Dungeon, see that Dungeon's page listed under Category:Dungeon.

Each dungeon listed on the Challenges UI has 3 stars across the top. The first is for completing the dungeon in Heroic mode. The other two are for speed runs. The time is different on every dungeon so it is really not worth trying to list them here. You can view the time-objective by mousing over the star.

In non-Boss Raid challenges, once the Coin and EXP goals in the Dungeon Objectives have been met, no further Coin drops or EXP will be earned.

You are no longer limited to a max of 20 Boss Raid challenges per day but you will receive no rewards after the 20th. This is so you can still help others after you have exhausted your 20. Additional blocks of 5 Daily Rewards Limit may be purchased starting at 95Electrum ($0.92) . You will regain one Daily Rewards Limit every hour, and 10 Daily Rewards Limits every day at 18:00 (server time).

You are also limited to 2 runs per day on any specific Heroic Boss Raid (1 per day on Boss Raids in The Refuge).

This page last modified 2014-04-22 14:16:38.

Articles in category "Challenge (CoS Zone Type)"

There are 66 articles in this category.
