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Category:Brawler (FR Job)  

Free Realms

If you like to scrap with strange, unusual, vicious beasts, then the Brawler job is for you! All experience from combat in the game contributes to Brawler experience.[1]

Job Type: Combat

Leg SweepThe Brawler sweeps all nearby enemy legs, causing 50-70 damage to each.

Rock TossYou launch rocks that stun 3 enemies and cause 53-75 damage each.

PummelThe Brawler attacks the enemy quickly, landing three consecutive blows for 27 maximum damage each.

EnrageThe Brawler goes on a frenzied rampage for 10 seconds, increasing melee damage by 8-12 and critical hit chance by 1%-5%.
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Unlocking Brawler

The Brawler job can be unlocked by initiating a quest line with any of the following NPCs: If you try to enter a dungeon while having no combat job unlocked, a quest will be automatically added to your journal directing you to these trainers!


Brawler is a combat job, meaning that the majority of your levels will come from combat instances. Prowling dungeons and besting enemies in the wilderness will earn you stars, which in turn give you experience, as well as the opportunity to invest the stars into your specialized abilities. As a Brawler, there is also a series of quests that will guide you through your job. These quests will grant you experience; however, you will hit road blocks that prevent you from continuing the quest line until you gain more levels. Your trainers will notify you of this and offer you a reminder quest whenever this happens!


The best way to level up a job is to do the training quests. To get them, talk to the following Trainers.

Quest Series

The Brawler quest series is a branch of three minor lines at the beginning that eventually meet up with Petra in Blackspore Swamp, continuing into the linear part of the series. You only need to go through one of the minor quest lines in order to open up Petra's quests, but going through all three is recommended for the additional stars (experience)! The Art of Brawling quest is optional, and can only be received if you have not unlocked any combat jobs yet. It is highly recommended for members that you do the Shooshbooming quest in Snowhill, as this will allow you to hail Tad Slopeslider and teleport to the top of the slope anytime you want. This is important when you reach the quests from Jeni Shortfuse!

Minor Series: Crossroads

  1. Brawler: Bringing Back Brazenfist from Carlos Brazenfist in Crossroads
  2. Brawler: Honor Lost from Carlos Brazenfist in Crossroads
  3. Brawler: Building Your Rep from Carlos Brazenfis in Crossroads
  4. Brawler: Delinquent Dilemma from Jones just east of Crossroads
  5. Brawler: Bad Business from Jones just east of Crossroads
  6. Brawler: Given to Guard from Sabastian Cabet in Blackspore Swamp

Minor Series: Highroad Junction

  1. Brawler: Hewey's Escape! from Harold in Highroad Junction (unlocks Brawler job)
  2. Brawler: Restless Rumors from Harold in Highroad Junction
  3. Brawler: Growler Encroachment from Gerold south of Snowhill
  4. Brawler: The Growler Report from Gerold south of Snowhill
  5. Brawler: Way of the Brawler from Tevin in Snowhill

Minor Series: Stillwater Crossing

  1. Brawler: Graveyard Grumble from Caitlyn Gravefog in Stillwater Crossing (unlocks Brawler job)
  2. Brawler: Get McGrobie! from Caitlyn Gravefog in Stillwater Crossing
  3. Brawler: Stolen Merchandise from Seth McGrobie in Stillwater Crossing
  4. Brawler: Rightful Owner from Seth McGrobie in Stillwater Crossing
  5. Brawler: Cemetery Security from Virgil Veilmont in Blackspore Swamp

Major Quest Series

  1. Brawler: Prey on the Cray from Petra in Blackspore Swamp
  2. Brawler: Achieve Level 5 from Petra in Blackspore Swamp
  3. Brawler: Splendid Silver! from Petra in Blackspore Swamp
  4. Brawler: Finding a Buyer from Petra in Blackspore Swamp
  5. Brawler: Missing Wallet from Andrew west on the path from Briarwood
  6. Brawler: Missing Money from Andrew west on the path from Briarwood
  7. Brawler: IOU from Andrew west on the path from Briarwood
  8. Brawler: One Man's Junk... from Nurble in the Robgoblin Camp (north of Robgoblin Trove)
  9. Brawler: Curious Key from Nurble in the Robgoblin Camp
  10. Brawler: Achieve Level 10 from Mayor Crystalline in Snowhill
  11. Brawler: An Honest Mistake from Mayor Crystalline in Snowhill
  12. Brawler: Fradulent Buyer from Jeni Shortfuse in Snowhill
  13. Brawler: I Want My Money from Sampson just southeast of Snowhill
  14. Brawler: Achieve Level 15 from Jeni Shortfuse in Snowhill
  15. Brawler: Providing Proof from Jeni Shortfuse in Snowhill
  16. Brawler: Confronting the Crook from Mayor Crystalline in Snowhill
  17. Brawler: Reputation Regained from Mayor Crystalline in Snowhill
  18. Brawler: Fight for Your Right from Rourke Ironfist in Lakeshore
  19. Brawler: Achieve Level 20 from Rourke Ironfist in Lakeshore
  20. Brawler: Paying Your Dues from Rourke Ironfist in Lakeshore


Minimum levels are indicated in parentheses

As with the Warrior equipment, Brawlers have more frequent small upgrades rather than large upgrades every 5 levels. This is apparently to keep their equipment closer to the appropriate level of the damage they are expected to take.


  • Student Brawler (1)
  • Spunky Scrapper (1)
  • Amateur Brawler (1)
  • Feisty Fighter (3)
  • Rowdy Rumbler (5)
  • Pro Brawler (5)
  • Street Scrapper (8)
  • Alley Fighter (11)
  • Ring Rumbler (13)
  • Strong Scrapper (15)
  • All-Star Brawler (15)
  • Buff Bruiser (17)
  • Frenzy Fighter (19)
  • Berserk Bruiser (20)




  1. ^

This page last modified 2009-09-08 10:11:10.

Articles in category "Brawler (FR Job)"

There are 64 articles in this category.



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