Category:Items (TERA)  

As TERA is currently in BETA and none of us are in it (I think) we have little to no information yet on items in TERA or even their format.

Category: TERA
This page last modified 2010-07-07 14:37:19.

Articles in category "Items (TERA)"

There are 11 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Homunculus Darling (TERA Item)
Homunculus Egg (TERA Item)
Homunculus Mewy (TERA Item)
Homunculus Pooky (TERA Item)
Homunculus Tuwangi (TERA Item)
Orb Buy (TERA Item)
Orb Buy and Sell (TERA Item)
Orb Sell (TERA Item)
Prized Homunculus Egg (TERA Item)
Unhatched Egg (TERA Item)