Category:Crafting Supply (Aion Item Type)  

Item Types
The items in this category are used in crafting, and are only sold by Crafting Supply Merchants and General Goods Merchants. They are never found as drops.

Categories: Item Types (Aion) | Aion
This page last modified 2010-07-04 10:59:26.

Articles in category "Crafting Supply (Aion Item Type)"

There are 11 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Anathe Fiber (Aion Item)
Charcoal Briquette (Aion Item)
Fess Fiber (Aion Item)
Iron Acid (Aion Item)
Lesser Precious Metal Dissolving Agent (Aion Item)
Linon Fiber (Aion Item)
Ruko Fiber (Aion Item)
Sobi Fiber (Aion Item)
Tikel Fiber (Aion Item)
Twisp Fiber (Aion Item)
Xilix Fiber (Aion Item)