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Blizzcon 2008 Interviews - Interview with Brian "Wordaen" Kincaid  

"Twas the night before BlizzCon and all through the estate; not a creature was stirring -- except for Tamat, and his first mate. The cellphones and laptops were charging in outlets I swear, in hopes that Leeroy Jenkins soon would be there. The ZAM staff was nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of exclusive content danced in their heads".

...Yeah ok, I think I'm going to stick to my day job, I'm not a poet and I clearly know it. With less than a day before the official start of BlizzCon 2008 I thought it would be a great time to interview our very own Brian "Wordaen" Kincaid..........

Tamat - Hello Wordaen! It's the day before BlizzCon; are you excited?

Wordaen - Extremely! Being a long time gamer, this is a great chance to meet and interact with the minds that brought us the Warcraft, Diablo and Starcraft franchises.

Tamat - Obviously World of Warcraft is going to be your primary focus at BlizzCon. Which parts of WotLK are you most eager to cover?

Wordaen - Well, we have had a huge amount of information about the new class and zones. While the new zones are fascinating and are sure to be even better than the previous expansion, what I am really looking forward to is seeing how the dual talent spec will be implemented. They have been hinting at it so I will be looking to see if they can get it in and workable.

Tamat - What about Diablo III and StarCraft II? Have you always been a fan of those genres?

Wordaen - You know, Diablo was actually one of my first real RPG games. Diablo II gave me a whole new direction in the genre and I still play it to this day. When I heard that they were working on Diablo III and Starcraft II, I reinstalled the original games. Even now, 8 years after the first time I played them, they are still just as engrossing and just as fun as the first day I brought them home.

Tamat - I think Diablo holds a special place in most gamer's heart. It was the first time I had ever played anything that had a real online community. It's always funny to hear how many gamers share the same connection of the original Diablo.

Wordaen - I'd have to agree. For a lot of us, it offers a unique opportunity to leave all that we know behind and become something greater than ourselves.

Tamat - Unique? No way! I fight in demon infested catacombs all the time.

Tamat - Is there anyone in particular from Blizzard or the Community that you're hoping to meet?

Wordaen - I have only been a part of the Allakhazam team for a little over a year so I have not had the opportunity to interact with a lot of the Blizzard staff, but of the folks I have talked to thus far, I would love to meet the team that handles Dungeon design to learn more about how they create these environments for us.

Tamat - Bah! Certainly there is someone from the Community then? No one????

Wordaen - Haha, actually, I have spoken many times to Danielle Vanderlip and I would love to put a face to the name. She and her team have been very forthcoming with my staff here at Allakhazam.

Tamat - Are there any panels in particular that you're most excited about?

Wordaen - Funny that you should ask me that question. Since I am so interested in their dungeon design strategy, I was pleasantly surprised to see that there will be a panel on that very thing. Not only that but to have them showcase up and coming dungeons is simply icing on the cake for me.

Tamat - Last question! Have you come up with any creative ideas to impress the booth babes yet?

Wordaen - Hmm, I actually hadn't considered this aspect of Blizzcon. I think the fact that I will not be dressed as a Tauren or an Undead will be enough of a start, the rest I am sure I will think of when the time comes. You'll just have to wait and see what mischief I get up to!

Tamat - *Laughs* Alright Brian, go get some sleep; we're both going to need it for tomorrow! :)

Wordaen - I don't think I've EVER seen this many gamers all in one place. Must be a stockpile of Mountain Dew and Jolt around here someplace...

This page last modified 2008-10-08 23:08:57.