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wow class:shaman  

RacesDraenei, Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead
Talent TreesProtection, Fury, Arms

All people turn to their spiritual leaders from time to time. Some of the more tribal races have a shaman to fill this role rather than a priest. The shaman communicates with spirits and the elements, and has visions of the future, to guide their people through the darkest of time.

Shamans are no pushovers, however. They possess a variety of potent combat skills in addition to their magic, and eventually wear mail armor along with the option to protect themselves with shields. Many a combatant has fallen prey to a shaman's might, only to cry "Nerf!".

Shaman are capable of healing, although of the four healing classes in the game, they are the weakest at it, preferring to have more of an offensive and combat-oriented focus. Still, they are able to resurrect themselves and then others, and this can be of great benefit to a group deep into a dungeon.

What shamans are best known for in combat are their totems. Long the Horde complement to the paladin, the shaman short-term buff abilities and other temporary effects come from the playing of totems. The shaman eventually comes to master each of the four elements, and has specific totems that are associated with each. One totem of each kind may be active at once.

  • Tanking: fair
  • Healing: very high
  • Damage: very high
  • Utility and support: high
  • Strengths
    • Great versatility, being capable of both melee and magic
    • Good burst damage and quick effects from "shock' abilities
    • Very powerful on support with totems for anyone and everyone
    • Strong healing capabilities to outlast opponents
  • Weaknesses
    • Run out of mana very quickly
    • Are very limited in their totem use during multi-group encounters
    • Cannot greatly effect an opponent outside of 20 yards
  • Usable armor: Cloth, Leather, Mail (at level 40), Shields
  • Usable weapons: Maces and Axes (including Two-Handed), Daggers, Staves, Fist Weapons.

This page last modified 2008-06-09 21:00:44.