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EQ Mob:Cikdew  

  • This mob spawns at +2544, +896.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

Cikdew appears under the bridge to North Karana during the Nights of the Dead period.

You say, 'Hail, Cikdew'

Cikdew says, 'Hello, my pretty! Have you come to [aid] this poor old woman? If not, then go away!'

You say, 'aid'

Cikdew says, 'Ah, good. You see, I am far too old and feeble to manage the difficult task at hand on my own. I need a strong young adventurer like you to help me. Surely this will be a [simple task] for one of your skills, no?'

You say, 'simple task'

Cikdew says, 'Well, you see, there are some things that can only be done during the Nights of the Dead. Some mystical items can only be gathered on these nights or they are not potent. Some magic will only work on these nights. I have need of some very special things that can only be gathered now so that I can make something of use with them. But this all must be done before the Nights of the Dead are over. I really can't explain what I seek until the time is proper, or that will break the magic. Will you [do this] for me?'

You say, 'do this'

You have been assigned the task 'The Witch's Wishes'.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2021-10-16 18:03:19.