Revision as of 2019-02-02 10:39:20
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EQ Mob:Wilcher Rifunuse  

  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): Yes

This vendor contains items that need to be unlocked by lowering faction with Enemies of Tranquility from killing mobs in the Plane of Fear: Revisted or Plane of Hate: Revisted.

Faction with Enemies of Tranquility starts at -1000. Each trash kill in PoHate and PoFear is a -1 to the faction, named are -2, raid targets are -10.

-1000: Nothing (starting faction)
-1100: Nothing
-1111: Everything currently listed (August, Elegant, Extravagant, Glorious, Regal, Resplendent, Stalwart)

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-02-02 10:39:20.