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EQ Mob:Agent of Change (The Grey)  

  • This mob spawns at -1767, -126, 57 east of the Mons Letalis zone line on the wall..

You say, 'Hail, Agent of Change'

Agent of Change says 'Ah, another who thinks themselves worthy. One more that believes they are capable of defeating the greatest of foes. Are you one that thinks they are immune to "danger"?'

You say, 'danger'

Agent of Change says 'So you believe, so you think. As you wish. I can grant you entrance where you are "ready".'

Ssraeshza Temple is now available to you.

You say, 'ready'

Agent of Change says 'Your life is in your own hands.'

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2016-11-25 22:03:37.