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Category:Harvesting (FR Minigame Type)  

Copper Mining
Free Realms
Minigame Types
Minigames > Category:Harvesting

All Harvesting games have the same basic format, rules, special tiles, and strategy for play. The Copper Mining Minigame pictured, at right, is just one example. It does not matter what job you are harvesting for, the play is the same. The text and graphics, and the shape of the board/grid is all that will change.

This game is a grid of tiles that must be manipulated to get the resource tiles to the bottom row of the grid, where they will fall out into your backpack. To do this, you must form chains for three or more tiles by holding down your left mouse button on the first tile, then dragging the mouse to vertically or horizontally adjacent tiles, forming chains. When you have as many as you connect, release the mouse button and they will be removed. You have a limited amount of time, but certain actions can add additional time. Speed is important, but strategy is more important.

There are certain special tiles that have specific effects on game play.

Special Tiles

Star - This tile is a wildcard and will match any other non-valued tile on the grid. Use this to connect tiles that would otherwise be unreachable. Other special tiles may not be chained using star, and you must start on a non-star, valueless, tile.

Solid Stone Blocker - These will make creating matches difficult. This tile cannot be chained together with any other tile, not even other solid stone tiles. The only way to remove them is to drop them to the bottom row, or blow them up with dynamite or C4.

Lock - Unlock these by including them in a chain. Unlocking them does not remove the tile under the lock, but it does remove the lock. You will still need to match the tile that was under it on a subsequent move, so keep this in mind. A good strategy is to break up a longer chain which includes a locked tile into 2 moves; the first unlocking the tile, then the second removing it.

Shooting Star - Creates several new Star tiles scattered across the board.

Tornado - Randomly shuffles tiles on the board. Save these for when you cannot find any chains that will advance your objectives.

C4 - Destroys a bunch of tiles across the board. Not as precise as the dynamite, but it might help you.

Dynamite - Destroys several nearby tiles. Try to drop these down lower on the board before detonating them. Excellent for clearing solid stone blockers.


  • Ignoring the most obvious ingredient, start from the top of the board, making every match you see while working your way down. Once you've eliminated all matches that are not the obvious ingredient, use a shuffle if you have it and repeat. Do the same with any other shuffles you have, but don't blow up any bombs yet.

  • You should now have a board practically full of the obvious ingredient. Start at the top of the board and this time, match the obvious ingredient.

  • Once you have completed matching the obvious ingredient, you want to speed things up. Match as many ingredients as you can. Do not take long looking for matches. Use your tornado or dynamite if you get stuck.

Free Realms
Minigame Type

This page last modified 2009-04-28 15:58:00.

Articles in category "Harvesting (FR Minigame Type)"

There are 13 articles in this category.









Namespace: Fr Minigame