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EQ2 Quest:The Name of Fear  

I got the quest 23 Mar 09, from examining an idol near the end of Kor-Sha. I'm an 80 DE Inquisitor.

Only reward listed is 10,950 status points.

First zone is Butcherblock. Text is:

I have found an idol to the god of fear, Cazic-Thule, resting within the halls of Kor-sha. Something strange happened when I picked it up, like a waking nitemare of some kind. Although it didn't seem to last long and I was released from the grip of terror, I heard a voice within my head that seemed to command me to "find the Harbinger". I do not know of whom this voice may be speaking, but perhaps I can find someone who does - someone who might know the will of Cazic-Thule.

I must attempt to find the "Harbinger" spoken of by the idol of Cazic-Thule. I must locate the Harbinger spoken of by the voice I heard after interacting with the statue. I should search for someone who mmight know the will of Cazic-Thule.

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:
Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2009-04-03 13:30:43.