__DEL__1618791901797's Avatar


Posts: 2
Hello! I'm a former WoW player and a big EQ2 fan. I started playing EQ2 in February of last year and played off and on for a few months. Now I'm playing regularly and loving it. Though I have a toon whom is close to 80, I'm still a pretty big nub and learning new things about the game every day. I've pretty much always been a soloer and when I group it's usually with guildies. Pretty much everyone I play EQ2 with, I've known since my WoW days and they all played EQ/EQ2 for a number of years. I blame them for getting me into this addictive game! :D All of my toons are on the Butcherblock server, you can usually catch me on my toon Ryiena or Kirigan.