__DEL__1592271536492's Avatar


Posts: 4
Combat Skills Level 1H Slashing 200 Archery 126 Backstab 224 Defense 221 Disarm 199 Dodge 193 Double Attack 240 Dual Wield 242 Offense 250 Parry 221 Piercing 242 Riposte 223 Apply Poison 104 Bind Wound 175 Disarm Traps 124 Hide 200 Pick Lock 100 Safe Fall 94 Sense Heading 200 Sneak 200 Pick Pockets 200 Swimming 123 Tradeskills Level Make Poison 250 Equipment: Primary: Soulpiercer Secondary: Trueborn's Dagger of the Dark Ranged: Dragorn Bonebow Ammo: Steel Guardian Arrows Ear: Fabled Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring Ear: Fabled Rune of Conjunction Neck: Shell Inlaid Collar Face: Grimling Contraption Head: Vampiric Coif of the Grave Shoulder: Warded Mantle Finger: Silverine Band Finger: Ring of Exalted Freedom Wrist: Expert's Daybreaker Armband Wrist: Expert's Daybreaker Armband Arm: Expert's Daybreaker Sleeves Chest: Mrylokar's Breastplate Back: Cloak of Greater Pernicity Feet: Expert's Daybreaker Boots Legs: Mrylokar's Greaves Waist: Belt of the Great Turtle Hands: Gloves of the Invader Charm: Charm of Deception Food: Misty Thicket Picnic Drink: Effects: Aura of Rage (Triggered) Invigorate (Triggered) Rune I (Random) Serpent Sight (Triggered)