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Posts: 3
Lu'sh, a Rutian Twi'lek, was born in the catacombs of Ryloth. Her mother, a famous dancer, died when Lu'sh was five years old, so she was brought up by her father and brothers, all of them Ryll miners. Ever since she was a child, she enjoyed dancing and dreamed of one day becoming as good as her mother. However, as poverty plagued her planet, and by pursuing this path she was in danger of being enslaved, or, worse still, never achieving fame, she left her home in search of a better fate in nearby Tatooine. As she is essentially wild at heart, as soon as she arrived, she set off into the deserts alone, hoping her cunning alone was enough to keep her safe. This was not the case, but she was fortunate enough to be saved by a human by the name of Harlan Deep. Gratefully, Lu'sh swore a lifedebt to this man, and is now glad to follow him in his pursuits when he so requires, and serve him as best she can. She has since aquired a strange fetish for dangerous ranged weaponry, which she now actively pursues.