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Posts: 163
Shikubokubo is a curious little (very little) tarutaru, even by taru standards! He is always wondering why everything is as it is. Such as, why do elvaan have huge necks? And, why do mithra love their kabobs so much? Curiosity was what first sparked his interest in adventuring. Now he travels the world, hoping to see new places, try new foods, meet new people and satiate his curiosity. But among all the questions he seeked to answer, one always stood out. What really happened to his parents? It was a dark, cold night. The moon was ominous and the hounds howled far in the distance. The lightning struck with such ferocity that the air vibrated with the buzz of electricity. It was no night for a taru family to be out. The male held firmly onto the chocobo's rein's, his wife sat in front of him, safely between his arms. And in her arms, she carried a tiny bundle of fur, wrapped in a blanket to keep him warm. The chocobo ran through the storm, Windurst was almost in site! Then in a flash of lightning, it happened. The next morning one of the guards on his morning patrol found a small baby, laid still in the dirt, frozen from the cold night. Still wrapped around him was the blanket, with tiny letters across it that read, Shikubokubo. And so the baby was took to Windurst, where it was nursed back to health and raised by one of the locals. As the years went past Shiku's talent in black magic became very apparent. He trained at the Orastery there, with the promise of becoming one of Windursts best mages. Until the day came, when he set off into the world to find the answers he so seeks. And so his story began.....