GDC 2010: EVE Online Tyrannis Preview Video

Throughout its lifespan, EVE Online has constantly found a way to bring new players into their fold. Whether that's through amazing trial plans or constantly updating tutorials, the developers at CCP are always giving their old and new players alike something new to sink their teeth into or experience. With the upcoming arrival of DUST 514 looming in the horizon, EVE Online's dev team has refocused their efforts into helping players establish connections with the planets that they've flown around so many times in the past. With the brand new look given to them in Dominion, each pilot can now meddle with the affairs going on on a given world.

At GDC 2010, we had the opportunity to speak with one of the CCP leaders to learn more about our new planetary affairs, and you can discover those secrets with us by watching our EVE Online preview video! Just keep your eyes moving past the break to explore all the new information.

GDC 2010: North America's First Look at TERA

When the exhibitor list for GDC 2010 was revealed, most people didn't pay much mind to a company calling itself "En Masse Studios." That is, they didn't pay attention until the curtain was dropped and En Masse declared their intent to publish the upcoming fantasy MMO, TERA. Known as "the next generation MMO," TERA has been turning heads not only for its amazing graphics but also for the fact that it finally brings true console controller-type action to MMOs.

We can hear all of your heads filling with anticipation already, so don't wait any longer and keep reading to take a look at our in-depth sneak peek of TERA.

GDC 2010: Allods Online High Level Demo Video

After checking out the latest on Gala-net's Aika Online, next on the GDC docket was Allods Online, the simply stunning free-to-play Russian import that is making many take a second look at free-to-play gaming. Mike B. aka Fony was once again on hand to lend his thoughts on Allods, much like what he did with Episodes 10 and 12 of The BFF Report. This time, however, it was all about high level gaming in Allods. Watch the video below to find out more!


GDC 2010: Aika Online Video Preview

Over the last year, the folks at Gala-net have been busy. Very busy. While a lot of attention has been given to their recently released fantasy MMO Allods Online, they have another contender to the free-to-play crown climbing its way up the ranks and ready to really knock the socks off the PvP market, and that game is known simply as Aika Online. During our GDC 2010 coverage, we stopped by the Gala-net suite and checked in on this intense PvP battler.