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How to make lots of money with DE (guide)Follow

#1 Sep 04 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
33 posts

Last night I made a guide for my fellow guildies how to make lots of money with auctioning and disenchanting. I have made over 1000g with this in a considerably short period of time:P I Made a HTML version of the guide which can be found at click the "Castillos money making guide" link under the enter forum and enter roster).

I havent seen a guide for this earlier so I decided to write my own. IMO these sort of "legal scams" should be made to public so that more people would benefit from them and it would reduce the markets of ppl who use the money they gain from this in a wrong way (ie. sell it for RL cash).

So please check it out and tell me what you think of it^^

PS. I think there is alot of typos in it, but I hope most of you will still get the point^^

Edited, Sep 4th 2006 at 10:14am EDT by Veliv

Edit, Made the html version and added a link to it.

Edited, Sep 25th 2006 at 12:28pm EDT by Veliv
#2 Sep 04 2006 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
sounds good...I will have to try it, my server is a mature one so prices are quite inflated and target audiences are alts...its rediculous...selling a level 15 sword for 1g...
#3 Sep 04 2006 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
GL to you^^ please report how it worked on your server too.

BTW, once sold lvl 15 sword for 40g:D ridiculous

Edited, Sep 4th 2006 at 11:47am EDT by Veliv
#4 Sep 04 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
BTW, once sold lvl 15 sword for 40g:D ridiculous

That's nothing, I've seen level 17 axes (2H) selling for 60-75g and have sold a 19 dagger for 120 to some 60 druid twinking his rogue.
#5 Sep 04 2006 at 5:02 PM Rating: Default
so your guide is basically "use enchantrix"

that's unfortunately not much of a guide in my eyes. i'm sure there's more to it than this, would you care to expand it a bit?
#6 Sep 04 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
laserstein wrote:
so your guide is basically "use enchantrix"

that's unfortunately not much of a guide in my eyes. i'm sure there's more to it than this, would you care to expand it a bit?

It wasn't just "use enchantrix". It was "use enchantrix in this fashion". I'll try it and see. The premise sounds good. In any case, I've been seriously thinking of having a disenchanting alt for those greens that don't sell at the AH anyway, so this just gives me a good reason to do so.
#7 Sep 04 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
that's unfortunately not much of a guide in my eyes. i'm sure there's more to it than this, would you care to expand it a bit?

yep, basicly, altough I have seen tons of guide on how to use auctioneer..

And I think most ppl tend to use encantrix only when selling enchants to calculate the prices, I believe that not too many ppl really know about this feature of it. If they would, the profits we were making would be much smaller.

But nevertheless, I strongly believe that more people could benefit from this, the ones who sell the mats and enchanters too, cause they would basicly ahve much more variety of goods to choose from and it might change the fact that "echanting is the most expensive profession to lvl"
#8 Sep 05 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Veliv wrote:
that's unfortunately not much of a guide in my eyes. i'm sure there's more to it than this, would you care to expand it a bit?

yep, basicly, altough I have seen tons of guide on how to use auctioneer..

Actually, I have questions:
On buying (step 4). Is it better to buy the expensive (blues) or the cheaper items? Is there a quantity vs. quality issue?

On marketing (step 6). Do you usually wait until you have full stacks of mats before putting them up on the AH, or do you do the DE's and then sell partial stacks?

Some hints in your guide might be a good thing.

#9 Sep 05 2006 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
On buying (step 4). Is it better to buy the expensive (blues) or the cheaper items? Is there a quantity vs. quality issue?

Well basicly the items with most profit are listed at the top of the list, be it blue or green, but I have rarely disenchanted blue items cause they usually dont meet my 50% profit rule.. people tend to price blue ones higher cause they are blue:P Maybe if you use command /percentless 30 instead of /percentless 50 more higher lvl items will show up^^

On marketing (step 6). Do you usually wait until you have full stacks of mats before putting them up on the AH, or do you do the DE's and then sell partial stacks?

Werll actually there is a hints section at the end of the guide:P and the last hint in that section is
For some astrological reason, the stacks of one tend to sell better than stacks of 20, keep that in mind if you start wondering why your auctions dont sell

I think that should answer the question^^

will upgrade the guide with this information
#10 Sep 05 2006 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
Veliv wrote:
On buying (step 4). Is it better to buy the expensive (blues) or the cheaper items? Is there a quantity vs. quality issue?

Well basicly the items with most profit are listed at the top of the list, be it blue or green, but I have rarely disenchanted blue items cause they usually dont meet my 50% profit rule.. people tend to price blue ones higher cause they are blue:P Maybe if you use command /percentless 30 instead of /percentless 50 more higher lvl items will show up^^

Actually, I tried percentless 50 first, but so many items showed up that I tried 70 first (got 5 items), then lowered to 60 for the rest. That way, I think I get the most bang for the buck... I didn't go for any of the blues, because I'm still on my seed money of 10G, and they were still out of reach. Possibly after I make a bit more gold...
#11 Sep 05 2006 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
174 posts
You know, DE can make you alot of money if you have a profession which makes blues and greens.

For example, a few weeks back I started a rogue. I started her with LW and Skinning, since this gives you easy greens to begin with, not to mention that selling 4-5 stacks of Light Leather will get you fairly set on monies if you do it 3-4 times per level. Anywho, I got LW up to 225 skinning (with help from a guildie who also skins, this went by uber-fast) and farming items to make high-yield items such as Deviate Scale Belts and Toughened Leather Gloves, etc (If an item has good stats/is blue at a Lv. near the breaking point for PvP (i.e. close to 19,29,39,49) it will sell well to twinks (and not-so-great items sell well to not-so-rich twinks). After reaching 225 in LW, I switched over from Skinning to Enchanting, and then just invested in LW mats. First I made some cheap things with LW so I could get Strange Dusts and shards and all that (I believe chest pieces have a higher probability of dropping shards, but I'm not 100% sure). Then, once my Ench got to 225, I lv. to 35, and then would just make X10 of whatever was orange to me in LW, and then disenchanting all. As I went from 225 to 275 LW, I got enough items to get roughly 14-15 stacks of Dreamdust, about 25-30 Greater Nether, and managed, with those mats, to get my enchanting pretty high up as well. That was my case anyway. If you just want to make money, you can just keep your enchanting solely for d/eing, but I think there's much more profit to be had from making items and d/eing them than buying cheap greens off AH.

Enchanting isn't as much expensive as it is more geared towards a higher level character, since the mats you get depend on the lv. of the gear you d/e (I believe Dream Dust doesn't start dropping until Lv. 40 items, for example). Having a guild helps immensely, since you can go on low-level instance runs (VC and Stockades are prime for this) and get an assload of low greens to get you started on enchanting.

Anywho, I got a bit off topic, but I think this is taking the slow way, and all you get is money out of it, whereas with this method you get not only money, but 300 Enchanting eventually, which leads to making a crapload of money on enchants :D
#12 Sep 06 2006 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
hmm... my guide was basicly about making money with enchanting, not to level it up:P most ppl tend to choose Tailoring/enchanting combo for powerleveling their enchanting cause then you get the mats by drops instead of having skinning as other profession.

But if you want to powerlevel your your enchanting skill with my guide, just stop at step six, this is still half cheaper way than to buying all the mats you need from AH.
#13 Sep 06 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for sharing your guide. I look forward to trying it out myself.
#14 Sep 07 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
Well I decided to go ahead and try this out last night. It does appear like it will work, but it's kinda slow going. I've been running actioneer for a couple weeks so I had some data there already. Unfortunaely, only 15 things showed up under the 50% rule. My mule character only had 2g on him so I couldn't go after the blues that were listed over that. Instead I bought everything I could afford which only added up to 1g. This resulted in only 3 auctions, Strange Dust, Lesser Magic Essence, and Greater Magic Essence, I forget the price of each. Well before I went to bed alst night I check on them. The dust and lesser essense had sold so that was 65s of the 1g I had spent back. The Greater essences were still out with a 1g buyout but I was on that list of servers down for 36 hours so who knows if it sold.

My question is do you normally go for the higher level items resulting in more common high end enchanting items, or the low ones like I did?
#15 Sep 07 2006 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
I usually bought them all out if I had the chance (with the rule 50%). I used to do it bit in qunatity over quality, but I think it would work nicley the other way around too.

Also my server is pretty young so low lvl grrens were easy to get and here fore cheap^^

The good thing is that there are no deposits, so you can put it up and up again untill it sells:)
#16 Sep 08 2006 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
174 posts
It's a bad idea to try to sell stacks of Strange Dust, or even single strange dust. Think about it this way.

You can use Strange Dust to do two things. Either cast really sucky enchants (i.e. +1 Stat to something, maybe :P) or to level up really low level Enchanting. For the former, people don't want a +1 Sta if they can get +7. For the latter, low level greens are so plentiful I've yet to run across the need to buy strange or soul dust, since I could always keep a big enough supply to level. even with random pick ups from grinding and whatnot (This may be based solely on my experience, but having taking 3 Enchanters to Artisan, it may just be a pattern).

If you want to sell stuff, I would suggest farming Elementals for Elemental Fire/Earth/Air/Water, and d/eing crafted stuff from Lv.40+ (Yes, you have to be Lv. 35-40 to do this, since in order to make Lv. 40+ item you need to be beyond 225. However, I feel that in order to make money, you need to be at least at Lv. 35 in order to get your tradeskills to artisan and make useful shiz).

I'm not going against this guide, and I'm sure buying greens for less than the mats and trying to make a profit isn't a bad idea, it just feels like a considerably LONG ammount of time when there are so many ways that you can make money in this game =p
#17 Sep 09 2006 at 1:20 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
Well... my enchanting mole is lvl 20 now, just got 225 enchanting to him:) And he has 800g atm.. some of that has been done with buying cheap items from AH and reposting them for profit and some from disenchanting:)
I think thats pretty good amount for lvl 20..

The main reason I try to figure out these sort of techinuques is that I am too darn lazy to farm:P

But if everybody used this same tactic we wouldnt have anything on the ah:P and if nobody farmed those elementals their price would sky rocket. I like the diversity of this all and my guide is just a one way among others. At the end of the day its up to you how you make your money:)

#18 Sep 09 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Does it make a differance if it's an alt or my main? Because the main I would use it on is only a 24...
#19 Sep 09 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
So far, I've been trying it for 4 days. I started with a seed amount of 10G. Currently, I have 8G37S, lots of unsold mats, and a skill level of 58. Not many people seem to want to buy the expensive mats.

At least it's not a big loss.
#20 Sep 09 2006 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
So far, I've been trying it for 4 days. I started with a seed amount of 10G. Currently, I have 8G37S, lots of unsold mats, and a skill level of 58. Not many people seem to want to buy the expensive mats.

At least it's not a big loss.

At least there's no deposit for listing mats. Just keep listing until they sell. They will, eventually. What are you using to determine the price on the mats?
#21 Sep 09 2006 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
So far, I've been trying it for 4 days. I started with a seed amount of 10G. Currently, I have 8G37S, lots of unsold mats, and a skill level of 58. Not many people seem to want to buy the expensive mats.

At least it's not a big loss.

Like xhepera said, there is no deposit in them, so you can basicly try to sell them forever. I am sure that they will sell eventually, if not try undercutting like 2%, just to put you in the beginning of the list^^
#22 Sep 09 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
sorry for a noob question but..

50% less means that...

after disenchanting the value of the dust-shards is at least a 50% profit?

if thats correct then, it checks the prices of the dust-shards to see the median price?

do i have that part down?

also, 70% less means that it has to be a 70% profit?
#23 Sep 10 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I have a question. Where the devil does Enchantrix get its pricing data? I'm seeing some confusing things. For example, one of the items that came up in my scan was an Opaque Wand. Enchantrix says that it has a value of 40s52c and a 19s buyout. The Auctioneer tooltip shows me a buyout median of 23s and suggests a buyout of 18s05c. Why the discrepancy since these two progs supposedly work together?
#24 Sep 10 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
xhepera wrote:
I have a question. Where the devil does Enchantrix get its pricing data? I'm seeing some confusing things. For example, one of the items that came up in my scan was an Opaque Wand. Enchantrix says that it has a value of 40s52c and a 19s buyout. The Auctioneer tooltip shows me a buyout median of 23s and suggests a buyout of 18s05c. Why the discrepancy since these two progs supposedly work together?

Enchantrix displays the value of the mats from the disenchant.
Auctioneer displays the value of the item if it (rather than the mats from the disenchant) is sold at the AH

xhepera wrote:
What are you using to determine the price on the mats?

#25 Sep 10 2006 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Enchantrix displays the value of the mats from the disenchant.
Auctioneer displays the value of the item if it (rather than the mats from the disenchant) is sold at the AH

I realized/discovered that too late to get back and here and delete my question before someone answered and I showed what a completely clueless newbie I am. ;( Ah well, thanks for the reply anyway. I truly appreciate it! :)
#26 Sep 11 2006 at 1:59 AM Rating: Excellent
33 posts
sorry for a noob question but..

50% less means that...

after disenchanting the value of the dust-shards is at least a 50% profit?

if thats correct then, it checks the prices of the dust-shards to see the median price?

do i have that part down?

also, 70% less means that it has to be a 70% profit?

Yes that is correct^^
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