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#1602 May 01 2018 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Legion: I see what the problem is. You're both trying to find a rational explanation as to why the mom would have the boyfriend arrested, and that's the wrong way to look at it. You're forgetting that to a parent, their kid can do no wrong, even if the evidence is right in front of them. My guess is the mom saw those sideways glances and believes that the boyfriend convinced Syd to trade bodies so he could get with her. She believes it was his plan.

Dan Trachtenberg, director of 10 Cloverfield Lane, will be directing the pilot episode of The Boys on Amazon. I'm only mildly interested in the pilot; It's future episodes where the book gets really out there that I'm curious about.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1603 May 03 2018 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
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17,302 posts
More Teen Titans Go to the Movies. I can't imagine this actually going to theaters. Seems like it's a "2 hour special" that CN would air over and over and over claiming it to be "New" each time... as is there MO these days. "NEW!" doesn't mean new on CN anymore. It just means "We want you to watch now!"

This was pretty funny though.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1604 May 03 2018 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Oh, it'll marathon on Cartoon Network. There can't be any doubt about that. I kind of like the trailer, and my girl likes the cartoon itself so I might see it, but highly doubtful. Between Black Panther, Infinity War, and Deadpool 2 coming up, my movie funds are running dry. I think I'm most curious how they're going to use Nic Cage as Superman. Green Lantern and Wonder Woman's voice actors are both singers, and TTG does break out in song often, so it'd be pretty amazing if Cage started randomly singing.

I don't know if this can be considered an actual trailer, but here's a video of Celine Dion and Deadpool.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1605 May 03 2018 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
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17,302 posts
The opening line of Legion: Apparently, on Legion. Nice touch, instead of the usual "Last Time" shows start with. Who ever is behind the music on this show likes making cover songs with very different feels. Though this Tom Petty song actually sounded very close to the original in feel. Got a bit of Alice in Wonderland theme going on with the music this season.

I still think everything is hinting toward everything being inside Legion.

The show is Legion...

And, a comment on the side, that doesn't fit much anywhere. I have used often to buy games and video game related items that don't make it to the West. And then I start seeing recommendations... and it turns out those Japanese have some pretty interesting Hobbies and History. By the way that link is mildly NSFW. Nothing horrible, but probably not appropriate subject matter.

Edited, May 3rd 2018 11:53pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1606 May 04 2018 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Who ever is behind the music on this show likes making cover songs with very different feels. Though this Tom Petty song actually sounded very close to the original in feel. Got a bit of Alice in Wonderland theme going on with the music this season.
I liked when Lenny and Oliver were breaking into Division 3 and singing "Swinging From A Star." And I was too amused that they used "Tra La La" from the Banana Splits to split Cary and Kerry. Honestly, now that you mention it they really are using a lot of covers. Honestly just didn't notice it. My wife says I need a new hobby, so I'm going to show her that picture.

Speaking of Teen Titans GO! To the Movies, apparently Batman isn't going to just show up and giggle like he does in the show, as they've hired Jimmy Kimmel to voice him.

Edited, May 4th 2018 10:17am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1607 May 05 2018 at 3:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Have you ever wanted to watch Robin Hood fight guys in sports jackets and blow up an armored personnel carrier? No? Too bad.

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1608 May 05 2018 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Too many Robin Hood movies... it hasn't been that long since the last one, right?

There is a new Monkey King series on Netflix. Started watching it, and the opening sequence was like listening to Katara do her opening to Avatar.

But. I still like this version more. As ridiculous as it all was.

Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1609 May 07 2018 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Have you ever wanted to watch Robin Hood fight guys in sports jackets and blow up an armored personnel carrier?
I guess if you ignore I'm one hundred percent lying it totally worked for King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.

Was half watching the intro of last night's Westworld and it took me a second to recognize that was a Bollywood sitar version of White Stripe's "Seven Nation Army." Also kind of weird because wasn't the new park supposed to be with Samurais and such, not colonial India? Is that even an era and setting people would like to visit if they had a time machine? I guess that explains the tiger washing up on shore from the previous episode.

Official Luke Cage - Season 2 trailer. Most notable addition from the teaser is Bushmaster laying Luke out bare handed like a badass. I know it's a trailer, but damn I want to see that now.

Edited, May 7th 2018 11:48am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1610 May 09 2018 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Legion: A nice montage of alternate Davids' Lifetimes, later sync'd up with the life of the current-David. When homeless David goes on his spree and is killed by a version of Kerry (who is also in Division 3 in this reality) it sync's up with a moment that young-Teen David is having an episode and holding his head. Young-Teen David in a police car syncing with Medicated-Working-Class David's breakdown in front of the cops. Young-Adult David in bed with his then girlfriend shaking a bottle of pills, sync'd with Medicated-Working-Class David being told by his sister to take his pills. Happy-Life David playing with his children and wife in a pool syncing up with Baby-David happy in his crib. Only-Slightly-Crazy IRS David (who gets serenaded by a mouse) huffing white-out sync'd up with the Young-Boy David. And a version of himself that has grown old and unable to care for himself. I wasn't certain if that version was a branched the version that got shot in the back by the cops, or a separate version all together. Medicated-Working-Class David who was shot was later shown to also be dead as a grieving young Amy visits his grave.

It's like the version we are currently following has had to live with being aware of all of these alternate realities and possibilities and how they played out. Sometimes with good results (Baby being happy while being aware of Happy-Life David) but most of the time not (Young-Teen David being ****** up by all the bad things happening to other possibilities).

Farouk again saying "You decide what is real and what is not. Your will."

Good song selection. A cover of 'I'd Love to Change the World" in the beginning, followed by a cover of R.E.M.'s "Superman" in the End. And of course, the mouse who sang "Slave to Love". Been a while since I had heard that song but pretty sure it was just the original.

Squid/Octopus showed up again. After 4 episodes of nothing (that I noticed). It was on the fence during the Medicated-Working-Class David's snap with the police. Wonder if it really means anything, or if it really is just a red herring. After nearly every episode in season 1 having something, Season 2 has a couple images in episode 1, and seemingly nothing until episode 6.

Also, I am assuming there are only two episodes left? Another 8 episode season? Smiley: frown
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1611 May 09 2018 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
About to watch Legion.

The guy that plays Murtough in Lethal Weapon, Clayne Crawford, has apparently been let go from the show and Fox is rumored to be looking for a replacement. Which I can't imagine is going to work out, and it hasn't been renewed for a third season yet either, which makes the other night's season ending a dick place to leave the show but it is Fox who regularly cancel good shows and zombie the bad ones ...

Final Space also ended and that show did not go the way I thought it would. Kind of like The Orville, it was a lot more serious and the ending was kind of a downer, even though every episode prologue pretty much eluded to it.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1612 May 09 2018 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
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17,302 posts
I really liked Final Space. I don't watch enough TBS shows to know how they treat shows, and how likely it is to be / not be renewed for another season. I'm hoping it does.

KVN, HUE, and Gary interactions were some of my favorite parts. And even in the end, when KVN sacrifices himself to try to save the ship, Gary has nothing but tears of joy seeing his destroyed body floating in space.

Same goes for the SAMES (pretty sure that's what they were called) In one of the earlier episodes, when future Quinn shows up and the SAMES walk in on her tying Gary up on the bed.

"I am confused."
"Not me, I am strangely aroused."
"I did not think that was possible."

Lord Commander could have been a better hashed out villain though. Not enough of him in the show.

Edited, May 9th 2018 11:51am by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1613 May 09 2018 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Finally got around to Legion. Trying to keep track of stories A through ∞ was certainly a task, but I'm not one hundred percent sure where it fits in the greater narrative, which means having to watch all the episodes again. I liked the Clockwork Orange scene.

I think TBS only recently started doing original programming. Samantha Bee, American Dad, Conan, The Detour, Final Space. Not exactly a huge sample size, or a really long timeline to say but I'm hoping Final Space does get picked up for another couple of seasons. American Dad has passed that point when a show goes on too long and the characters are just kind of bad jokes of themselves.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1614 May 09 2018 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Wait, is American Dad on TBS truly new? Or just "New to TBS".

It was one of those Fox Sunday Night shows. I had assumed it was cancelled and just showing in Syndication on TBS. I recall seeing commercials on TBS, and the scenes being ones I didn't recognize, but there was a whole season or two near the end of the Fox run that I didn't watch. I just assumed it was clips from those seasons.

I asked my brother a few months ago about it too, he also wasn't sure.

Edit: Wiki says season 1-11 on Fox, and then 12+ on TBS... seems it's on 15 right now, still new.

Guess I have something to watch when bored. I enjoyed many of those episodes.

Edited, May 9th 2018 4:05pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1615 May 09 2018 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Legion: It's like the version we are currently following has had to live with being aware of all of these alternate realities and possibilities and how they played out. Sometimes with good results (Baby being happy while being aware of Happy-Life David) but most of the time not (Young-Teen David being ****** up by all the bad things happening to other possibilities).

Farouk again saying "You decide what is real and what is not. Your will."

Yeah. I also got the impression that all of these timelines were more or less about the impact his sister had on him (it's presumably his inner turmoil after realizing his sister was killed/whatever and replaced with Lenny). Well. Mostly. I suppose it also gives us a bit of insight into his mind and how it works (or doesn't).

I'm honestly becoming a bit less enthused about the show. I like me a bit of weirdness, but I also like for it to have some kind of direction/point. I'm concerned that the shows producers/writers might be falling into the "Lost" trap of just writing random stuff, not explaining it, and assuming the audience will just fill it in with their own speculation details, only to never actually reveal anything. Dunno. At least the first season there was some movement and direction. Introduction in the institution, break out from the institution, meeting and interacting with the other mutants, exploring his powers, gradually realizing the presence of the Shadow King, the fighting against him, eventually ejecting him, then him escaping to cause more mayhem. This season? Not really much at all has happened. We jump to them working with last seasons enemies, with minimal explanation, David shows up, we spend a lot of time on silly back and forth stuff between him an Farouk. He's looking for his body. David wants to stop him. Did this really need to take 6 episodes? Tons of strange stuff, but none of it's really necessary to tell the story. And if you're right and there's just two episodes left, there isn't really much story to this entire season at all. Last season, the amount of weirdness was just about right. This season it seems like they've gone farther in that direction, and I'm not really liking it that much. Of the various shows I'm following right now this is the one I'm actually least enthused about. It's almost starting to feel like a chore: "I guess I have to slog through this episode's 80% random silliness to see if there's some kind of plot movement. Again."

Dunno. I do like the visuals, and music. But I really wish they'd move on with the story. It's really starting to feel like they're just stretching. A lot. Honestly, if I wasn't a huge fan of the original source, and really want to see what they do with it here, I'd probably be dropping it about now (ok, probably wait to see how this season ends). I'm not sure if it's worth the time to find out where they eventually go with this. If they ever actually do. Or if they just keep stringing the story along. And it's seriously starting to look like that's all they are doing.

Good song selection. A cover of 'I'd Love to Change the World" in the beginning, followed by a cover of R.E.M.'s "Superman" in the End. And of course, the mouse who sang "Slave to Love". Been a while since I had heard that song but pretty sure it was just the original.

Yes. It was the original. No modification at all. And yeah, the music is one of the few things I'm actually really liking about the show still.

Squid/Octopus showed up again. After 4 episodes of nothing (that I noticed). It was on the fence during the Medicated-Working-Class David's snap with the police. Wonder if it really means anything, or if it really is just a red herring. After nearly every episode in season 1 having something, Season 2 has a couple images in episode 1, and seemingly nothing until episode 6.

Honestly? Maybe I'm just down on the show right now, but my current bet is that it has no meaning at all, except to put there to have people go "OMG. What does it mean?". I might be a bit cynical though.

Edited, May 9th 2018 6:58pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1616 May 10 2018 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
The Predator official trailer. Doesn't do a thing for me.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1617 May 10 2018 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
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17,302 posts
Batman Ninja, another DC animated film. It was probably the strangest of all of the animated films I have watched.

The art style was comic meets manga, with old Japanese art themes. And the story is heavily influenced by various anime themes. Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley all have the same bust size. Which since it's anime-inspired, is massive. Joker looks like Kefka from Final Fantasy.

Tara Strong voices Harley, but Mark Hamill did not voice Joker Smiley: frown. Though it doesn't appear that English is the original. Going only by the way the voices/lips line up, I hadn't actually looked up which was the original language.

The animation style is well done, makes it interesting. The story and way it all plays out is pretty good too, and the overuse of the anime themes make it quite funny at times.

Flash: More council of Wells. This time, the rejects. Devo has grown kind of dull. Just waiting for them to wrap him up now.

Apparently Adult Swim renewed Rick and Morty of an insane 70 episodes. At the rate Justin and Dan were kicking out the first seasons, that's like renewing Rick and Morty for the next couple decades.

And I realized I haven't watched Arrow in almost 2 months. I have 7 episodes on my DVR.

Edited, May 10th 2018 8:58pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1618 May 10 2018 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
On the subject of shows that have lost their interest, I've more or less given up on Lucifer. At first adding Cain seemed like an interesting choice, but this love triangle thing they've got going on is just boring. That, plus the whole shtick where the current murder case teaches Lucifer some lesson about being more human is getting more than a little thin.
#1619 May 11 2018 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Apparently Adult Swim renewed Rick and Morty of an insane 70 episodes.
Sounds suspicious to me. For one, the show has had 31 episodes, so 70 episodes puts it right at syndication numbers. And I've never heard of any network ever purchase more than two seasons at a time, and even in those cases it's usually greenlighting a new season before the next season airs, and even that is usually only the first two seasons.

Gotham went basically full Killing Joke, except used Alfred and Bruce instead of Barbara Jr and Gordon. And they shot and crippled Selena at the end of the episode, presumably to avoid people associating it with the "rape scene" from the book, which I think was a stretch to begin with but whatever. Jeremiah as NotJoker is less interesting than Jerome as NotJoker.

I know I watched Flash, Lucifer, and Arrow but for the life of me nothing really stands out for either show worth mentioning. The Council of Welles are always amusing distractions, but since Dibny got body snatched the show has definitely lost some of it's steam. I think since Cain and Lucifer stopped working together and started working against each other Lucifer lost it's steam as well. And I think Arrow lost it's somewhere in the second or third season.

Deadpool 2's initial reaction has been released into the wild, and it's almost entirely positive. Though someone said they thought it might be better than Infinity War and for the life of me I can't imagine that as a possibility, just from a technical stand point. Apparently Peter is the break out character.

Speaking of Fox, they've officially cancelled Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Last Man on Earth, and The Mick. I've only seen Nine-Nine and liked what I saw, but didn't feel it was a must-see type show. The other two I didn't see a single episode but apparently they had their followings. And following their cue, apparently SyFy has canceled The Expanse. I'm not into space sci fi, but I've only ever heard good things about it.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1620 May 11 2018 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I'm surprised The Mick had any following. Granted, I never saw it so maybe I'm wrong but the promos made it look like "Sweet Dee Minus The Always Sunny Gang" which didn't look like a winning formula.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1621 May 11 2018 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
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17,302 posts
I had seen a few bits of a few episodes of The Mick. The only impression I was left with was "Hot Teenage Daughter". I thought it was already cancelled a while back when I heard a new season had premiered.

I used to watch Brooklyn Nine Nine, and really liked it. But they shifted the schedules a while back and it just didn't work for me or my DVR. Same with Last Man on Earth. I liked both their comedy styles, but eventually the schedules didn't work with what I wanted to watch and record, and I just fell behind. Is that show Ghosted still going on Fox?

At this rate, makes you wonder why Fox still bothers trying to make Live Action shows? Their viewers have all pretty much given up on them these days. Why bother watching even if you may like it, if it'll be cancelled. I'm sure the two issues create some sort of feedback loop.

Expanse wasn't bad. I watched I think a season and a half. Never finished the second season, not because it was bad, but again, too much other stuff. After a point I didn't feel like trying to get back.

Edited, May 11th 2018 3:32pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1622 May 11 2018 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
At this rate, makes you wonder why Fox still bothers trying to make Live Action shows?
Throw enough spaghetti against a wall and eventually something'll stick, I guess. Just posting to add that Lucifer and The Exorcist have also apparently gotten the heave ho.

And while we're on the subject and on a bus, in ABC news, Inhumans, Quantico, Designated Survivor, Alex Inc., Ten Days in the Valley, Deception, The Crossing, The Mayor, and Kevin (Probably) Saves The World have all been canceled. Inhumans was horrible and glad to see it go, but Alex Inc was kind of cute but not really worth the watch.

Edited, May 11th 2018 7:39pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1623 May 11 2018 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Too bad about The Expanse getting the axe. The second season was hit and miss, but the third season has been pretty solid so far. I hope they don't end it on a cliffhanger that will never get resolved.
#1624 May 11 2018 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
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17,302 posts
I kind of wanted to watch Alex Inc. I really enjoyed Scrubs. Used to watch it after work on Comedy Central regardless of what episode was airing. Trailers seemed like he was playing the same type of character. Never got around to it.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1625 May 12 2018 at 8:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been saved by NBC (which I guess owned it anyway) and will get a sixth season over on their network.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1626 May 13 2018 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
And Lethal Weapon has a new star. Stiffler.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
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