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i hate this type of playerFollow

#1 Apr 27 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
396 posts
ok just to announce another qualified player to add to you sh*t list


im in a party with him (him and othe rpt members are JP) so they are saying stuff like 3 0 Minute ? OK??

so i said {I don't understand.}
here is how the convo wen after that

Bedupa: {Samurai} {Silence} {Can i have it?}
Me: {What?} {I don't understand.} {I'm sorry.}
Besupa: NA {Too weak} {Goodbye!}

then he made more comments such as JP > NA

so hes a grade A Assh*le, just wanted to get his name out and explain my experience with this asshat

anybody else have problems with him or wta

anywya i felt like goin

/t Besupa {You can have this.} NA {Bomb toss} >>> Hiroshima

but its not really worth having to tell a GM to just f*ck off....
#2 Apr 27 2006 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
You could have called a GM on Besupa. >.>

And if I see him/her in ballista, I'll be sure to get everyone after him/her.
#3 Apr 28 2006 at 12:08 AM Rating: Default
Wow that guy was an asshat....i kinda lol'd at the bomb toss thing, kinda offensive though.

But i just have 1 question: How did you not understand what "3 0 minute OK?" meant?
#4 Apr 28 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
118 posts
Well the remark about hiroshima that you have printed above is completely out of order and you sound like a complete ***.

And no i aint japanese.
#5 Apr 28 2006 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
396 posts
2 things

i didnt understand what 3 0 minute? meant because they werent talking to me, we kept moving camp around because the supposedly "JP>NA ppl" invited a JP NIN/THF so we needed to wait fo rhim to change subs plus there was other japanese font next to it and all i really said was {I don't understand.}

and as for the OP

i really dont care what you think, if somebody wants to say NA < JP
i just want to remind them about how we can be just as tough as them...they should know better than to insult us (especially when we do nothing wrong, unless asking them to use the auto translate function is all of a sudden wrong)

and another thing that JP made fun of u too, so really i was defending you ^^

anyway they guy was just an *** and i called him a {child} and everything

but the {Bomb toss} thing i never actually said it to him.....just REALLY REALLY wanted matter how "out of order" it would have been.......correct me if im wrong, but isnt saying JP>Na NA {Too weak} those seem out of line as well am i right?
#6 Apr 28 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
some people just need to learn some humility -_-
Potius mori quam foedari.
#7 Apr 28 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
I hate people who don't have any kind of sense of humor. People get way too damn serious about this game sometimes.
#8 Apr 28 2006 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
srsly. but i dont like it when people are ******** to me, either. especially not jps.
Potius mori quam foedari.
#9 Apr 28 2006 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
If people are being jerks or whatever to me, I ignore them. They're probably half my age anyway (10).
#10 Apr 28 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
711 posts
OK I give up. What does "3 O Minute? OK?" mean?
#11 Apr 28 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
535 posts
{I have stuff to do, gotta go!}

There are several ways to look at this. I agree that the JP player in question was rude, no doubt about that. At least im my opinion, whenever I have a JP player in my party who doesnt understand english I do my best to try to communicate to them and let them know whats going on using the translator function. And it works out ok.

Alot of times when we are discussing other things in party using english, the JP players do not know what we are planning, like in this scenario, NA player had no clue. For example, NA palyer #1 has to go soon, posts notice in party chat using english.... this can sometimes confuse the JP player that the entire party is dibanding in 30mins instead of one player.

THey where probably discussing something amongst themselfs, and would likely (hopefully anyawy) inform you of information you need to know. To use auto translator to explain stuff of little relevence is pointless anyway. There is no auto-translator for {DOnt worry about it, eh?} >:P

Outside of that, the remaining comments where uncalled for. What we have here is a failure to communicate.

NA>JP was uncalled for and rude

But. {Bomb toss} Hiroshima shows total lack of common decency. No matter what the reason for even remotly saying or thinking it. There are way better ways to deal with a minor issue than to resort to garbage like that.

Edited, Fri Apr 28 17:11:52 2006 by DexxH
#12 Apr 29 2006 at 6:53 AM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
The fact that you even thought about saying something like that makes you seem like a total *******, no matter what someone said or did to you on a video game. How can you even joke about something that killed so many people in real life? As Americans,that event may have ended a war for us, but it is not a joke. YOU are the {child}, and both of you should be added to the **** list.
#13 Apr 29 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
622 posts
I love the way everyone seems to ***** about Japanese i party with them alot cause of my time zone i've never run into this whole NA>>JP/JP>>NA bs you all seem to say about ive had nothing but complements for the way i play and have made some japanese friends along the way.

If one does say something then they normally end up being kicked cause of the rudeness one of the best japanese i have had the honour of working with was called bristol she rocked as a pld and we even talk from time to time and even though her english is not the best she makes the time to try to talk to me.

Oh and on the horoshima>>{bomb toss} how could you even think such a thing

Edited, Sat Apr 29 12:34:05 2006 by hixxi
#14 Apr 29 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
396 posts
i dunno guys, he gave me sum pretty nasty tells, saying stuff like NA toow weak and stuff like we shouldnt be playing

and of course i would NEVER say the {bomb toss} thing to a JP player im not THAT bad he just pissed me off to that point

he did all that stuff above then kicks me out of party wen mob was after me so they couldnt fight it and i couldnt get any helpand while i was getting hit for watever dmg he sent a tell "^^ {Goodbye!}" but i called for help and the other JP players that deserve to be on the white list chimed in to help, while the arrogant Besupa just stood there and watched he put "..." cuz he was mad that his fellow party members helped

and anyway i got a tele from the blm, even tho he told the blm not to warp me
and he kept it up
he told the whm not to heal me and the blm not to warp me wen i had to go
he was trying to get me to pull even tho HE was the RNG and on top of that he was telling me SAM {Too weak} and also how to play SAM even tho im lvl 70 and know how to play my own damn job

now u guys tell me if its not at least a LITTLE understandable y i would THINK of syaing it, even tho i wouldnt have no matter what
#15 Apr 29 2006 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
i like besupa (:

hes cool

was probably just kidding around about the na too weak thing

i do ENMs with him alot, hes really a cool guy, could care less about you being na or jp, if he says anything hes just kidding around.
#16 Apr 29 2006 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
535 posts
now u guys tell me if its not at least a LITTLE understandable y i would THINK of syaing it, even tho i wouldnt have no matter what

There is something inherently wrong if that was your first thought to the situation at hand mate, no matter what happened between you and one other jackass, who happened to be JP

Lets put this into perspective, if the player had been NA, would you even remotely THINK about making a comment about the World Trade Ceneter?

I would certainly hope not, so what makes your mention of Hiroshimi any better? ~Rhetorical Question, there is no answer other than there is no difference.

Weather you would actually say it or not is irrelevent, you already mentioned it casually, which, no matter what you say to justify it, is beyond dis-respectful. No matter hw you look at it, its wrong. Period.

If you have trouble with an INDIVIDULE, it requires INDIVIDULE attention. Say what you want about whoever the individule was, but dont drag their entire ******* culture into it.

#17 Apr 29 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
396 posts
i didnt even sya it in never went into type, and the only reason i was thinking about it is cuz, NA van certainly > JP if we felt like it

i dont care what anybody thnks about this im not going to sit there and get insulted and treated like **** while im pating to play and have a good time to escape real world stress, so sue me for wanted to put this dumb ***** in his place, i dont like hearing NA{too weak} or anything like that

no JP > NA syaing that is disrespect and quite frankly, i dont care if its a joke, i dont like hearing it, cuz first off it snot true, we are actually equal, but wen sumbody goes to the point to just make ur gaming experience absolute ****, sumthing needs to be done, these type of ppl need to just shut the f*ck up. now ur right its VERY disrespectful and i would never insult any one / entire culture like thta, but at the time, believe me i felt like jumping thru the screen and breaking his jaw in 3 different places

the {bomb toss} thing is out of line ur right it should be taken up with the INDIVIDUAL not the CULTURE

that doesnt change the fact that he walks around saying NA < JP
and it also doesnt change how badly i wanted to jump thru the screen and smash his face with a lead pipe

anywya i see it was wrong, but it seemed funny at the time to be honest
#18 Apr 30 2006 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Lets put this into perspective, if the player had been NA, would you even remotely THINK about making a comment about the World Trade Ceneter?

Exactly. But actually, there is a slight difference. On Sept. 11, about 3000 people were killed in the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and the flight that went down in Pennsylvania. Between the 2 bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, no definite number was ever determined as far as casualties, but it is estimated that between 100,000 and 200,000 civilians died in those 2 attacks.

Both of these events were tragic, and the dead need to be respected, not spit on like they meant nothing, which is exactly what your juvenile comment did. It is just as disrespectful to justify it as to say it.

What makes it worse is instead of just admitting it was wrong and apologizing for whom you may have offended, you continue to defend yourself as if something said in a VIDEO GAME, in reference to skill in a VIDEO GAME, makes your comment justifiable. I could give a rats *** if you actually said it to him or not, you said it here.

it never went into type

anywya i felt like goin

/t Besupa {You can have this.} NA {Bomb toss} >>> Hiroshima

Wanna rethink that?

so sue me for wanted to put this dumb ***** in his place

and it also doesnt change how badly i wanted to jump thru the screen and smash his face with a lead pipe

Yeah, I think that's pretty much the jist of what people are thinking about you right now. ******* jerk.
#19 Apr 30 2006 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
if he says anything hes just kidding around.

And that makes it ok for him to repeatedly insult someone? Especially a complete stranger who has no idea he's just "kidding around"?

No, I'm afraid he was being a jerk. Just because he's nice to you, doesn't mean he's not a total prick to someone else, and in this case, he was very much so.
#20 Apr 30 2006 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
396 posts
alright alright i understand even thnking it was wrong, he just got me heated to that point, it IS a video game, i understand that, but its a video game i pay $13 a month to play and i dont expect some foreign player to make my experience ****....i do understand it was wrong, i also dont care, he heated me to the if even thinking about it is wrong...then sue me because thats wat popped into my head. i was thinking about insulting him, not th eculture, i was too mad to give a second thought to the japanese culture, so yes i see it was wrong, dont try and tlel me i didnt, i put it here, not in the game. i see boards about having sex in the game and **** kids arent supposed to hear, they dont learn that in school, many kids play this game, but i dont see you people thrashing them for saying *******, or eating a mithra out, or saying {Mithra} {fun} {hole} {Can i have it?} {You can have this.} {Incredibly tough} {elvaan} {meat} {rod}, yet i make one comment about sumthing we DO learn in school, its a fact it happened, perhaps i was tyring to educate Besupa about an event in history.

nobody says SH*T about ppl saying sex related things, or seducing a mithra in your mog house on your new bronze bed, but i get beaten with a stick because i related an event to sumthing kids SHOULD know about, its american history for petes sake....

its just a game, this thread was made to explain my experience with the player, and to add him to your ******** if you have had a similar experience, cuz its not just you that hes been an *** to.

and anyway im sorry for the bomb thing, i knew it was wrong from the start and thats y i said it here and not in game, but hey even tho that was way out of line, it still doesnt mean sum1 can make your game experience sh*t like that, i dont care wat a damn person says, im sure many cna agree with me, wen sumbody tries to make a game you PAY REAL MONEY for, not fun anymore, u really cant sit there and take it like a *****, at least tell the guy to f*ck off.

the guy wanted me dead, he insulted ALL NA, he was trying to tell me how to do my job, he wouldnt let the WHM heal me, he wouldnt let the BLM warp me wen i had to go, he kicked me from party wen i had hate, so nobody could attack it, and i would die, get no raise and have to bp with LESS exp than i started his pt ppl those of you who agree with me about standing up and defending yourself when somebody turns ur gaming experience to **** like this (even tho i know i went a bit to far with the bombtoss thing), please say something here and let me know im not alone.....

Edited, Sun Apr 30 11:06:29 2006 by PavkoLak
#21 Apr 30 2006 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Actually, despite what you may think, I'll support you on the comments you just made. No one should be able to ruin your gaming experience, which you pay hard earned money for. If not for the insensitive remarks about Hiroshima, I probably would have supported you whole-heartedly.

This guy was obviously a real jerk, and deserves to be blacklisted or called out here on the forums. I have never said otherwise.

One last thing though:

perhaps i was tyring to educate Besupa about an event in history.

Let's not even pretend for one minute that this was your motive. Also, an insensitive comment about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people is no where near the same thing as making sexual jokes. I'm sure your tired of defending yourself and your silly remarks, so please think your next ones through.

and anyway im sorry for the bomb thing, i knew it was wrong from the start

That was a good start, you should have left it at that.
#22 Apr 30 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
396 posts
ya i know...i wa smad wen i typed up the post and stuff, i kinda figured after i posted it i was gunna get thrashed for it, i understand completely thta it was wrong and i apologize, im usually not that mean, but then agian, i never get pushed thta far
its over but ya he is a total jerk....
#23 Apr 30 2006 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts
You shouldn't hate anyone.
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