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Titan/Ramuh Prime BattlesFollow

#1 Apr 22 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
622 posts
Ok i want to setup a battle for these two primes i want the doggie -_-;;.

Im RNG66/NIN33 ingame

Send me a Tell if you want to join cause im getting sick of not being able to get these two >.<;;.
#2 Apr 22 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
1,137 posts
*FLAME ON* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH no way in hell is lvl 66 rng gonna get invited to fight fenrir :P *FLAME OFF* but i am trying to fight ramuh some time soon for my last whisper. if i can get a decent party setup i wont mind tanking it lol
Potius mori quam foedari.
#3 Apr 22 2006 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
*FLAME ON* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH no way in hell is lvl 66 rng gonna get invited to fight fenrir :P *FLAME OFF*

HAHAHHAHAHA i won with a regular exp setup which included a thf.

hixxi let me know someday i'll go do it with you. just need a healer. well... any whm 40+ is more then fine for the basic avatars.

Diabolos is easy as hell too. He died before our 2hours wore off..

Name: Etho
Server: Lakshmi
Allegiance: Bastok Rank10
Linkshells: StarsOfDestiny, ValiantKnights
Mnk75 / Sam75 / Nin75 / Rdm75 / War40 / Thf37 / Rng37 / Whm37 / Dnc37 / Blm19
Cooking 100 & Raw Fish Handling
Relic: MNK 4/5 - SAM 4/5

If a Galka acts superior... well I'm sure he is! ^^ -- Sleeplessspider

I'm elvaan... I'd miss the floor if I dropped something -- Xtreamfx
#4 Apr 22 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I'm willing to solo the avatars if I have a free moment. /tell me in game...
#5 Apr 22 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
1,137 posts
lol diabolos prime is no pushover, he can **** you up fast.
Potius mori quam foedari.
#6 Apr 22 2006 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
mnk x4, whm, rdm/drk. battle lasted about 50 seconds

Name: Etho
Server: Lakshmi
Allegiance: Bastok Rank10
Linkshells: StarsOfDestiny, ValiantKnights
Mnk75 / Sam75 / Nin75 / Rdm75 / War40 / Thf37 / Rng37 / Whm37 / Dnc37 / Blm19
Cooking 100 & Raw Fish Handling
Relic: MNK 4/5 - SAM 4/5

If a Galka acts superior... well I'm sure he is! ^^ -- Sleeplessspider

I'm elvaan... I'd miss the floor if I dropped something -- Xtreamfx
#7 Apr 22 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Ramuh's done. I'm game for Titan at another time.
#8 Apr 23 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
1,137 posts
mnk x4, whm, rdm/drk. battle lasted about 50 seconds

well thats all well and good if youre a 75mnk whm or rdm/drk lol... but for those of us who dont always use (or just dont have the option to use) setups like that...hes pretty damn hard >_< and he can resist stun too...hes killed me a few times in reg pt setup before cuz he started resisting

Edit: oh yea, like hixxi said, ramuhs done, got my moon bauble and im up for doing any/all of the avatars again :P (damn ramuh hit me with his 2hr for 1700 damage <_< killed hixxi too but i dont remember how much damage he took

Edited, Sun Apr 23 14:05:10 2006 by DeathbbeckonsLakshmi
Potius mori quam foedari.
#9 Apr 23 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Wrong place for this, I suppose.

Edited, Tue Apr 25 18:26:53 2006 by TaruBeneathTheTaru
#10 Apr 23 2006 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I can do Titan for you no problem.

Oh.. as for my thoughts on Neejee's post above. That's retarted to pay. There are plenty of BLMs willing to do it for free to get their pole. Same goes with Fenrir runs, nobody pays for those anymore. Asking someone to pay for that is like charging for a raise.
#11 Apr 23 2006 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
1,137 posts
lol...just lol.... *thinks back to how some blms would replace lost orbs in the event they lose a ksnm fight* .... *now thinks upon the fact that you are gonna have to pay at least 500k and may not end up getting it done some way or another* off lol

yea just do it like a real party... if you wanna be a lvl ~60 leech doing this **** and you can afford then by all means youll just miss out on the fun and sense of accomplishment that comes from beating diabolos in a non-burn setup
Potius mori quam foedari.
#12 Apr 24 2006 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, no one pays? Tell that to all of our customers, we've had about six in the last two weeks. If you have a problem with it, thats great, but I already said don't bring it here.

Btw, I think its much more -fun- to manaburn him.
#13 Apr 24 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
lol...just lol.... *thinks back to how some blms would replace lost orbs in the event they lose a ksnm fight* .... *now thinks upon the fact that you are gonna have to pay at least 500k and may not end up getting it done some way or another* off lol

Did you even read what the hell I said?

Because of the fact that its NOT fool-proof, you are only required to pay a little of it right away. In the event that we lose, we try again the next day, until we get it right. The chances of losing with us is about 1/5.

They are required to pay a little up front, so we know we didn't just lose our EXP and time for no reason if they choose not to do business with us again. There is a certain element of luck in all setups of Diabolos, and because of that, we cannot be held accountable if he breaks through a Stun to use Nightmare. It happens, and there is nothing we can do about it.

#14 Apr 24 2006 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
1,137 posts
well im gonna take back what i said cuz i was really tired when i said it and was thinking on extremely improbable situations just forget i said it
Potius mori quam foedari.
#15 Apr 25 2006 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I was up all night and didn't get a /t Hixxi. I turnned in my whisper so I can do it today when I get off work. Just send me a /t later, I don't have anything else planned. If you know someone else that needs it feel free to grab them too.

To Neejee,

First of all, the thread has nothing to do with Diabolos, so you're tossing in your two cents when no one wants it. You completely hijacked Hixxi's thread to put up your Ad. I don't know why, maby because if you started your own thread people would ignore it like the rest of your posts. Then, after hijacking the thread, you have the nerve to say:
If you have a problem with it, thats great, but I already said don't bring it here.
Last time I checked this was a public forum and we can post what we want. However, people try to be respectfull of the origial posters question or subject most of the time. I suppose I could take this up in game with you, but that would require me taking you off of my black list and listining to your endless ranting and skewed game morals. No Thanks.

Don't feel bad though, maby you can take pride that you are the first and only person to ever be on my blacklist in 2+ years.

Edited, Tue Apr 25 14:30:47 2006 by SpotTaru
#16 Apr 25 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really not offended to be on your blacklist, everyone in our linkshell knows you tried to start **** with me 24/7. I find it ironic that you have the nerve to talk about blacklisting me when I would have never said two words to you, ever, if you hadn't opened every linkshell conversation with nonsense like, "Hey Neejee, have you soloed Vrtra recently?". Its really not my problem that you couldn't solo a Tiny Mandragora.

And the only reason I advertised Diabolos, is because I skimmed and saw multiple posts about him, and seeing as how the main point of this thread was to get avatars, I assumed that when they mentioned him, they were talking about getting him. I didn't hijack anything, thank you.

HAHAHHAHAHA i won with a regular exp setup which included a thf.

I think he was referring to the fact that he is too low to provide anything beneficial to the fight, not that his job wasn't welcome in general.

Edited, Tue Apr 25 14:50:54 2006 by TaruBeneathTheTaru
#17 Apr 25 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
823 posts
Btw, I think its much more -fun- to manaburn him.

Urge to flame.....rising........

Calm-deep, cleansing breaths

Serenity now... Serenity now.....
#18 Apr 25 2006 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
Btw, I think its much more -fun- to manaburn him.

Urge to flame.....rising........

Calm-deep, cleansing breaths

Serenity now... Serenity now.....

A good amount of men in the world enjoy dressing up like women, why is it so unbelievable that I find enjoyment in killing things with magic only? I got my Diabolos' Pole in a standard run, that went extremely smoothly with only two of us in red at the end, I just didn't think it was all that much fun. Theres nothing wrong with disagreeing with what someone likes to do, but I don't think "flaming", would be the appropriate way to go about it.

Asking someone to pay for that is like charging for a raise.

Raising someone(usually) doesn't involve any risk, it simply requires you to travel a short(or long distance, which if I were to raise someone in Castle.O, while I was in Jeuno, I would charge, BTW.). Manaburning Diabolos, when I no longer have anything to gain from the battle, save the 10k reward from the NPC, involves a lot of risk, not including the opportunity costs of using up my vial on a stranger. I find it perfectly justified to charge for a service that won't help me in any way, that could very well end up with me losing experience.

Edited, Tue Apr 25 14:58:03 2006 by TaruBeneathTheTaru
#19 Apr 25 2006 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
823 posts
A good amount of men in the world enjoy dressing up like women, why is it so unbelievable that I find enjoyment in killing things with magic only?

TMI Neej, XD
#20 Apr 25 2006 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
I'm gona have to make this my last post on this thread or it will just go on forever. (Neejee will keep replying because he is required to get the last word in.)

You want to charge for Diabolos, make your own post.

Did I argue with you on the LS? Yes, everytime you brought up some usless point or tried to brag about something. Do I need to type out bad things about you as if I was trying to win some kind of popularity contest? Everyone knows who you are and how you are. I even dug up a little quote for you. It's very fitting.

You know what Neejee im sick of you. Who gives a sh*t if i don't type perfectly does everyone have to? and another thing just stfu EVERY thing on this site that ends up becoming flame you bud your little ****** head into. Quit your little @#%^en ******** get a life and play they game.

Oh, btw.. if anyone needs a raise, send me a tell if I'm avalable. I won't charge you even if it is way out of the way. Thats just wrong to charge for a raise no matter where.

Edited, Tue Apr 25 16:48:30 2006 by SpotTaru
#21 Apr 25 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
622 posts
i have a problem atm where game keeps crashing -_- and im trying to use the file fixer thing but that thing is less than useless

spot as soon as im able to get on i will send u a /t dude^^
#22 Apr 25 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
I'm gona have to make this my last post on this thread or it will just go on forever. (Neejee will keep replying because he is required to get the last word in.)

There's a difference between getting the last word in, and not wanting to leave yourself defenseless for those outside of an argument to make judgements based on misinformation.

You want to charge for Diabolos, make your own post.

It was a post about obtaining avatars, and I put in my offer. I don't go around shouting in Jeuno if anyone needs it. You make one advertisement sound like I do it on a regular basis, which just isn't true. I don't do Diabolos as a source of income, I do him so people who need him, can get him. I just happen to want something in return for a -service-. Put this part to rest, if you don't want my help, thats perfectly fine, I'm not demanding anyone get him via my group.

Did I argue with you on the LS? Yes, everytime you brought up some usless point or tried to brag about something.

The only reason you started this whole, "Neejee is full of himself" crap, is because I offered to solo an avatar for someone in our linkshell. I never bragged, I never gloated. I offered to help, and you turned it against me, end of story. Additonally, prime avatars are commonly soloed, I would be an idiot to brag about something that is common practice; you know that, and I know that.

Everyone knows who you are and how you are.

If its someone I care about, yes, they do know who I am. The people who judge me based on what people like you post in forums are not a part of my life, and do not effect me.

You know what Neejee im sick of you. Who gives a sh*t if i don't type perfectly does everyone have to? and another thing just stfu EVERY thing on this site that ends up becoming flame you bud your little ****** head into. Quit your little @#%^en ******** get a life and play they game.

You forgot to include the part where this person was flamed for, if I may say so myself, one of the biggest contradictions I've ever heard. Your source, in a word, blows.

Oh yeah, the funniest part of your source, we're quite good friends now. Nice try, idiot.

Oh, btw.. if anyone needs a raise, send me a tell if I'm avalable. I won't charge you even if it is way out of the way. Thats just wrong to charge for a raise no matter where.

Go to Castle Oztroja, and take a survey of how many WHMs in Jeuno agree to come raise you for free. Asking a total stranger to put themselves into an inconvinient position is something that is payed for on a regular basis, don't make my example seem like ********* The next time I'm in the Celestial Nexus, and I need a raise, I'll be sure to /tell you.

Edited, Tue Apr 25 18:00:30 2006 by TaruBeneathTheTaru
#23 Apr 25 2006 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
622 posts
/sigh i only asked a simple thing and its turned into a hate thread
#24 Apr 25 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry Hixxi, it may of been inappropriate for me to advertise like that on your thread, but hijacking it wasn't my intention.

I'm not the one who turned this negative.
#25 Apr 25 2006 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
The only reason you started this whole, "Neejee is full of himself" crap, is because I offered to solo an avatar for someone in our linkshell. I never bragged, I never gloated. I offered to help, and you turned it against me, end of story. Additonally, prime avatars are commonly soloed, I would be an idiot to brag about something that is common practice; you know that, and I know that.

Just to back this statement up (and to make sure that nobody is thinking the same thing about any other RDMs who do this, like say, me in particular >_>;;), yes, any 74-75 RDM/NIN worth their salt ought to be able to solo a prime avatar. Barring the freak fully-unresisted Astral Flow, of course (even with all the defenses in the world, they can and still will happen).

Sure, it might feel great to the RDM the first time they successfully pull the feat off (I know I was on cloud nine), but it's definitely not something worth continuously bragging about every time you do it; any high level RDM can do it, even without /NIN, with a bit of effort.

I do these fights all the time for friends (well, I DID anyway, most of the people who wanted them now have them and the "demand" has shrunk somewhat) because I have fun doing it and I still get something out of it, 10k gil a pop XD
#26 Apr 25 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
Fynlar, I honestly couldn't agree with you more. And this is exactly why I made this statement:

There's a difference between getting the last word in, and not wanting to leave yourself defenseless for those outside of an argument to make judgements based on misinformation.

I can't claim to remember the conversation to the word, but in short, one of our lower level linkshell members asked if any of us could help him kill a prime avatar for him. I simply offered to solo one for him to save him the time and trouble of finding more members, and Spot chose to make it into a linkshell argument of how I think I'm invincible. Lets face it, I'm only a BLM, I can't solo most of the spetacular things a few other jobs can, but I offered to do something for a linkshell member in a non-gloatful manner, it it was used against me. After that instance, it became the topic of discussion(sometimes in the forms of rediculously sarcastic comments of the same nature, I.E. soloing Vrtra and such) every time Spot heard me speak(of anything) in linkshell chat. I know its partially my fault, because I let it get to me each and every time, and exchanged imature insults with him, perpetuating the situation, but that doesn't excuse how he chose to treat me.

That, Fynlar, is why Spot honored me with a blacklisting and chose to turn this into an arguement.

Barring the freak fully-unresisted Astral Flow, of course (even with all the defenses in the world, they can and still will happen).

Oh how I loathe(sp?) these... lol. Although, I find WHMs wipe to them more commonly than others(save melee, they usually don't stand a chance without mage's buffs). I've been lucky enough to only have it happen twice though, how many have you been through? :D

Edited, Tue Apr 25 20:35:43 2006 by TaruBeneathTheTaru
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