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#1 Jan 29 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
So im spreading the word on this, please read this is very important.

so my friend kagebunshin (real life friend) sells alot of his high priced gear to get a vclaw, i synth it and it blows up... he was crushed about it, talking about possibly quitting. i told him not to and that i would help him out.

so today i went looking around in rolanberry fields trying to find a vclaw at a lower than ah price
i find one... 10mil
i think, wow awesome, discount price... so i decide to check a few more bazaars... i find another one... 10mil!

i go back to the ah to buy the other materials and i see "Scorpion Claw"
granted... this is my own mistake, i was shocked at this.... not only i did it once, but twice.... well
i send a tell to the people


banjobuddy signed off
darkster now in rulude gardens

no response

takahashi a friend of mine, says psy ill talk to the guy see if i can get it back.... he talks to him, he says the guy is sending the gil back and that he feels bad and realizes how much of a d*ck thing it was to do, but he out powerlvling a friend right now and will send it when he is back in town.
so i go back to town when i see him in town.... no money in dbox
i follow him i trade him... ignores me... try again... ignores me
finally he obviously got fed up and he tells me it was my own damn fault and to just accept it
now takahashi had told the guy, it was ok to keep a million if he sends the other 19mil back and that he would burn 30KS and get us to do a ks30 run for him, we offered him any help he needed because he was going to send it back and was showing he was a decent person and not a total jerk.

well i go back to town after seeing him in town, wondering if my gil would be there (knowing deep down it wouldnt be).... it wasnt. i tried to talk to the guy in regards that hes not ******** me over, hes ******** over a guy who sold everything of value he had to get a SH.... i told him takahashi told me he was a nice guy and to not flip out on him.... he said "i am a nice guy, im a greedy american"
when i mentioned about taka offering help from us, he told me "people dont help me in this game, i take what i can get"
its quite obvious as to WHY people dont help him

yes im a fool, yes i screwed up, yes i may deserve not to get my gil back.... no i didnt honestly expect to get it back
but what he did is low, its flat out low
this guy is below a rmt in my book now, and im upset about it... and i want people to know, so please dont go out of your way to help this person out and beware while in a party with this person, they obviously arent somebody worthy of trust or friendship... and before anyone asks, when i called a gm "buyer beware market"

so ya, im a jackass lol... but dont let this Darkstar aka (mule: banjobuddy) get away with this....
#2 Jan 29 2006 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
328 posts
What he did isn't low, what you did was dumb.

The guy isn't a thief because you were too dumb to check what you were buying from a bazaar before you bought it. I mean, come on! Those kind of things happen all the time, you'd think a bonecrafter like you would be able to easily spot something like that.

And then, you forget, what he did was no lower than someone putting a venemous claw in their bazaar for an inflated price, the bazaars are there to be a person's own shop, not a store that is a duplicate of the Auction House. Don't expect everything to be your way in all of them.

And then, if anything, I'll applaud "Mr. Lower than RMT" for being able to take advantage of the stupidity of some of the people in this game to make a profit. You fell for his trap Psylink, hard, and for that I, and hopefully everyone in Jeuno after your crying in /shout, will be laughing at you.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 09:33:18 2006 by MadFriarAvelyn
#3 Jan 29 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
mistakes happen, i screwed up
thats not the point, i can remake the gil
the point is, this guy is a piece of crap for doing this
putting a venemous potion and a scorpion claw in bazaar, so somebody just looking fast misreads... obviously others have done this or he wouldnt do this.... so dont focus on my stupidity while tired
focus on the fact that Darkstar aka banjobuddy is a complete douche and people need to not go out of their way to not help this person in any way.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 09:41:12 2006 by RoninPsylink
#4 Jan 29 2006 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
328 posts
I'll focus on the fact that he's smarter than you apparently and that you're a douche right now, ok?

Grow up, he's being smart and making money in a way that the stupid will allow it. He isn't a douche, you're just an idiot, and you're trying to ruin someone's reputation (although I don't know where it is already) for some idiot mistake you did.

Thank you for the laugh Psylink, go back and cry to your mom now.
#5 Jan 29 2006 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
its not smart, its shady
its the length of a cocaine dealer selling baking soda and making money off of it (not condoning drugs... but its the same thing)
its ******** people over and if you condone it, you're just as bad as they are.... and there are plenty of people ive told the entire story to and see it exactly as it is, shady and the person is an ******* ******** people over
#6 Jan 29 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
328 posts
No, on his part, the move was smart. Shady, yes, but in order to be shady and tricky one has to be smart, no? He set a trap and you fell for it.

It is no different than you selling your own goods for what price you put them up for. For you see, as this game has a player driven economy, we're allowed to set prices for items at whatever we see fit.

I'm guessing Darkstar knew someone would buy his scorpion claw at that much, to take advantage of the stupid people (aka you) in this game. And his plan succeeded, and now we have an elitist black mage who always thinks he's always right crying on the forum because he was too dumb to look at what he was buying, falling into an obvious trap.

Do I condone the act myself? No, I would never do that sort of thing, I don't use my bazaar for anything but showing items that are special to me in it, like the Tactics Manual I quested a few weeks ago.

However, trying to ruin someone's reputation because of a dumb mistake you did is:

its ******** people over and if you condone it, you're just as bad as they are....

As you own phrase puts it well.

Like I said, grow up, go cry somewhere else, you're just embarrassing yourself.
#7 Jan 29 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
297 posts
I have to agree with the above, if you're too much in a hurry to pay attention to what you are buying then its your fault. He's not the only one that does that, i've seen dozens of Bazaars with Scorpion Claws up for millions.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 11:09:14 2006 by Argel
#8 Jan 29 2006 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
1,092 posts
Scorpion Claw
Venomous Claw

..... Except the "Claw" part, these 2 names are not very similar at all. You just gave this guy 20 millions, live with it.

so my friend kagebunshin (real life friend) sells alot of his high priced gear to get a vclaw, i synth it and it blows up... he was crushed about it, talking about possibly quitting.

Yet another proof that people shouldnt sell their gear to get something synthed.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 13:05:21 2006 by Zachiel
#9 Jan 29 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
Darkstar used to be known as Critzer.... And lets just say that back then he stooped lower than that for money.
#10 Jan 29 2006 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
1,092 posts
But, I wanna help your friend Kagebunshin, Psy. In fact, I', willing to buy a genie weskit for 20 millions, so you can synth him another Sh ^.^
#11 Jan 29 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
i agree with psylink. s/he states that what s/he did was not the brightest thing s/he's ever done, so quit hammering that point.

i'm kinda suprised at how easily many of you condone the disreputable behavior of the claw seller. it's clever-ish only in so far as it's exploitative and dishonest. we make laws in the U.S. to punish the same sort of fraud in real life. i'm not saying that all laws are necessarily just... but there's something morally wrong with the situation. and i'd like to think that we still value honest behavior in the game.. those are the kinds of people i want in the community i pay my monthly fee to join.

and as to avelyn's point: being smart isn't enough to make a person exempt from all laws of decency. that gives intelligence a bad name.

NOTE: by saying that there are laws in real life i was just trying to make a dramatic point. i wasn't insinuating that he broke any TOS or ingame laws... but that we should consider what he did to be low and disreputable behavior.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 12:19:47 2006 by enkydu
#12 Jan 29 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
340 posts
But, I wanna help your friend Kagebunshin, Psy. In fact, I', willing to buy a genie weskit for 20 millions, so you can synth him another Sh ^.^


Made me think of:

Edited, Sun Jan 29 14:20:28 2006 by Pryssant
#13 Jan 29 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
1,092 posts
we make laws in the U.S. to punish the same sort of fraud in real life. i'm not saying that all laws are necessarily just... but there's something morally wrong with the situation. and i'd like to think that we still value honest behavior in the game.. those are the kinds of people i want in the community i pay my monthly fee to join.

There's no fraud in what darkstar did. He would have been guilty of fraud if he told Psylink that the scorpion claw is the item needed for scorpion harness. He bazaared Scorpion Claw for 10 mil, and that's it. Psylink bought what DarkStar was selling. There is no lie involved, no treachery or anything that would have been a fraud. DarkStar bazaared a Scorp. Claw for 10 mil on 2 characters, Psylink bought them both knowing exactly that he was buying Scorpion claws, since he must have seen the damn name. U.S. laws allow someone to sell wtf he wants, as long as the buyers know what they're buying and get what they paid for. That's also why in this case, bringing it to GMs ain't gonna change a thing, except maybe lighten their mood for the day.
#14 Jan 29 2006 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
328 posts
Exactly Zachiel, you hit the nail right on the head.

As for you, Brusa, like Zachiel said, this isn't fraud. Fraud would be something like this:

-Opening up a Trade Window to "Sell" a Venemous Claw, put up the Venemous Claw, and let the Buyer put up his gil, then "accidentally" take it out of the trade window, say "Ooops", then put up a Scorpion Claw instead, and accept.

Now that would be fraud. Psylink buying a Scorpion Claw, something that was obviously a scorpion claw from this guys bazaar for how much it was going for is not fraud, just someone buying a scorpion claw for a really, really high price.

On a last note, I value honesty behavior between players and people too, I would never, ever scam someone on this game, nor would I put something up in my bazaar AH for an outrageous price (unless, as I said above, I was showing it off at 999,999,999), but I laugh at stupidity. This entire situation, right here, is stupidity, and you defending his obvious mistake is stupidity.

The person who sold the claw did nothing wrong. Psylink, in trying to soil the persons name further, however, is doing something wrong. You're on the wrong side, so you can take your honest behaviour ******** and toss it, you obviously don't follow it well enough.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 15:24:30 2006 by MadFriarAvelyn
#15 Jan 29 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
The question is more of one of morals, it still leads a person who read quickly to think it is a V claw.

But like others have pointed out, you had to read... and more than once, even on AH I make sure when I do multiple purchases that my cursor hasnt scrolled up from a dozen to a single ^^;

Still sad to see people attempting and pulling it off.

As for Darkstar/Critzer he may as well vanish once more and make a new char using his ill gotten goods.

(if you notice Darkstar sometimes sports a LS called Critzer, will there be a Darkstar LS?)
#16 Jan 29 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
yea I saw the asshat with the **** in his bazaar. He is low because his intent was to dupe someone into mistakenly buying something. Thats not smart, thats being a swendler, ***** darkstar, and ***** the ppl who would put stuff in their bazaar with hopes of ******** someone else.
#17 Jan 29 2006 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
i called it fraud because putting a 10 million price tag attached to it is meant to indicate that it's the similarly named item (with identical graphic) that typically sells at that price. also, standing in rolanberry fields is usually a mark of having something "worthwhile" to sell. it's deceptive, even if it elludes your definition of fraud. i don't know the legal definition, but i just reviewed the word in several dictionaries (procrastination i don't want to do my school work), and it fits the English language definition of fraud.

beh. you chose to defend his behavior... i guess i'm done posting on these forums.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 18:58:19 2006 by enkydu
#18 Jan 29 2006 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts
/wave to Avelyn, Shykre, Zachiel, and Pryssant. It's a Benevolence meeting on the forums! Just kidding. I digress...

I will say that what happened was a stupid thing, but do I agree with the statements that this is just for an over-priced transaction over a misnomer? No. To say that because he did something foolish he deserves to lose all his money is pretty messd up. We all do stupid things. Darkstar deliberately put up his scorpion claw in the hopes that someone would make a mistake such as this. That's not being tricky, that's being downright cruel. To say that Darkstar was not using duplicity in his bazaar is blatant ignorance. I cannot condone what he did nor can I condone Psylink having to pay so much for it, as well as his friend indirectly since it was for Kage's benefit. Bringing me to another point, he was trying to help his friend. Of all things, of all motives, would this be the opportunity for a scam to take place.

Also, Darkstar's reputation is not one of venerable status. He (yes Darkstar is a man) attempted to scam Miggadda by pretending to be a woman. As well, if any of you from Benevolence remember, he and Nuku had an argument when he made some racist comments towards me and Tanta, then threatened us. Not to mention, those sarcastic remarks made towards Psylink were pathetic. If he had just come out and said Psylink made a stupid transaction and that he was paying for it, that would have been much better than saying he's a 'greedy American' and he 'takes what [he] can get.'

This comes down to a question of morals as Shykre said. Psylink said it himself that what he did was stupid and that he was willing to pay for it, but he's warning us of what Darkstar has and is willing to do for gil, of all things. Not even real money. This is not what would you do if this happened to you, but more, would you be willing to do what Darkstar did?

With that being said...just wanted to say one more hello to my Benevolence friends. I've been taking a break from the game if ya'll were wondering, I will be back soon. Avelyn, wanna make me some Shallops Tropicale as a welcome back present? >.>
#19 Jan 29 2006 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
328 posts
/wave to Avelyn, Shykre, Zachiel, and Pryssant. It's a Benevolence meeting on the forums! Just kidding. I digress...

I'm not in Bene anymore, Shykre gave me a swift roundhouse kick to the face after I flipped out on Cadant and Legault for taunting us when we failed a Promyvion-Mea run and damn near quit ^^;

Avelyn, wanna make me some Shallops Tropicale as a welcome back present? >.>

I'm skilling up on something better atm, Tavnazian Tacos, selling em at break even while I skill up on em to all the LS's I've been in, past and present (including Bene you ungrateful {baselard}s). If you want some just ask, should have some spares laying around. Though you'll have to get em quick, I'm almost out of the taco stage already.

Edited, Sun Jan 29 20:22:42 2006 by MadFriarAvelyn

Edited, Sun Jan 29 20:50:49 2006 by MadFriarAvelyn
#20 Jan 29 2006 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Just as in real life, you need to read the fine print, or else you get burned. This game even makes it incredibly easy for you, there's only one word of fine print.

I'm not condoning what the guy did, but the fact that people even try that to begin with is because they know there are people like you who will get suckered into it.

If you value your money on such a small scale that you're willing to throw 10M around on a whim that the guy who's bazaaring something that LOOKS like a V-claw in Rolanberry Fields is really selling a V-claw, these people deserve to lose their money when it's not a V-claw.
#21 Jan 29 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts
Mmm tacos. I'll take those Avelyn. See you soon...or in a few months. Been busy lately.
#22 Jan 29 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
599 posts
Well, I agree with both sides of this. What Darkstar did was shady, But come on, That's an old trick, People do it all the time. And to say Darkstar = Lower than the lowest RMT is far from accurate.

I really am sorry for you and your friend for the losses, But eh, I guess just a lapse in paying attention on your part =/
#23 Jan 29 2006 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Darkstar used to be known as Critzer....

Yes and pretended to be a woman then also. I had a run in with Critzer back in '04. I made the mistake of trusting a 'good friend' with my account at the time, and that 'friend' shared it with Darkstar. He pretended to be me and borrowed my other friend's Vermillion Cloak- him and my 'friend' got off with the money.

Whether or not what he did with the Sclaw was wrong, Darkstar shouldn't be trusted. He'll do anything for a few extra gil.
#24 Jan 29 2006 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
He set a trap, and you fell for it, plain and simple. Pick your self up and dust yourself off. Its just a game. Repeat that a few more times.
#25 Jan 29 2006 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
Just to nail this down. What he did was meant to trick someone into buying something totally different than what they want. Unethical yes, Illegal no.

Psylink has stated that he did the stupid thing, but the fact still remains the same, Darkstar was the one that in the first place put the items in his bazaar for the sole purpose of exploiting the fact that people will buy something as fast as they can when they see it for a cheaper price.

All honesty, I think that these things should be reported to GM's when ever someone see's them. It's griefing on an economical level.
#26 Jan 30 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
lol yeah they do say reading is fundamental... if darkstar was even more ontop of his game hed put a venom potion underneath the claw so atleast you see the word venom. But if it was anyone else other than psylink id care, but considering he told a Jewish player he wishes history repeats itself and all Jews burn again, i hope it happens again to him. Dont feel bad for this guy, hes a **********.
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