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Harbingers is RMT LS O_oFollow

#27 Mar 07 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
535 posts
second of all why is this anybodys @#%^ing problem you ppl are not my dad or mom or anytyhing of mine not even ppl that know me so why are you on my case

They are, however your peers. And as such will form their own opinions and beliefs, wich, are in opposition of your own.

This isnt their problem from your point of veiw, and from that veiw your right. It is however, your problem now.

From a point of veiw that extends beyond you, it is their problem. RMT gil buying and selling impacts everyone, weather directly or indirectly. The extent of that impact is a hot topic open to debate, however it would be ignorant to say that RMT operations have no effect on server econmics and activites.

Edited, Tue Mar 7 14:23:05 2006 by DexxH
#28 Mar 07 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Default
Did you Read i said i dint approve of what they do and Duh ppl are gonna have opinions and im all for that but dont come flame me with bs you have an opinion thats great dont flame me for what my friends do ! thats not my doing not my prob and i dont need to worry i dont like what they do so thats that but there still good friends! if you dont like what they do dont take it up with me go talk to them and stop complainning to me i have no control for what they do and im not gonna push them away cuz ppl dont like what they do friend are friends !
#29 Mar 08 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I must admit I have to agree with everyone. What synikal did was wrong for helping an RMT but again a friend is a friend, as we all know "You don't know who your friends truely are, when its YOUR time of need." But again people are judgemental, Syn can be an RMT or not I really don't care its his business, but "You are who you are with the people you hang with." Synikal is NOT a bad person at all.

So i guess its like real life I.E (Your in a gang that is selling drugs, you may not be doing what they are doing but they are your friends anyways and your hanging around them, a cop comes by catches ya'll. What do you think is next.. Your commited of a crime you had nothing to do with. Why? You was with this crew) So naturally people asume your an rmt because you hang with them or they are your good friends.

but yea just leave him alone i think he gets the idea that what he did was wrong or not agreeable.


Don't go on thinking im some RMT because of this post, i play this game the hard way. I don't agree with what synikal did, but just let this die already. So don't go on flaming me, everyone who knows me know me

Edited, Wed Mar 8 12:03:19 2006 by LightRaven
#30 Mar 08 2006 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
mwahahahha, too funny, glad i left when we did lol.
#31 Mar 08 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Well Lik...kinda glad you did also seems like alot less drama now and more people talking so.... /hurray :)
#32 Mar 08 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
Well Oct, i'm glad your ego has finally come out for all to see lol.That LS has turned into the most annoying, selfish, rude people i have ever met on that server, it's fitting you run it now as you fit all that criteria.Ask anyone who knows Vise, Ewoker or the likes and they will know what i'm talking about.Cya later RMT's^^
#33 Mar 08 2006 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Anyways we all that to be untrue but hey you wanna say silly things tis ok its a free world to say silly things :)
#34 Mar 08 2006 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
2,638 posts
If the Harbingers LS had voted Shykre none of this would have happened!

Because a vote for Shykre is a vote for a world without LSs! So there would be no more RMT LSs!
#35 Mar 08 2006 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,137 posts
god....will you people PLEASE stop posting on this.... i cringe every time i see it bumped up to the top of the forums.... please just stop!!! not to mention with the title this thread has (gj idiot OP for not being more specific that you didnt know for sure if harbs was rmt ls) its not doing any good for the reputation of harbingers....
Potius mori quam foedari.
#36 Mar 09 2006 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
It is indeed very disappointing to read such a thread as this regarding an LS that I created two years ago. I have only been away for a short time and yet the drama spreads to here? Yes, there is drama in Harbingers at the moment and people are not the same, but at the same token, there is drama in every linkshell may it be social, HNM, or any other.

I know everyone in the Harbigners LS and let me put this dicussion and accusation about wether or not the Linkshell I created is RMT put to rest. The linkshell was created to help people in need. As some of you noted, the number of green pearls helping coffers or what-nots have been around for quite some time. That being said, we do not condone RMTs in any form or fashion. Whatever Synikal's reasons to help RMT is his decision alone and not one sanctioned by the LS. I am pleased that even during my absense the proper actions to defend the name of Harbingers by the sack holders are maintained (thank you Octavious). I am equally pleased to see some of positive responses to this thread from people I've known like Sixtail, Yggs, and Dexx regarding that the action of one person does NOT represent the views and values of the whole LS. Though such accusations should have been dealt with in a more proper manner rather than publishing online. Either way, the appropriate actions will be done.

As with Likcheez's comment, it sadden me to see you leave. You have been with us almost from the very beginning and help make what being a Harbinger was about. But you for one know full well that we do not condone any RMT actions. Leaving the LS does not mean the end, old friend. I need time to deal with multitude of RL issues, as well as to let the flame die in-game and I'm hopful to have you back when I return.

Again, I thank all of you who defended the Harbinger name: members, old members, friends, and those we have helped.

Linkshell Holder, Harbingers
#37 Mar 09 2006 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
Wasn't toward you Flip, just what Harbs has become, you know we still friends.
#38 Mar 09 2006 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
lol, damn allakazham is the drama boards. Anyhow, f*ck this thread it is hella' dumb. Synikal probabaly wanted Joyeuse for himself, paid the rmt's to help him, whoever took the pics got pissed cuz they didn't get charybdis ; ;. If he already had joyeuse, who gives a f*ck, a case of sour grapes, and when someone beats u to getting charybdis rmt or not u have to deal with it.

I know as a fact the rmt sometimes have claimed charybdis just so ppl will pay them to get joyeuse. I had a ******* rmt kill charybdis when I was calling ppl to help me kill him, stupid brd took my damn sword. Oh well eventually got it, but thats just how it goes. FFXI is a game, let's all remember that, and harbingers is no different than 90% of the LS on server. Everyone who is all pissed about this... say to yourself F*ck this bullsh*t, just a game.
#39 Mar 10 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
I Have to disagree with you Likcheez. This LS is not a bunch of a-holes that you picture all of us to be. This is by far the most helpful LS I have ever been in.

So before you talk look in the mirror; and if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all.

Oh yea, don't be calling us an RMT LS when you WAS JUST IN THE LS. You should know better.

Also Let this damn thread die already. Enough bout flaming the harbinger's ls. Damn best ls I have ever been in, specially it being social; I've had my share of LS's that I never lasted more then a month in it. Everyone in here is nice and funny.

Also very impressive that you turned your back on a friend, back stabbed him, VERY nice. -.- Then you call us a-holes, don't make me laugh.

Sorry guys for having to put this thread back up top, but I have to defend my friends.

Edited, Fri Mar 10 11:17:59 2006 by Nyghtraven
#40 Mar 10 2006 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
Hold up. So the comment was meant towards Flip, yet you talked sh*t about the entire LS? Last time I checked, Flip was the leader of the LS wasn't he?

And like Oct said, since you've left the LS has been far more peacefull. Don't have to listen to SnD bashing or all crafters being gil buyers since you and wiz left the LS. So on that note, thank you for leaving.
#41 Mar 10 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
Ha, Valk, you were the most annoying on there, prolly still are. None of you know that the "real" HArbs all left because of all you new a-holes, prolly don't even know half the members we used to have.Bah. Don't bother to respond to this, not gunna watse my time reading all the stupidity you'll type anymore.
#42 Mar 10 2006 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
599 posts
Stop posting in this thread. If you really want to make people believe you are a good LS (I'm not saying you aren't), Then just be the bigger person and let this thread die.
#43 Mar 14 2006 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
This is a hard subject for me to talk about, Harbingers LS, was in my mind one of the most, if not THE most Helpful and friendly LSs I ever had the honor or being a part of, am I disgusted that such an accusation would ever arise, yes, I'm absolutely appalled, but I'm not supprised. Now I know this post is a bit on the late side so forgive me, and I know that since my departure from Harbingers, I have not talked with a good number of you, I'm not going to apologize for leaving, I don't regret it, Things change, people and group out grow eachother, but I will say this, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for not seeing things soner and taking care of them when I had the oppertunity, as the 'iron fist' as I had been named(unofficially) and as a SH in the LS, I had the ability to prevent a lot of this drama, so for that, I'm sorry, and to Flipster and the true Harbingers that still remain I wish you all the best of luck, and too the pack of scavenging vultures that introduced the drama, well lets just say I'm not wishing any of you luck or the best. o.O hmm wow a bit spiteful there, oh well its there now, no point in backspacing.

But anywho, thats mostly all besides the point, I hope i don't have to ever see another post like this, and for a little suggestion, Pre-emptive strikes, aginst elements such as syn, may be just what is needed to keep this kinda BS from hapening again. :S
#44 Mar 14 2006 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Ah Hell I knew I forgot something, first off, Valk, I'd just keep my mouth shut if I were you, I've heard plenty of accusations about you being RMT, so you might wanna check yourself before you start trying to flame others.

And next, Nyghtraven, your right Harbingers isn't full of a-holes, it just had a decent percentage of loud, immature ones. Secondly if you think the LS is very helpful, you know nothing, Harbingers was a friendly, helpful group, well the most friendly and helpful, i'd say starting about 6 months and working backwards. Now you also talk about , what was it how lik stabbed a friend in the back, now THATS where your completely blind to the entire picture, so allow me to enlighten you to the rest of the picture, andthen perhaps just maybe you'll see, that it was thoes who left that were betrayed, and not thoes you try to defend. Meh ya know what, not worth it,your set in your ways, and my little rant would do nothing to alter your perception and open your eyes,so I'll leave it at this, Thoes of us that left, older members, who had put a lot of time into helping the LS, to see our work pretty much spat on, to see selfish, selfcentered people filling the LS, and us, contradicted every time we tried to fix something, or even at a stand still not able to do a thing. A decision was made in thoes actions, and it became clear to us, who our friends had truely been within that pearl.You wanna 'stand up for you friends' good for you, but for your sake, get the whole story before you speak up.

And lets not forget Octavious, yes i'm surethe Drama has died down, but don't go pinning that all on lik, theres plenty of people that deserve credit, since it was apparent we couldn't do anything to boot anyone, we left, so oct before you get all high n mighty, you were a part of all the drama yourself, by staying outta if till a 'winner' was found and siding with them, self centered oppertunist is all you truely are, and you proved that on countless occasions.

Ok I think I'm done now, to anyone who wants to ***** at me feel free tofind me in game, i check this site , ohhh about once every blue moon, so expect slow delays in any responses here ;)
#45 Mar 14 2006 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
Well I'm happy people are starting to see Synikal for what he really is.
A little *****.
He was in TnK for a short.(left after being told he couldnt lot a item cuz he had no points.)
The whole time had the pearl on was none stop ******** about other shells and talking trash about any player he could think of.
#46 Mar 14 2006 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
And lets not forget Octavious, yes i'm surethe Drama has died down, but don't go pinning that all on lik, theres plenty of people that deserve credit, since it was apparent we couldn't do anything to boot anyone, we left, so oct before you get all high n mighty, you were a part of all the drama yourself, by staying outta if till a 'winner' was found and siding with them, self centered oppertunist is all you truely are, and you proved that on countless occasions.

You had a long post but hey others can answer if they like I'll just answer the part you had about me.

Well kinda funny how you say I was part of the drama since well when I left that night everyone was laughing and having a great time, and come back next day you all quit cause people was bashing flip but here is the weird left after Flipster brought the people you guys kicked back. So hmmm this kinda confused me since it was a few LS members VS Flipster, then one of you just kicked them all....they may have deserved it or not hey details are still not the best but "Flipster" the "Owner" of the linkshell and the person they was "flamming" reinvited them to the LS...because why? well to be honest I did not know till I asked him and well he said and this was a little while ago flip can fill in the details more clear but this is the general answer I got "If we kick everyone that some people dont like there will never be a linkshell" so basically if you did not some members of the LS then maybe just blist them and move on? would of been easier then,...ohh hey lets just leave and start our own LS....I just cant see that as an option since I enjoy the LS so much and yes I do not like all in the LS but hey you cannot like everyone but I just deal with it and move on, but at times I know I can blow up in the situation but hey thats my freedom and since this is a 'Social' LS we cannot restrict what people say unless its an extreme case but if people are just ******** around then hey its all good fun and THAT is what harbingers is all about. I talked to flip before he left to go over seas and we both agreed the biggest down fall to the LS was we started to do events and started to be less 'Social' LS and more 'Event' LS, which is not what harbingers was and after a few months of doing that we noticed more and more people sure but also less and less social talks and more about which next event we was doing. I think harbingers should go back to just a nice social LS and thats it, sure we can help with AF and stuff if people want but no more set dates to do dynamis or do ENMs or do NM or something. Harbingers will be around along time we will have our ups and downs as any LS does this is just one of the downs but I will not let it effect me anymore since flip let me have it one night over MSN when I was feeling down and was ******** about how I get no respect and such and blah blah blah...and you it was so funny and he was right but he said "You know who you are right now right?" of course I'm like "Your Panday" and I started to laugh so much cause he was soooooo right I was all concerned about me me me that I forgot the LS is 'us' not 'I' and from there on I will back Harbingers. You say Iwait till there is a winner before I jump on a side well I always had a side and it will always be 'Harbingers' this time you guys were on the other side thats all.

And this is the final post I will make on this and I'm sorry this Thread had to keep going on and on and on lol we was near the BOTTOM!!! blast oh well we get off main page one day :)

Ok...vent all done and you all have a FANTASTIC evening and PARTY ON WAYNE! PARTY ON GARTH! :P

#47 Mar 14 2006 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
Hahaha, I'm an RMT? What because I camp CC 4-5 times a week? Omg, guess you are automatically an RMT if you camp an NM! I guess all those HNM shells who camp Behemoth, Fafnir, etc. everyday are RMT aswell! If I was an RMT, I wouldn't have the gear I have, I would so more then just camp CC a couple times a week, and would actually have to sell gil. Since my gear is really good, when I don't camp CC I am usually XPing or working on some quest/mission and my paypal account is completely empty I some how doubt I'm an RMT. This is why you shouldn't listen to rumors by little children like Likcheez and Cheezwiz. If anyone is an RMT...
#48 Mar 14 2006 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
599 posts
You are all my favorite people in the world. You're amazing, Simply amazing.
#49 Mar 14 2006 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
LOL ya i'm an Rmt. With my only job over 37 is Bst and it's taken me 2 yrs and change just to make it that far. And for us being children, lol do you have a house, a kid, and are married at age 25? No, and i doubt you will be, especially if you are the same in Rl as ingame.I've done more with my life than most at my age, not just dream i'm flying planes because i'm in ROTC. This is why we left, no one made us leave, all you who have been invited to this LS last 6 months made us depart. But i see I'M the one talking to children, which you are, and this is the reason none of us will come back.(20 bucks next post "we're glad you left, wah wah wah") If it could go back to the original members, i'd be back in a heartbeat, but alas this cannot be. Seihi is right tho, you do find out who your real friends are. Stupidity and ignorance go hand in hand, so think about that as you all skip along together. (Ps this is a game, in case some of you out there were not as of yet informed.)
#50 Mar 15 2006 at 12:05 AM Rating: Default
Um...I own a house (only 21), I'm not in ROTC, starting April 21st I begin the first stage of Marine Flight School, so it is not a is reality. I'm engaged to my b/f of 6 years so I could be married now if I wanted to, but marrage and a child right now would hurt my career. Being 25 with a kid is not really something to be all that proud about either.

Also, not once did anyone claim you were a RMT so I don't see the point of your first comment either.
#51 Mar 15 2006 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, let me just say this, you guys are funny.

I could write paragraphs of useless information that no1 would care about. So simply put, ari has never had a reason to buy gil. I basicly supported her when she came back on her sam and shes always paid me going to cassie for me. I love how people jump to conclusions when some1 has good gear, but w/e.

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