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#27 Jan 30 2006 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Every point that can be made has been made so I'll spare you the redundant text about what's wrong, right, morally acceptable, etc.

I will say this though:

I think the main reason why you (RoninPsylink) are getting so much backlash is because of your own reputation.

For the record I don't know you(RoninPsylink) or Darkstar, but I have heard of you many times in the game and it's been all negative. (I'm sure you are a good guy and I'm not saying that sarcastically)

I'm not going to say what I've heard because they may just be rumors and I'm sure there are plenty of people that say positive things about you.

My point is:

Reputation matters in this game and to slander someone over your own mistake is not cool. Ethically it would have been nice for him to give the money back, no doubt, but that does not justify your mistake.

~B's 2 cents
#28 Jan 30 2006 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
I was wondering when someone was going to say that, Jersey. It's very smart. When the brain is in a hurry to read something, I can blend words together. Putting a Venom Potion, and a Scorpian Claw can cause the mind to read Venom Claw, which can make it easier for you to misread.
#29 Jan 30 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
You can't order what is in your bazaar to my knowledge, it's randomly listed for each person that views. Well that's atleast what I've found when selling stuff on my mules and I wanted things at the top and they never stayed there.
#30 Jan 30 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
You can't order what is in your bazaar to my knowledge, it's randomly listed for each person that views. Well that's atleast what I've found when selling stuff on my mules and I wanted things at the top and they never stayed there.

Tell that to all the people I saw with clever messages in their bazaars like "FU[/i]CK YOU" and "STFU", and so on, using the letter eggs from the Easter event...

I know what you mean; it tends to get disordered for reasons that can't be readily explained, but there is a way to sort them out somehow, I'm just unsure of exactly how to do it >_<
#31 Jan 30 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
Strange, well I've always thought it to be random since every time I check my mules gear, her stuff is unordered when in inventory it's sorted fine. Maybe it goes by what order you place them in the Bazaar, but that wouldn't make sense either as I usually go down my itemlist when its sorted.
#32 Jan 30 2006 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
10,811 posts
Sorting isn't an issue really if you only have the 2 items in your bazaar. But then I don't know if that leaves enough to distract your eye from what you are really seeing. I guess if you are in a big enough hurry maybe...
#33 Jan 30 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
Well, lets ask Psylink. He seems to be the idiot who managed. o^.^/
#34 Jan 31 2006 at 3:45 AM Rating: Default
Psylink = Fat kid, he suck's at crafting...
Hey "please check it" My bazar i got a insect wing for only 6mil alot cheaper then you S"claw. and you better not blow my wing up like you did with is vclaw.

Psylink, TheFat kid = ffxiplayers Please check it Psylink.
Try to make a kid get a bad rep becouse your pi$$ed off your a dum fat kid that was eating cheeto's and you bought a the Worge claw. (Psylink = trash crafter don't have him craft stuff)
#35 Jan 31 2006 at 4:45 AM Rating: Default
ok, i havnet even read all these posts, but i was informed about 1 from jersey in regards to jewish ****

first off that was directed to a certain emo blm, that as a 75 blm is "afraid" to solo, rides tons of ffxi jock to get anything she needs and starts **** with people on a daily "these are the days of my life" sort of ****
when she was talking **** on me, i was pissed and went off and i didnt say all jews, i told her and i quote "ill stuff your jewish *** in an oven and create history."
am i racist no, did i say it to be a total prick and know it would get to her... yes

and jersey if you read above i did mention that there was a venom potion and a scorpion claw one ontop of the other in the bazaar.... yes i was in a hurry, to make it in time to get the claws, get to windy for my crystals to sign the harnesses and then also get to sandy for advanced support, before lightsday ended... which it was thundersday at 20:00

as for putting them in together, i believe the bazaar is filled based in an order of how you list things, plus anything he puts in, if it changes the order, he can just remove those items that change order

second, im a fat kid who is ****** at crafting?
rofl, learn the english language kinkytaru, you may want to learn how to spell those hard words like "his" see an h goes before the i and s... /clap

also every crafter breaks stuff, there isnt a way to always have a success on a synth.
as for being a fat kid, ya, they call me the white fatalbert in a GENIE WESKIT.... so ya, kthnx bai

#36 Jan 31 2006 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
328 posts
Anyone else find it ironic that Psylink is telling anyone to learn the English language?
#37 Jan 31 2006 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
i told her and i quote "ill stuff your jewish *** in an oven and create history."
am i racist no, did i say it to be a total prick and know it would get to her... yes

The mere fact you felt compelled to include "jewish" in there made that a racist comment. Why else did you put that in there? To express your love?

rofl, learn the english language kinkytaru, you may want to learn how to spell those hard words like "his" see an h goes before the i and s... /clap

Honestly, you have absolutely no room to talk about how someone else types. You've made some wonderful masterpieces like venemous and havnet, not to mention the fact your apostrophe (') key seems to be broken, or something.

Sure, the argument against you sounded pretty childish, but before you try to use someone's proficiency at typing English as a crutch for your own argument, it's usually best to first make sure you can actually type it well yourself. There were probably many better ways to refute that post rather than trying to resort to being a grammar ****.

as for being a fat kid, ya, they call me the white fatalbert in a GENIE WESKIT.... so ya, kthnx bai

With NQ staves, was it?
#38 Jan 31 2006 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Actually Psylink you called it a venemous potion.....

One would think that a 75 BLM oober high lv crafter wearing zomg teh WESKIT!!11!1! would know there is no venemous potion, but it took Jersey's comments to remind you...

Jersey > j00

Secondly, when you view a person's bazaar not only does it have the item listed in the bazaar's window, but it's also listed again in it's very own box when you select it. The fact that you missed this point not once but twice in two separate bazaars does not make Darkstar a good scammer, it makes you an idiot.

And to continue... if you need to bash an entire race to **** off one individual, I'd say that makes you racist.

Oh, and about the Weskit. Shut up about it already would you? The item does not make the player, I know plenty of BLM that put you to shame w/o the damn Weskit, stop making yourself look even more foolish than you already are. Just some friendly advice ~.^
#39 Jan 31 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Banjobuddy did a /sh in jeuno that he had <Venomous Claw> for 9 mil... but he was logging in 30 seconds.. my buddy went and bought it fast, and found out it was Scorp. Claw...

He got ripped off too.

However, he called GM, and the GM got his money back from Banjobuddy...

So I'd look into that.
#40 Jan 31 2006 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
328 posts
Nah, GM won't do anything, Psylink bought a valid scorpion claw for many more millions than it's worth, the player in question didn't advertise it as a venomous claw, so the GM's won't do anything about it, since it was a valid purchase, not a scam.
#41 Jan 31 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
1,349 posts

i told her and i quote "ill stuff your jewish *** in an oven and create history."
am i racist no, did i say it to be a total prick and know it would get to her... yes

The mere fact you felt compelled to include "jewish" in there made that a racist comment. Why else did you put that in there? To express your love?


@ Nuremburg the accused could at least claim to be merely following orders as cogs in the machine of hatred. Your own admition illustrates the species of loathsome ignorance and ignominous bigotry to which you subscribe.

When Martin Bormann was hanged for his actions an onlooker said as he viewed the ordeal "... [A] Beatific smile graced his countenance".

I would be pleased if history repeated itself with regards to you. Though I doubt you maintain the testicular fortitude required to accept the consequences of your actions with any sort of dignity.

as for being a fat kid, ya, they call me the white fatalbert in a GENIE WESKIT.... so ya, kthnx bai

Got one too and I manage to not look like I am on the "IHOP Diet".

I am pleased that at least some of the community has the bravery to not just ignore the vitriol of Psylink's admitted racism but also to condemn his actions publicly.

BTW Critzer got baned the first time for spouting his own brand of racism in Lower Jeuno. Maybe the two of you could sit down and work out your differences over a copy of "Mein Kampf"?

Edited, Tue Jan 31 13:48:18 2006 by troille

Edited, Wed Feb 1 02:53:53 2006 by troille
#42 Jan 31 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
For the record I don't know you(RoninPsylink) or Darkstar, but I have heard of you many times in the game and it's been all negative. (I'm sure you are a good guy and I'm not saying that sarcastically)

I'm not going to say what I've heard because they may just be rumors and I'm sure there are plenty of people that say positive things about you.

I was dead wrong and after you admitted to that racist comment I truly believe the rumors are facts now.

What surprises me most is that if you are fat then you know how words hurt people and how powerful a "word" can really be emotionally and mentally. I'm sure you've been made fun of many times in regards to your weight and your anger towards anyone never justifies being racist. You should know this by experience in RL unless you are just a really big moron and heartless SOB.


I believe you are in FH... and I've met alot of people from there and they are well mannerred, respectful, really nice, cool, helpful, etc (atleast the ones I've met/know)..... How did you get in there and why would they let you be associated with thier shell? (just out of curiousity)

Edited, Tue Jan 31 17:43:27 2006 by bryantr
#43 Jan 31 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
Give me a break! This is precisely the problem with this game, and people in general. It is a moral tragedy! The sale is based on one thing, deception! It is a con, simple as that. Everytime i see someone with a scropian claw in their bazaar for 8 million, I am ashamed for their mothers.

JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN DO IT, DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT! Can you steal Kirin if an LS slips up? YES! Is it ok to do so, and waste the countless hours of NM, and then god farming, that it took to pop him? NO! The simple fact is YOU ARE HURTING PEOPLE FOR YOUR OWN GAIN!

MadFriar, the fact that you condone this, speaks mile about what kind of person you are. These are the types of people that will someday swindle your grandparents out of their life savings.

Just remember what goes around comes around.


Edited, Tue Jan 31 16:10:46 2006 by nicholsmike
#44 Jan 31 2006 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
328 posts
MadFriar, the fact that you condone this, speaks mile about what kind of person you are. These are the types of people that will someday swindle your grandparents out of their life savings.

A) I don't condone the act, I just basically said Psylink deserved what he got, throughout the thread, because of his stupidity. Would I ever do it? No, I would not, I would never stoop that low. Because, yes, it is a low act. Illegal? No, far from it. Low, yes.

But for being so stupid, to miss the name of the item being displayed twice in a bazaar, and then buying it for that price...he deserved what he got!

Not to mention, obviously as it shows in further discussions in this thread, Psylink, being racist as he is, could be compared to the person who "scammed" him, and as it seems, to you, people like Psylink and the seller both deserve whats coming to them, no?

B) My grandparents are dead and were never swindled out of any of their money. In fact, they were very smart with their money, and made an emphasis to my parents, and myself after, to never waste your money on a stupid purchase.

How about you read all of the posts and facts in this thread before forming a comment based on your "values" when you can't properly defend them yourself! You're doing the same thing another poster did above.

Edited, Tue Jan 31 17:56:58 2006 by MadFriarAvelyn
#45 Jan 31 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
2,169 posts
troille wrote:

i told her and i quote "ill stuff your jewish *** in an oven and create history."
am i racist no, did i say it to be a total prick and know it would get to her... yes

The mere fact you felt compelled to include "jewish" in there made that a racist comment. Why else did you put that in there? To express your love?


At least @ Nuremburg the accused could at least claim to be merely following orders as cogs in the machine of hatred. Your own admition illustrates the species of loathsome ignorance and ignominous bigotry to which you subscribe.

When Martin Bormann was hanged for his actions an onlooker said as he underwent the ordeal "... [A] Beatific smile graced his countenance".

I would be pleased if history repeated itself with regards to you. Though I doubt you maintain the testicular fortitude required to accept the consequences of your actions with any sort of dignity.

as for being a fat kid, ya, they call me the white fatalbert in a GENIE WESKIT.... so ya, kthnx bai

Got one too and I manage to not look like I am on the "IHOP Diet".

I am pleased that at least some of the community has the bravery to not just ignore the vitriol of Psylink's admitted racism but also to condemn his actions publicly.

BTW Critzer got baned the first time for spouting his own brand of racism in Lower Jeuno. Maybe the two of you could sit down and work out your differences over a copy of "Mein Kampf"?

Edited, Tue Jan 31 13:48:18 2006 by troille

#46 Jan 31 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
1,349 posts

You still owe me 5M gil. I dont come(pun intended) cheap.
#47 Jan 31 2006 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
This is about the scam not who said/done what about a race.

So STFU you silly Humes, you're starting to sound Elvaan. Taru FTW KTHXBAI! ^^

Edited, Tue Jan 31 21:32:44 2006 by Argonaut
#48 Jan 31 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
328 posts
Don't make me cook you, I can make a mean Tarutaru Taco now...
#49 Feb 01 2006 at 12:21 AM Rating: Default
Sorry Psylink,
I miss spelled a few word's. I did'nt really care to go back and fix them. I have better thing's to do then to make fun of you. You already made a fool of your self. btw i got a S"claw now in my bazaar only 8mil Buy please" it's on sale just for you. "you said i need to learn how to spell" ? lol you need to learn how to read ! you bought a S" claw Retarded fat boy.

#50 Feb 01 2006 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default it wrong that "I" of all people am becomming more attracted to Abstruse by the minute? o.O

On topic, call it karma. I remember a post about Psylink's KSNM run, where he said if a V-Claw dropped, a SH could be synthed on the spot, but if he HQ's it, he requires a payment of 3 mil on the spot, and if you can't pay it, he will give you a NQ. Most people putting all their faith in a KSNM dont have 3 mil to pay you on the spot, so that was how you were ******** people Or maybe it's just me, today, someone wanted a Cursed Haidate, I sat down, made the lumber, then tried the synth, BAM! Cursed Haidate -1. Somewhere around a 40 mil item, that I handed it over to the guy, cuz it was his materials. If you want to make money off a HQ, go buy your own materials and use them, I am pretty sure that there are others like me, who will synth at no charge, whether its HQ or NQ running aorund out there.

It isnt a scam at all. It's human stupidity. You willingly forked out 20 mil, for 2 claws. Then you want to sully this guys name, saying he is a douche ot whatever. Now I dont know him from Adam, but I did chuckle reading this, cuz I remembered your KSNM post. It's your own fault, suck it up and move on.

So you are gonna stuff someone into an oven and recreate history? Ok, I might be the most vulgar, cold hearted, egotistical **** on this server, but anything ragging someone's race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. You need to be raped with a floor lamp. I can only hope your ********* are removed, so you cant contaminate the rest of the world with racist offspring.
#51 Feb 01 2006 at 6:52 AM Rating: Default
oh man, this thread cracks me up XD
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