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#1 Jan 20 2006 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
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#2 Jan 20 2006 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
You can be a super model, a super hero, an amazingly charasmatic person that I enjoy talking to immensely.. If you're all of these, AND a gil buyer. I turn my back on you. Every redeeming value that you have has gone straight down the ********

You sound like a wonderful potential friend. At least I know you won't suddenly treat me like the scum of the universe once I happen to do one little thing that goes against your morals.

It's nice to know that you look at what REALLY COUNTS in a person.

I applaud you, sir.
#3 Jan 20 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
As long as ur not a gil buyer :)


I'm talking about an action that completely degrades the game. I'm not talking political affiliation here. Gil buying is wrong. People who do it know it is, and don't care. I have no place for a person with a warm smile, and the inability to care about how their actions effect others. end of story.

Edited, Fri Jan 20 20:50:36 2006 by kneehightoataru
#4 Jan 20 2006 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts
Well, I don't buy gil, believe me. If I did, I wouldn't be farming in Rolanberry Fields while NOT getting a party. :/

But I stray off what I was going to say...

I hate it when people buy gil. Don't get me wrong, it pisses me off to the brink of insanity to think that I'm paying $14.95 a month just so someone can jack up the prices on the AH and force me to spend hugely, unnecessary amounts of time just to farm a simple item. It took me 2 weeks to farm enough gil for my gluttony sword...and that's with a loan from my friend (paid him back recently). Now, if I were to have to farm again for another gluttony sword, I would not have time to party or help my friends for a good solid month and a half. And that sucks. But, while I do hate what FF11 has, is, and will become in terms of gilsellers/buyers etc, I can't say everyone who buys gil is evil and/or unredeemable.

I have a friend who buys gil, pains me every time when he does it. But, he's an extremely nice person, would give me the shirt off his back if I asked. Granted, I hate how he is willing to cheat in a game when he knows good and well other people are playing. But, I'm not going to abandon him over a game such as FF11. If anything, I'd be a worse person for doing that over such a trivial matter as an online game.

I really do agree with you how lately there are so few online that don't buy gil and how it is truly something to frown upon. But you can't forget that there are still those who don't, and even more importantly, leaving a friend over a game is pretty crummy.
#5 Jan 20 2006 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
But you can't forget that there are still those who don't, and even more importantly, leaving a friend over a game is pretty crummy.

I can't agree more, and thank you very much for the reply, Leroi. I have to admit I was vague as far as my rant went about turning my back on people..

If I'm ur friend, I'm ur friend for life. There are a lot of relationships that I have with folks in game that I have no doubt will last for a good long while. I would be heartbroken if I found out that one of my actual friends was a gil buyer, and to tell you honestly, I don't know how I would react...

I'm pretty outspoken on this subject as far as LS and statics are concerned, so as to not catch anyone off guard when I break a pearl, or do a kick upon finding out that this person or that person is a gil buyer. AND before Fyn comes in and starts disecting everything I say, I'm up front from day 1. I DO NOT LIKE GREEN EGGS AND GIL BUYERS. So.. if you tell me ur not, and I find out later that you are, then I ascertain that you were, in fact, not my friend as the very beggining.. the FOUNDATION of our friendship began with a lie...

I have no interest in befriending gil buyers.

One of the reasons that I came in and posted this today, was because I found out that (yet ANOTHER) a semi-acquaintance is a gil buyer. He wanted to converge linkshells, and we saw eye to eye on everything. EXCEPT gil buyers. He tells me "I only buy gil when I have to, and I ALWAYS make sure I have enough so that everyone in my LS gets a little something out of it."

You don't HAVE to buy gil. And paying for friends is just as repugnant as buying gil in the first place.

I look at the acquiantances I've had, some of these relationships shaping up into friendships; ending because of RMT.. and it made me wonder.. is there NO ONE but a handful of people in this game who don't buy gil?

I didn't mean for it to sound as if I'd leave a life long friend to rot because they bought gil. At that point, I'd just be too disgusted to play anymore, and in the intrest of maintaining civil with my friend, I'd just go back to single player RPGs and FPSs.
#6 Jan 20 2006 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
As long as ur not a gil buyer :)

I really don't give a damn if you think I am or not, because you've already invalidated any sort of opinion of me you have in my eyes with that incredibly jaded OP of yours.

At this point, in my game, I've come to the conclusion that friends of mine will be few and far between.

The only correct thing that's been said by you in this topic, and is likely to remain that way.

I have no place for a person with a warm smile, and the inability to care about how their actions effect others. end of story.

Well damn, I ought to go commit seppuku then. After all, I'm taking valuable oxygen and environmental resources by continuing to live. How blatantly inconsiderate of me...

Oh by the way, it's not just RMT that sell big ticket items, you know. A lot of it has to do with, you know, human greed. Which is not a trait only RMT possess, if you'd take the time to look around and notice these things. But hey, feel free to pass all the blame to RMT if it makes you feel better. In the meantime, I'll go start a revolt against the world's smokers, because they're all contributing to pollution and global warming, and showing blatant disregard for their fellow man.
#7 Jan 20 2006 at 11:42 PM Rating: Default
Fyn, You're just looking for an arguement in any thread you can get it in, You're a **** and that's about all there is to it. I can size u up just fine from here.. Regardless of whether or not ur an RMT, you're a *****, and I could care less where or what you are, let alone what you substandard opinion is.

Edited, Fri Jan 20 23:46:57 2006 by kneehightoataru
#8 Jan 20 2006 at 11:58 PM Rating: Excellent
185 posts
Funny how his substandard opinion is very accurate.

Human greed has hurt the economy more then RMT.

Human greed creates higher prices at AH.

Human greed leads to the "I must have this item now, or I will cease to exist, therefor spending twice the amount on an item just to satisfy others is ok" attitude.

Human greed leads to gil buying.


There are alot of people out there that do not realize the effect gil buying actually has on the games economy, and do not realize what kind of aggrivation it creates for others. That may be hard to believe to someone like yourself, but it is true.

On an off topic but similar in some ways, look at what our RMT thread caused. It accused an entire LS of harboring RMTs and even went as far as saying cash rewards for MPKing them. From what I gathered, no one even talked to the LS leader. It took some asshat in game that happened to see the post to say something, then he had to waste his time to sign up on these boards just to set things straight.

Should he have had to go through all of that? No. Should someone have talked calmly with him, and see if he listened to reason first? Yes.

Talk to these people before you brush them aside. One day, you might have to rely on them for something else, and who knows, someone else may have helped them go straight. You might suprise yourself.
#9 Jan 21 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
It's a loooooong stretch to call everything that dude has to say accurate. I can grant that human greed etc, but his attacks are getting annoying as well as his disection, and twisting of every word.

I didn't post the OP so that fynlar could pms on me some more, he went off topic with his first post.

NON GIL BUYERS; WHERE ARE YOU?!? is the title, and content of this thread. In other words, I'm looking for anyone who doesn't buy their way through the game with cash.

No, RMT is not the only reason blah blah blah. It's the MAIN goddamn one.

As far as talking to people: Every single person that I KNOW is RMT , I KNOW because they themselves told me so. I don't take to public opinion and blatherings of people like Fyn. I'm not going to automatically assume someone is RMT. Even posts in the RMT thread mean nothing to me. I like to think people are innocent until proven guilty. I will ask them first.

What's more, I've actually taken the time to ASK these people why they do it, and do they realize what it is they are doing. Everything that I mentioned as "fact" in OP is "fact" in my personal experience. I've even offered to help some of these people overcome their need to spend real cash on fake money. I'll farm with you, camp with you, craft with you.. There's no need to kill our economy. That's what friends (******** right Fyn?) are here for...

The common response:

"I don't have time to farm, camp, or craft. This is my game, I'll play it how I like."

Unlike the legend in his own mind, Fyn, over there, *I* don't naturally assume that I know everything about everything. But what I CAN report on is personal experience. In my personal experience, RMT KNOW what they are doing, and DO NOT CARE what you think, or how hard you have to work to pick up the slack that they are leaving trailing behind them. Much like shoplifters.

I'm sure there are some out there, such as Fortex, who are some kind of exception to the rule. However, I find it REAL hard to believe that he had no idea that buying gil decreases gil value and promotes(ed) MPK, as he wanted me to believe before his LS pearl was broken.

As far as greed goes, of course crafters are going to have to increase the cost of products if the cost of materials increase. NO ONE can 100% farm each and every bit of material and still have time left over to actually enjoy the game. I level crafting with farmed items as well as items that are bought off the AH, and the prices of my craft are going to vary vs. the cost of production.

Everyone wants to make as much gil as they can so they don't have to worry about gil any longer. That doesn't make gil buying ok.

Based on replies to topic.. I now know there are at least 2 people other than myself, and the few others I know for certain, that don't buy gil. More power to u brothers, and sisters.
#10 Jan 21 2006 at 1:57 AM Rating: Good
140 posts
<< never bought a single gil.

I feel the same way as you but, there is a bright side. Your gear is worth a buttload more today than it was a few months ago. Just hold onto it and watch it keep skyrocketing in worth. It's funny because the really top end game items go up in price faster than inflation over the rest of the economy. I was uber pissed at the fact that HQ staffs are like 4-6 mil now but, after you get them you can just watch the value of your gear keep going up up up.

I agree also that gil buying makes worse players. The pts I've had lately have not been good ones. Mostly low levels ones since I'm leveling a 30ish job but, that just scares me for when those people get to the 70s and can't figure out how to do an MB or kite a mob or pull something without a link. With so many people being PL'ed and rmt'ed to the top so to speak, dynamis will become very interesting in a year or so.
#11 Jan 21 2006 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
On an off topic but similar in some ways, look at what our RMT thread caused. It accused an entire LS of harboring RMTs and even went as far as saying cash rewards for MPKing them. From what I gathered, no one even talked to the LS leader. It took some asshat in game that happened to see the post to say something, then he had to waste his time to sign up on these boards just to set things straight.

Some people want this to be a good ol' fashion witch hunt.
#12 Jan 21 2006 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
You're a **** and that's about all there is to it.

Yes, I'm the one that's judging people and immediately labeling them as scum for purchasing fake money on "MY" video game.

Oh wait, that was you that said that. Hmm.
#13 Jan 21 2006 at 4:33 AM Rating: Good
1,349 posts
Considering the OP runs a casino and the majority of his customers are RMT fans I think the whole post is rediculous.
#14 Jan 21 2006 at 4:50 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Considering the OP runs a casino and the majority of his customers are RMT fans I think the whole post is rediculous.

Ha, who is the OP anyway?
#15 Jan 21 2006 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
Gilbuying only takes you so far in FFXI. I can say honestly that a scorpion harness, or pretty much any item on the AH does not impress me. I agree that alot of this server buys gil, and thats sad, and if you buy gil you automatically suck. I'd just say do some deeper research, and you will find that there is some insanely nice rare/ex gear in this game, if AH prices bug you just do some research on your job, and you will find that there are options for your gear selection. In the end all that matters is rare/ex FFXI is a game, not reality, so who cares about how uber someone is. I'd rather be a gimp no gear having scrub who is smart enough not to waste RL money on gil, than an uber game addict who spends real money for fake money because his self esteem is defined by his character in a video game. If you buy gil, do yourself a favor, punch yourself in the face really hard. Maybe that will be a wake up call telling you that you just spent 20$ real money for millions of fake dollars. Or better yet give me the 20$ and I'll personally hand you 7 gajillion dollars in imaginary currency.. How'd I get it? oh.. I took out a loan from santa, and the easter bunny.
#16 Jan 21 2006 at 5:42 AM Rating: Good
As Fynlar said, RMT is not nearly a problem as human greed, or teenage inferiority. By that I mean, RMT wont bother you or make you nearly as mad as a loser in real life who has to validate how great they are in this game. Yes every site obviously had a gil sale for christmas, yes half the server apparently bought gil, cuz there is no reason those ingots, claws, cloths, etc. should have jumped to those prices. What you have to look at is the drastic changes in prices, or the comparison to similar items. Example of RMT vs. Greed:

RMT camping the O-Kote will never affect me, cuz I dont want the damned thing. I am not one of those people that HAS to have super millions of dollars, and I hardly, if ever go after an item I dont need. One good thing about me, and many others, is we can make most of the things we need(oils, potions, stuff like that).

Greed/Status. This is where people hate me. Unless there is some super secret hidden stat on things, paying 5 mil for a HQ, as opposed to around 200k for the NQ with the exact same stats(minus usually 1 on certain stat) is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Typically, people that you see with multi millions of dollars of gear(that dont host KSNM every day, cus this is making 73+ blms amongst the richest in game), if they are not gilbuyers, are trotting around in their "**** you gear." They were picked on, made fun of, probable virgins, etc. and this is how they get revenge on society. They get all this gear and walk around hopping you will check them and see how great they are.

Am I defending RMT? Hell no. Do I hate it? Sure, but what can be done about it? It's all perspective in my eyes, and some things we are all guilty of. I will elaborate. In some way, everyone who created a mule just for storage space is a gil buyer. Why? Free stuff. You can pat 1 dollar for another character, then within a few days get millions of dollars from it. And people do it too, they make a mule, get its fame up, and do scroll quests. So in a way, thats 1 dollar, a little bit of work, and millions of dollars. Granted it isnt the same as buying millions of gil for a set price, but in a sense its the same thing. Dont believe me? Look at some of the Ninja Ichi scrolls and see same names selling them, you'll get it then.

Fyn, You're just looking for an arguement in any thread you can get it in,

Oh come on, you didnt just now notice that did ya? I think Fyn likes to rip apart silly little one sided posts, which, I am sorry for saying, pitching high holy hell over RMT and not jerkoff people is one sided.

Last note, this is a losing battle, if you havent noticed. This game, can reflect you in life. By that I mean:

RMT, if you pay real life money(be it yours or moms) for Monopoly money(fake money) then you are a sad, stupid *** who has no real sense of the value of money. That or you come from lots of money and you have more money than brains. Anyone who passes buying another game for 50$, just so they can buy a few million gil should be raped with a floor lamp. You kinda need to cool off on gil selling, and worry more about those buying it. They are far more annoying.

Greed/Inferiority, Rank 10 in all nations, Maats Cap, 100/100/60 the others in crafting/fishing, MULES with the same stats, more gil than you will ever need, let me tell you something. You are not impressive. You're the coolest dork jockeying at EB, sure, but initially, when someone sees you, they go "Wow, that guy/girl is stacked." The more they see you, the less impressive you are, people start to wonder, "Geez what kind of loser does nothing but play this?"
#17 Jan 21 2006 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
I was just updating my self with what everyone wrote down and had to say something. I despise gil buys,sellers and gamblers. They completly take the fun out of the game. Yes alot of them are kids who use mommy and daddy's money. But we need to understand why these people who suck at video games need to cheat?.....Oh right cause they suck. I have been playing games since the 80's and learned one thing as you get older games get easier. Mind you I dont spend every waking moment in front of my PC,PS2,XBox...etc. But I learn from the challenge and move on. Apparently this is a hard concept for these people and give up so they look for the easy way out and ending up not enjoying the game cause they beat it already. Now where the hell is the fun out of that? I'm not saying people like Fynlar are all the crappiest players to hit the game, But you all (even Fynlar) mentioned that its all because of human greed. Well guess what kids you can control human greed. I think SquareEnix should force the gil sellers to raise there prices to say EG; $60 US -----> 5k
And just let the price work up from there. If these kids wanna waist money on buying gil then we should bankrupt them. How about that?
#18 Jan 21 2006 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
For the record, I've never bought gil and have no intention on doing so. RDM is a fairly cheapass job and I don't need all the HQ uber sh[/i]it to be able to do just fine with it.

However, also for the record, I have a handful of friends who I know have bought gil at some point. I eventually got to not really caring about it after a while though, because there's just not much point in making enemies over it.

If you let every little thing about other people upset you, you're going to end up walking through life alone, or at least pretty damn close to it, which is the point I've been trying to make.

There is such a thing as tolerance. Not everyone is as perfect as you think you are.
#19 Jan 21 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
I am no gil buyer but ya know what. Most people dont give a F*&$ because ITS A GAME!!! Some of you people need to understand that! thankyou thats all i need to say
#20 Jan 21 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
oh and one more thing i forgot to mention. I dont care if someone buys gil but Its pretty stupid cause it would be like going to go buy air. Gil does nothing for you and neither does this game. I know some people who are insane about this game and have it for a week and gain 20lvls. Ive had the game for a looong time and i am only lvl 40. I dont play this game to lvl up constantly or get items and **** i do it for the socializing cause last time i checked weather someone buys gil, does drugs is an alcholic but doesent do it around me and is a good friend that is all the matters in the long run. Its better to have more people on your side then the people who aint. Just had to say this lil sumthing thanks cya bye
#21 Jan 21 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
6,947 posts
I like to think people are innocent until proven guilty. I will ask them first.

If you were to ask me if I buy gil, I would say that I do not.
How do you know I am not lying?

And paying for friends is just as repugnant as buying gil

My wife pays people to be my friends. ^^;
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    #22 Jan 21 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
    185 posts
    Based on replies to topic.. I now know there are at least 2 people other than myself, and the few others I know for certain, that don't buy gil. More power to u brothers, and sisters.

    That right there is interesting.

    How do you know they are not gil buyers? Just because they said "I never bought gil in my life."? Fact is, you do not know anything about anyone unless you have full access to any credit card / bank account information that they could possibly use to buy gil with.

    If someone that has been around long enough to know that they will be shuned for buying gil, do you really think they would admit it? Especially when they know it would tarnish thier rep?

    Like I said before, talk to these people first. You will get that response from them sometimes, but there will be times when you wont.

    If this is the way you want to choose your enemies, then so be it. I don't think anyone truely cares how you want to play the game. However, you are not going to be making many more friends when you pass off things you think you know as truth.
    #23 Jan 21 2006 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
    I camp a lot of nms so i see legit players who actually go out and get money from NMs. I dont camp every single nm in the game but theres some people who have crazy gil that I never seen at any NM really and that dont craft. I know BCNM,ENM,KSBCNM are other ways to make gil but I just dont see how these people have everything +1 without doing a little farming. I look at them i call them rmt in my head and just dont bother with them. Around Christmas a lot of people all of a sudden had 50 million gil just pop up. I got tells asking "which craft should i do i have 50 million gil" I respond "If you got 50 million gil you just need to keep doing what you did to get that 50 million"

    I see people who run around buying 100 byne bills all day but never see them do anything to make gil. Gonna be funny to see RMT (gil buyer) be one of the first NA player to upgrade weapon.

    Its not just the gilbuyers its cheating in general i took a break from Padfoot after watching some guy use a speed hack to get claim. If you gotta cheat to win why play?
    #24 Jan 21 2006 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
    Considering the OP runs a casino and the majority of his customers are RMT fans I think the whole post is rediculous

    Geez.. there's another hemerhoid that just won't go away. troille, fyn, you two douchebags are soulmates. I ran a casino for a whopping week like 5 months ago.. give it a rest already.
    #25 Jan 21 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
    223 posts

    My wife pays people to be my friends. ^^;

    Wheres my gil? >.>; I could use some. Smithing whipes my bank anytime I go to level it. I had to sell my Hauby to keep going.


    see people who run around buying 100 byne bills all day but never see them do anything to make gil. Gonna be funny to see RMT (gil buyer) be one of the first NA player to upgrade weapon.

    I know Zoya is just the asscention from his Spharai, so I would hope no one beats him to it.

    Edited, Sat Jan 21 21:45:28 2006 by galatheil
    #26 Jan 22 2006 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
    118 posts
    I love seeing all the pre lvl 30's with some interesting gear. My last few pt's as SAM out in yhoat jungle I had a war/mnk with a emp pin an leaping boots using the uber weapon of choice for a war which was a GS. I just laughed an watched as my SAM smoked this dudes dmg. I have some fancy gear myself but I got it via my V claw KS30 run btw thanks again to the blm's that made my run. Like the lil qoute says or said a few days ago uber gear don't make ya an uber player. Sure some gear is definatly gonna help ya do your job better if ya know how to best use it what food an gear combo's work best. Gil buyers I look down apon but I still think a lil hard work pays off and in the end you'll be a better player an know some more things your job may or may not be able to do. I don't bother asking how people got there stuff if some one does there job fine with me. If some tard has uber gear an can't do a job for ******* an ends up getting me killed the hell with em. I ain't perfect at my jobs but I enjoy trying new things an ideas with em. If some ones gil buying helps me get to 75 fine I could really not give a damn I just try an have fun. I'd rather have fun with this game which I use to get away from RL probs then take it on as another RL job.
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