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#52 Sep 11 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
Doomkitty, my message wasn't directed at you persay. It was more for, anyone who thinks that they "own" anything in FFXI. Whether it be an area to farm, get xp, mine, log, dig, camp NM, etc.
#53 Sep 11 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
I love it how a bunch of defenders popped up as soon as the b*tch said she was female IRL.

You steal mining points, youre an ***. You may be an *** who plays within the technical LEGAL boundaries of the game, and no one is accusing you of breaking the rules, but you're still an *** no matter what your ****-ant experiences are. I've had my points stolen, and while I think it's fair game to play dirty with the stealer to convince them not to be a ********* I NEVER come off as though all miners owe me a favor and I can do whatever the hell I want.

/blist add yoass

Edited, Sat Sep 11 20:28:26 2004 by DarkswordDX

Edited, Sat Sep 11 20:29:22 2004 by DarkswordDX
#54 Sep 11 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
ok i dont agree with any of these posts at all. if someone got pissy and posted something about somebody for being a bad player everyone time they did something wrong or messed up, i wouldn't have gotten anywhere. I was teh n00b drk back in my day. now how wrong would it be that because i didnt have any guidance on what to do lvls 20-40 and was considered a bad drk and was posted about on these forums so that i never get pt's anymore and then i get some drk tutoring and improve my gear but its all wasted because some jerk went and whined and moaned about me on a forum. anyways ive got plenty of people i dislike but i wont list their names and complain about them because you never know when someone might improve. plus you just sound really childish coming on here and b****ing about stuff like this. I've gotten MP's stolen from me 439587439857394857 times and not once have posted names anywhere. yeah it pisses me off but what can you do. Mining isn't that serious folks. Calling someone a MP thief wont do anything serious to their reputation. "Stealing" MP's has nothing to do with your skill. As for the D2ing yeah i agree why in hell would you accept an invite by some random person and then not disband during the warp because all you wanted to do was have some reason to b**ch. I know raiyne she's a very good friend of mine. She has helped immensly on the game. How many "theives" do you know who return the items they "stole" Raiyne has returned both Astral Rings to Aceris so she didn't "steal" anything at all. Now how about shutting up about people you dislike and save it for your ls like me, Half the board is filled with these complaint threads.
#55 Sep 11 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
#56 Sep 11 2004 at 10:15 PM Rating: Excellent
47 posts
I hate involving myself in these immature arguments, but I'm going to anyway because I'd like to get my points across.

1) This is so cliche, but it fits the situation all so perfectly. 2 rights don't make a wrong. How does your original theft of astral rings justify your rude and immature attitude? You are obviously aware of the unofficial ettiquite of mining, logging, etc. in which the first person who reaches the designated point should have that point to him or herself. The fact that you went against this contract doesn't bother me as much as your arrogant attitude about it. You could have simply blacklisted Piehole, continued whatever it was that you were doing, and not indulged in your immature act of Warp IIng him. I understand that what many people believe to be right in terms of mining may be different for you, but that doesn't mean you have to act rude to them, even if they were acting rude to you. Don't lower yourself to other people's levels. I would expect a disciplined defender of the greatest country of the world to be more mature, especially considering you are already a young adult, and no longer an adolescent. And yes, I lost all respect for you with your comment to Hasufeld- not that you should care.

2) Piehole's idea of coming to this board to warn people of Raiyne wasn't a bad one in my opinion. I agree that it was too harsh. The comment of him threatening to come to Raiyne's home, and the comments on how we should make Raiyne's game-life a living hell, I feel were too harsh. Nevertheless, if someone were to be immature, arrogant, and dare I say- "noobish," I would like to hear about this person. This is not to say that I would believe him, but hopefully the post will beckon the accused offender to come- as the topic indeed did (I would think).

3) In the end, let us remember that it all comes down to this being a game. Indeed these are real people playing, but we are not forced to be with these people. A simple /blist add "name" will solve just about all your serious problems, and if not, GMs should handle the rest. Mine-point stealing has been a long-time problem, let alone a source of debate. However, I ask that you remember that all a mine-point stealer is doing is forcing you to spend extra time to perform an in-game task (or to reach a point where you can eventually have fun- I don't want to get into the argument of fun over addiction). It is not as detrimental as some make it seem to your pleasure. There is always something you can do, be it persist in mining even if it means taking a longer time to consume all your picks, go to another area to mine, or simply do something else. Maybe you can take a break, find some other way to make money, level up another job, etc. There are many other things you can do. Just don't let other people's actions bother you too much. It will obviously make this game a lot worse for you.

That's all I have to say. I deeply apologize for getting involved in this argument, especially with this ridiculously long post. Anyway, I hope this settles certain points of argument, and can calm some people's nerves. Taking life less seriously is often good advice. Taking games less seriously is always good advice.

Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:58:59 2004 by Zanguzen
#57 Sep 11 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Default
I hate involving myself in these immature arguements

This is so clique

I don't know if maturity has anything to do with making sense but if it does your a hypocrite.

EDIT: Clique- A small exclusive group of friends or associates

Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:50:34 2004 by Hasufeld
#58 Sep 11 2004 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
The "clique" comment referred to the following sentence- the commonly used line: "2 rights don't make a wrong." Sorry for the confusion.

Edit: Thank you Hasufeld for your correction. I meant to say "cliche."

The worst part is I'm a junior in high school. I can just see the crappy verbal SAT score coming. :(
Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:57:57 2004 by Zanguzen

Edited, Sun Sep 12 00:01:41 2004 by Zanguzen
#59 Sep 11 2004 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
EDIT:Cliche- A trite or overused expression or idea

Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:53:16 2004 by Hasufeld
#60 Sep 12 2004 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
oi oi, it's not Piehole ^^;; just a person with a really similar user name to him :P *not trying to attack anyone*
#61 Sep 14 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
Okay, My post isn't going to be as much as defending whomever as to attacking ignorance of Vawn and Pieman...

"Raiyne" wrote:
I'm 19 year old FEMALE from Ohio, Lima, if you wanna come down be my guest , I've been in the military for 2 years now. I love beating the sh*t out of cocky little boys =). Now to explain this.

a few posts later....

"Vawn" wrote:
She was on there way before this post. I can't believe it's really a chick. Could have sword it was a 14 year boy who got picked on a lot in school. Guess I was wrong. Raiyne must be a 14 year old girl who gets picked on a lot.

Hummmm.... now to decipher this post.... wow.... this may be hard without hitting myself in the head with a hammer a few times to kill some brain cells to come down to your level.

It is simply idiotic to personally attack someone over the internet about appearance/age/etc ESPECIALLY after she's already said that she was 19/F.

Why didn't you just go ahead and say, "GOMGOMGOMGOGM i thought He was a 14 year old boy that got picked on.... NOW SHE"S A 14 YEAR OLD GIRL THAT I KNOW GETS PICKED ON!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!one!!!"

I'd say that I'm more than possitive that you're the one 2 years withing 14 years old. I bet you're picked on a lot in school... and why you're so upset now is you run to FFXI to escape your pain of real life... you have people hating you here... must be hard kiddo...

Please, please, refrain from making yourself look like a bigger *** and start trying to insult me... Actually I bet you do it anyway... hahah....

Onto PieMan....

/em gets her hammer back out to gain the ignorance to understand PieMan's thinking

Now firstly the WarpII thing... WTF was your line of thinking? honestly? I can't even begin to figure it out... i'll try to act it out though.. just for entertainment of the audience...

'Weeeee I'm mining in gusgen... having a good time... hey.. who's that coming up to this mining point... OMG THEY'RE TAKING MY MINING POINT!!!!! /slap /slap /slap /slap.... /tell raiyne STUPID BSIOFJSIJ#WIOJFISDFJ*()#&(*@#&$#*#@)#Q THAT WAS MY POINT!!!!! *reads what raiyne says*... ctrl+r BLAH BLAH BLAH HATE HATE HATE >< >< ><.... *Party invite pops up*... hummmmmmmmm party invite?..'
stop right there... ANYONE.... ANYONE with common comprehension of the situation would see the most ignorant thing to do is accept the party invite... I know Raiyne wears her BLM AF hat when she mines.. so obviously it'll stick out and show that she has warpII... but we're talking about PieMan... so we'll pretend we don't notice that...

Okay, so what's that leave us with... A party invite from someone i'm fighting with... You don't honestly think if you two are fighting she's going to invite you and appoligize... and if she was going to appoligize she would /tell... There is NO logical reason you should have accepted the invite... So there is NO reason you should be mad about the warp II.....

Alas... I'll post more if people want me to... I'm getting tired of useless wasting of time... but not before i say 2 more quick things....

"PieMan" wrote:
I think the Lakeshmi community deserves to know what kind of person Raiyne truley is.

Well sorry kiddo, You're in the wrong community... this is the LAKSHMI community... You know I thought it was a simple typo at first but...

"PieMan's Sig" wrote:
WarlordTRooper Lakeshmi
50 Pld
32 War

Wartaru Lakesmi
18 Whm 14 Blm

Please for the sake of everyone on the Lakshmi server learn how to spell it... It's like when you're in a linkshell and you can't spell it right.. it's an insult to anyone in that community because it makes them look ignorant...

Oh... and on thing to orionrockr

"orionrockr" wrote:
And Raiyne, I think you made it clear how you are when you stated in your own reply that you are now stealing mining points to pay for the Astral rings YOU STOLE.

Pretty clear where your ethics stand.

Can you not look positive for a second, Raiyne's ethics are as good as anyones... Sure... she did steal Astral Rings... But she has enough power to admit it to a whole website where thousands of people can see it when she didn't have to, and she is also fixing what is wrong and working to pay them back. Those ethics are pretty good for me... She has more courage than I would if I got into a situation like this....

One last thing about stealing points... Points get stolen anywhere, get over it... I mine in Ifrit's... If i get a spot stolen there sure i'd get mad... Especially knowing adaman ore could be in it... but the beauty of it is, there's always another point.. she just ran up to the point when she saw it and started picking.. it's not like she was following you around the whole time stealing all your points.. I say if the point is still there... Anyone has enough right to swing at it... I mean, you did the same amount of searching, the same amount of exploring, and the reward for getting there first, is a swing or two by yourself... It's like saying that 2nd place in races shouldn't get ANY prize.. just because they weren't there first... I mean it's not like she can run up behind you and make it so you can't hit at all, you're still coming out with more than 50% becasue you got the first swing in... seriously... get over it... and be glad that you got what you got, when it could have been nothing at all....

#62 Sep 14 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
495 posts
ur defending someone who steals from other players in the game.

She has admitted her actions, and has to face the consequences. Which include people voicing their opinions, since she posted her confession on a public thread. She should have thought about her mining ettiquette before acting like a *****.

The problem with people today is that everyone wants to blame someone else or make excuses for what they've done. We also like nitpicking other people apart when we don't agree with them. (refer to above post blasting people's spelling mistakes as though that nullifies their points)

This girl is only 19, and still has alot to learn about life. I can only hope that this has been a good lesson for her and that we can all be smart enough to learn from it.

Like I said before, we're the ones who are responsible for the level of play that takes place on our server. We can make it good, by letting something go when someone does something wrong and apologizes. We can help people out when they need it. We can not yell at whm's for not always wanting to p/l people for free (a pet peeve of mine, sorry). Just let it go.

Be warned by this thread, and play smart. There are alot of ******* scammers out there. BUT: Move on, ok? it's the right thing to do.

#63 Sep 14 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
495 posts
posted twice, sorry.

Edited, Tue Sep 14 15:32:31 2004 by TaruMistressshadow
#64 Sep 14 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
Lets just let it go. Its obvious very few people like Raiyne on this server. Of course the biggest ******** in the game have ******* friends who also want to cause trouble. Online games can be a lot of fun, but there will always be the problem of people who play the game just to cause trouble in the safety of their own home. For the sake of the respect of this forum and the game lets not play into Raiyne's and her "friend's" childish games (that is assuming Salsira isn't just another account that Raiyne made up so SOMEONE would back her up).

But please don't attack WarlordTrooper (pieman) for being a trusting person. I have joined parties to coordinate logging points, so it isn't that far fetched that someone mining would do the same. Don't attack someone for trying to be nice and give someone the benefit of the doubt. Rate up all of you have given meaningful responses to this forum and are not just on here to cause trouble. And Salsira rate down (and I see I am not the only one). Of course when you are on this game just to cause trouble, I guess you should be okay with that.
#65 Sep 14 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Easy to solve all your problems and flames......Ballista.
To quote a very old saying "Put up, or shut up" No matter where you go in a game or in real life things don't always go 100% your way It is very simple to deal with, just walk away. Do something else for a while. Most people that can mine Gusgen are at a lvl to where they have all jobs, take a break.
Nobody is loved by all. Everybody has good and bad days. Join my philosphy and say F'em and walk. It's a game and supposed to be fun. If you can't do that or make adjustments from time to time there is a free program that comes on your computer called solitaire. Have fun!
#66 Sep 14 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
FYI, sira is a real person not another account rai made up i know both of them ingame. They are both close friends of mine.
#67 Sep 14 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
Alright now enough, Raiyne stole stuff awhile ago, now shes doin what she can to pay them back. Now come on, drop the subject. Forgive and is JUST a game, no one is a saint in game or out so cut the crap and get along.
#68 Sep 15 2004 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts

i dunno realy what i should say to it. She left me alone mining when i met her. :)

And she not tried to Invite/warp me.

All together i got no probs with raiyne, she was in my ls for some time. (dunno how its now, im not often online :P )

#69 Sep 16 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Salrisa (Raiyne) wrote:

"orionrockr" wrote:
And Raiyne, I think you made it clear how you are when you stated in your own reply that you are now stealing mining points to pay for the Astral rings YOU STOLE.

Pretty clear where your ethics stand.

Can you not look positive for a second, Raiyne's ethics are as good as anyones... Sure... she did steal Astral Rings... But she has enough power to admit it to a whole website where thousands of people can see it when she didn't have to, and she is also fixing what is wrong and working to pay them back. Those ethics are pretty good for me... She has more courage than I would if I got into a situation like this....

1) I don't see a positive in stealing 2 astral rings and then when trashed working to pay back the money. I do commend that the person is at least paying back the debt but this does not give a person additional "rights" to take from someone else.

2) Breaking courtesy (respecting mining points) to right a wrong is pretty twisted ethics.

3) Courage does not equal ethics. That is if you consider admitting to stealing the astral rings (which was already known but not yet admitted) is courage.

4) Her ethics are good for you. Well...thank you for letting us know we have to worry about someone

Edited, Thu Sep 16 11:01:43 2004 by orionrockr
#70 Sep 16 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
What is your problem Vawn? If someones view is different than your own they must be childish and immature? Why don't you back off my friends, they exist in this world just like you, All your doing is making more enimies. All because you think your above everyone. I don't see where you get off judging people you've never heard of or met just because their my friends. What gives you the right you ignorant prick. Do you think you have all the answers? That everything you say is right?

Check your sig your not on the right server as stated before it's LAKSHMI just go on flauting your ignorance some more why don't you.

Look at you all, clinging to this board like gods, passing your judgment on anyone you deam unworthy, what the f*uck is wrong with you people?

Not only are you being rude and discourteous to people you don't even know, you just assume whatever makes your POV true. You are complete ********. You wanna sit here and complain about my rude actions yet you flog anyone in this thread who's against you. Get a grip, all of you, If your gonna repley show some fuc*ing respect. Half these people you've never even heard of until today, but because they actually care about me, because we've had more good times than you can imagine, you just wanna pick on them like some bully, go to hell vawn you prick.
#71 Sep 16 2004 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
What's with the rating me down for supporting my friends? No reason at all for that. Oh well do unto others as you would have others do unto you. And for the last time salsira and raiyne are not the same person. /slap orionrockr
#72 Sep 16 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
This thread is really beginning to tee me off...stop hating on Raiyne and her buddies! They're my friends too, including Rai, don't u ppl have anything better to do other than flaming other players? I make it a policy of mine to try not to poke my nose in business like this, but I'll definitely make an exception here. Restating what Sebassis said, Salsira is most definitely a SEPARATE PERSON, and so am I, and anyone else defending Rai. Why don't all u bad tempered, no-tolerance-for-anyone-else's-opinion, narrow-minded ppl go play with Fafnir for awhile, hm? I'm sure he'll cool ur hot heads :)

Welcome to my blacklist >:3

Doomkitty WAR 24/MNK11
On a lighter note: Happily engaged to Angeles ^^
#73 Sep 16 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
BTW, this quote:
"Why don't all u bad tempered, no-tolerance-for-anyone-else's-opinion, narrow-minded ppl go play with Fafnir for awhile, hm?"

was referring to VawnLakshmi and Pieman, not everyone ^^ just clarifying where I stand :)
#74 Sep 16 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
Well I see that i've been rated down to nothing just for supporting a friend, great, oh well, im behind my friends 100% no matter what they do unless its completely unforgivable so I guess I'll continue to get down rated, anyway hi kitty, raiyne, and sira. :)
#75 Sep 16 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Default
*doesn't care if she's rated down to the depths of Hell* heehee hi Set, u shouldn't care either, the ppl rating u down aren't very intelligent :3
#76 Sep 16 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
Geez, I keep 4getting stuff 2day >.<
To DarkswordDX, ur a moron.....First of all, I know Rai IRL and I've KNOWN she's a girl. Second, more ppl were coming to her defense b/c ppl like u were ganging up on her and I didn't find that fair. And lastly, do u like to use derogative terms like "*****" on ppl u don't even know? Yes, I did call u a moron, but u were acting like it was ur natural state, so I just put 2 and 2 together....:3

Sticking up forrr what I believe!

Doomkitty does the Mithrrrra Dance!!
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