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Confederate Flag and the MilitaryFollow

#1 Jun 02 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
I decided to put this in the Asylum, hoping to put some of these deep political talk to good use.

I just got a call back from CONUS that they found my skimboard in my room which happens to have the Confederate Flag on top side of it. Well the person that did the "walk through" was a black Sergeant Major and didn't think it was apporpriate and ordered someone to take it out of my room. I'm not sure if I will get it back when I get home, but thats the least of my concerns.

When I heard this news I was at first pissed, then I started thinking about it...and I only got madder.

I would like to hear as many different opinions on this as possible so that I can guage my feelings and see if I'm way off.

I was born and raised in southern Texas. The Confederate flag was always around as I grew up. It was bumper stickers and people would fly it in their yards or back of their cars. It wasn't something that was considered as "taboo"

In my eyes the flag represents the historical southern states of the US. People forget that the Civil War was fought for more then just the freeing of slaves. Many states still have the flag in their state flag.

Keep in mind that I am living in the barracks which are owned by the Navy. Yet this wasn't on my door or in my window. It was leaned up against a corner with some other outdoor gear.

I am not a racist, and that is about the only reason that I could see why he thought that it was something that needed to be taken and hidden. That it represents racism.

What do you guys think?
#2 Jun 02 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
White guilt is a funny thing!

On second thought, maybe he sees the Confederate flag like an enemy flag. The modern armed forces are the logical (and historical) descendent of the Union Army which fought against the guys who flew the Confederate flag.


It's a stretch, I know. But, maybe...
#3 Jun 02 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
Having been on active duty during the time when the Confederate Flag issue in the barracks became a major issue, that my advice to you is to not even ask for your board back. Let it go. Perception is a big thing in the military and so is symbolism, I would wager that had a white Sergeant Major or Hispanic Sergeant Major walked through your room and found the item that it would be confiscated as well. Keep in mind the Sergeant Major may not have had isssue with the item, but the sailors in your barracks that may have seen it could possibly start some crap about it. Look at it as the Sergeant Major nipping the issue in the ***, and just move on, he's doing you a favor as long as nothing comes of it. Your pride in Texas and the Confederate Flag is respectful but remember we live in PC times and you must be conscious of what the symbol means to others in an offensive way.

Don't know if this helps, but it is an old soldiers advice.
#4 Jun 02 2004 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
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It wasn't something that was considered as "taboo"

It's a bit more taboo in the North.
In my eyes the flag represents the historical southern states of the US.

And in other people's eyes, it represent racism and the worst period of American history.
Many states still have the flag in their state flag.

And there's a lot of controversy about that, as I recall.

The "history" argument doesn't really hold up for me. If you want to remember the history, read a book. Don't glorify it by waving the flag around or putting it on bumper stickers. What we really need is a "State's Rights" symbol that the Southern States can use. I know the Confederate flag was that symbol, but it has since taken on a new connotation.

I guess it's a bit stupid to have to remove it from your room, but the military administration is probably under a lot of heat as a result of the prisoner abuse in Iraq.

#5 Jun 02 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Having been on active duty during the time when the Confederate Flag issue in the barracks became a major issue, that my advice to you is to not even ask for your board back. Let it go. Perception is a big thing in the military and so is symbolism, I would wager that had a white Sergeant Major or Hispanic Sergeant Major walked through your room and found the item that it would be confiscated as well. Keep in mind the Sergeant Major may not have had isssue with the item, but the sailors in your barracks that may have seen it could possibly start some crap about it. Look at it as the Sergeant Major nipping the issue in the ***, and just move on, he's doing you a favor as long as nothing comes of it. Your pride in Texas and the Confederate Flag is respectful but remember we live in PC times and you must be conscious of what the symbol means to others in an offensive way.

Don't know if this helps, but it is an old soldiers advice

That does make alot of sense and I can understand where you are coming from. But I have had this thing for 2 years with an inspection once a week. So it's definatly something personal I think.

Also, the whole PC issuse. We SAY that we are, but behind closed doors, the things I hear out of Marines are about as far from PC as they come. I am the kind of person who has a hard time with rolling over and just taking the hit. Yeah, sucks for me being in the military, but that shouldn't mean that just becuase 1 person out of hundreds finds something "offensive" that I have to get rid of it. I am not walking around with "Bring back the South" T-Shirts on, or preaching my views on slavery...I simply owed a skimboard with a historic flag on it. Know what I mean.

I appreciate the comments and the differing view points. Keep em coming!
#6 Jun 02 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
It wasn't something that was considered as "taboo"

It's a bit more taboo in the North.

I'm splitting hairs here...but Maryland was a "southern state"...maybe only by little bit but the Mason-Dixon line seperates Maryland and PA.

#7 Jun 02 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
...I am the kind of person who has a hard time with rolling over and just taking the hit. Yeah, sucks for me being in the military, but that shouldn't mean that just becuase 1 person out of hundreds finds something "offensive" that I have to get rid of it....

A lot of politically incorrect stuff takes place all over when you are "behind the scenes" and anyone that doesn't realize that lives in Smash's neighborhood. About 12 years ago when I was stationed in Korea I had a sports illustrated calendar on the back of my office door for 6 months and all the female soldiers new it was there, but never said anything. Then a new female soldier came in and saw it after being in the unit for about 2 weeks and complained to the first sergeant that the poster was demeaning to women. So I was asked to take the calendar down, which I did with with a bit of griping of only one person complaining. The reply was that all it takes is for one person to be offended and the calendar or what ever other object had to be removed.

The crux of the story is that a few days later a buddy of mine, this female soldier who ******* about my calendar and I where driving to the ville. This was the first time I was socializing with this soldier and she was the most foul mouthed, sexist, soldier I ever met. When I asked her about the calendar after a few beers, she told me that what happened in uniform was different than what she was like off duty. She told me she had a professional demeanor to portray on duty and demanded an "equal" environment, what happened off duty was different. To this day the hypocracy still grates on my nerves. But for the sake of unit cohesion, morale and esprit d'corps the calendar had to come down. That was a really good year to.
#8 Jun 02 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
People that don't know they're racists make me laugh.

Don't respond with "I know some black people!".

If you keep track of how many colored people you know, you're racist.

There are plenty of ways to show patriotism towards Texas, you chose the confederate flag approach to be like your skinhead friends no doubt.

You're probably like some of the "white power" friends I had back in CA. They'd tell me all the time how they hate Hispanics, except for me of course.
#9 Jun 02 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
They'd tell me all the time how they hate Hispanics, except for me of course

I'm amazed that you own a computer and can type! Did you steal it?

just kidding.

When the Declaration of Independence was signed, the institution of slavery was legally sanctioned in all thirteen colonies. There were, in fact, twice as many slaves in New York than in Georgia.

So the "Stars and Bars" could be considered a "racist flag" as well.

Hahaha Skeet said "Colored people"

And I'm pretty sure I know if I'm racist or not, and your opinion doesn't matter a ********

/sarcasm off
#10 Jun 02 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
I think I speak for Southern folk everywhere when I say "Texas ain't Southern."

That being said, Tape is right. Slavery/racism is/was equal to/greater in the North.


War between the States was about money and different that any other war.
#11 Jun 02 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
had a sports illustrated calendar on the back of my office door for 6 months and all the female soldiers new it was there, but never said anything.

At work its a different story. I would have no problem with someone saying to take it home, wouldn't make much sense for it to be there anyways. I just have a problem with it being in my room in a corner. Should I throw a blanket over it?? Would that make it better??

Oooo..better not use a white blanket right?
#12 Jun 02 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
At work its a different story.

Aren't soldiers always at work?


#13 Jun 02 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
Grrr..... sure Im racist, sexist, you name it.. ive been called it! I hate everyone, whites, blacks, mexicans, koreans, white-trash, the big N word, wet-backs, slant eyes, towel heads, sand rats, rich, poor, middle class. I hate em all. Its nothing personal. Any that take it that way, can just kiss my lilly white, corn fed, po-dunk,flag-wavin country bumpkin ***!

I'm from texas too, I grew up with the flag, and will die with it too most likely. I hate that people in general get offended by it. I understand many see it as a tie to slavery, oppression, and white supremacy. I also understand that many see it as a proud statement of our strength, courage, and defiance in leaving the union. The war was fought for many reasons, not all of them are good. More than a few we are ashamed of. But this is us, our personality, and our HISTORY. Yours too, why try to bury it? You cant bury the past, you can go on and learn from it, or you can foolishly try to change it. YOU CANT CHANGE THE PAST!!!!

But then again this in similar to my stance on gun control. As my favorite belt buckle says, " You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.".

To all you whiney biatches out there still walking around with a chip on your shoulder about the confederacy, go pick some cotton K? Most of you still live off of welfare, medicaid, and think the world "owes" you because of your ancestory. Get a grip! You've had enough time to get over it, and move on. Everyone else has..
#14 Jun 02 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
Down With the Cocoa Jihad!

NOW we know what it means!

#15 Jun 02 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
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When the Declaration of Independence was signed, the institution of slavery was legally sanctioned in all thirteen colonies. There were, in fact, twice as many slaves in New York than in Georgia.

So the "Stars and Bars" could be considered a "racist flag" as well.

While this may be true, the difference is that no one interprets it that way.

This reminds me of a common discussion in the FFXI forums: Use of the term ***. While some people may use it as merely an abbreviation, the social interpretation is that it's a racial slur.

In the end, choosing not to display the Confederate flag in order to spare the feelings of others, whether you're racist or not, is simply a considerate thing to do.

#16 Jun 02 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
While this may be true, the difference is that no one interprets it that way.

This reminds me of a common discussion in the FFXI forums: Use of the term ***. While some people may use it as merely an abbreviation, the social interpretation is that it's a racial slur.

In the end, choosing not to display the Confederate flag in order to spare the feelings of others, whether you're racist or not, is simply a considerate thing to do.

Now I see why people like you. Thats a damn good reason for me to "take it down"??? throw it away maybe? It was a gift from my dad when I came "up north" so throwing it away is not going to happen. It has sentimental value to it. I could see myself putting in the closet for the man...but dammit I hate the man. Any chance I have to stand up agaist the man, I'll do it.

I understand the whole interpretation part of it...but that doesn't mean thats its wrong. Or right. The whole slavery thing happened because people didn't stop and think they just went with the flow...everyone else was doing...everyone else had a slave, why not is interpreted as OK, so whats to stop me?

Where am I going with this? I have no idea.
#17 Jun 02 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Grrr..... sure Im racist, sexist, you name it.. ive been called it! I hate everyone, whites, blacks, mexicans, koreans, white-trash, the big N word, wet-backs, slant eyes, towel heads, sand rats, rich, poor, middle class. I hate em all. Its nothing personal. Any that take it that way, can just kiss my lilly white, corn fed, po-dunk,flag-wavin country bumpkin ***!

I'm from texas too, I grew up with the flag, and will die with it too most likely. I hate that people in general get offended by it. I understand many see it as a tie to slavery, oppression, and white supremacy. I also understand that many see it as a proud statement of our strength, courage, and defiance in leaving the union. The war was fought for many reasons, not all of them are good. More than a few we are ashamed of. But this is us, our personality, and our HISTORY. Yours too, why try to bury it? You cant bury the past, you can go on and learn from it, or you can foolishly try to change it. YOU CANT CHANGE THE PAST!!!!

But then again this in similar to my stance on gun control. As my favorite belt buckle says, " You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.".

To all you whiney biatches out there still walking around with a chip on your shoulder about the confederacy, go pick some cotton K? Most of you still live off of welfare, medicaid, and think the world "owes" you because of your ancestory. Get a grip! You've had enough time to get over it, and move on. Everyone else has..

You are the reason that I lost my skimboard. Ignorant ***** like you from Texas who's mother had one too many drinks when she was pregnant with you.

It upsets me that the select few, as loud and crude as they are, have to ruin something that otherwise could be considered fine.

Because of this post, I think I might just burn the damn thing when I get home. Whatever side you are on, whoever you are, I want to be as far away from that as possible.

Edited, Wed Jun 2 19:23:15 2004 by Tape
#18 Jun 02 2004 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
lol glad to have pissed you off... made my day even.
#19 Jun 02 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
Took you this long to figure it out pickle??
#20 Jun 02 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
lol glad to have pissed you off... made my day even.

Pissed me Show your *** to everyone? oh yeah.
#21 Jun 02 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
Took you this long to figure it out pickle??



Snicker, snicker.
#22 Jun 02 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,396 posts
Being black and being racist is okay...the only people who are not allowed to be racist are apparently white.

You ever notice that there is no "white history month?" Why the hell not? Because there would be a racist scream if there was.

Ebony magazine...for black people. Imagine if Ivory magazine designed for caucasians hit the shelf.

In high school we had a club for minorites...I don't remember the name of it, but I do know that if there had been a club exclusive to white people there would have been hell to pay.

If two black cops were to put the beat down on a white bum would it become national news? No.

In short I know a lot of racist people and racism is wrong. But some of the worst racists I know are black.


Edited, Wed Jun 2 19:36:33 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#23 Jun 02 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
You ever notice that there is no "white history month?" Why the hell not? Because there would be a racist scream if there was.

Isn't that every month other the February? And cmon, it is the shortest month of the year.
#24 Jun 02 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
Moreover why is there no "Hispanic History Month" They are now on equal terms...population wise.
I voted for the other guy.
#25 Jun 02 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
hmmm judging from your response I hit more than a few nerves
#26 Jun 02 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Excellent
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Tacosid wrote:
Moreover why is there no "Hispanic History Month" They are now on equal terms...population wise.
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