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Smasharoo's guide of things you should be able to by age 20.Follow

#1 Apr 12 2004 at 2:48 AM Rating: Excellent
30,086 posts
My freinds 20 year old son was at my house along with his dad to play poker the other day, and we ran out of beer. He doesn't drink, or at least fosters that illusion when his father's around, so we sent him to his house to get another 12 pack of Bellhaven. Another of the players had blocked him in our driveway so he gave the kid the keys to move his car.

About half an hour later the kid comes back and explains that he cant' drive a standard, but that he tried to figure it out and couldn't.

Anyway, it boggled my mind that a 20 year old couldn't drive a manual transmission, although I can understand it. I inspired me to make this list:

Things you should be able to do by the age of 20

1. Drive a manual transmission automobile.

2. Make change.

3. A pull up. Just one, god damn pull up. If I had a dollar for each of my freinds or their children who has never, ever, done or been capable of doing a single one I'd be rich.

4. Name the President. I'd like to say the Cabinet, but I'm a realist.

5. Smoke a ciggerette. I'm not saying it's a good idea to smoke, but I think everyone shoud learn how. In case of emergancies.

6. Find a ********. (my wife suggested that one in honor of her first few relationships in college)

7. Shoot a rifle. Really. I'd like to say field strip a rifle, but that's unrealistic.

8. Use a search engine.

9. File your own freaking 1040 EZ. Same kid who couldn't drive the stadard makes 35 grand a year, no itemized deductions and pays H&R Block $100 to do his return.

10. Say "No, I have no credit card debt, I'm only 20 after all."

11. A big bong hit without choking or sucking in water and then spraying it all over my basement.

12. Match countries to their respective continents. I'm not saying I could pick Congo out on a map of Africa (actually I could, but that's not the point) but I'd damn sure know it was IN Africa.

13. Quote something from Shakespere. Romeo and Julliet, whatever, I don't care. Just something so I don't think that classical education has vanished. I don't want kids to learn Latin or anything, just a smidgon of culture, that's all I ask. "To Be or not To Be" Great, fantastic. Anything.

14. Say no to people. I don't know what it is about this particular generation, but when I was 20 people didn't have any problem saying ***** off" when they were 20. Now it seems that 20 year olds have zero intrest in challenging authority at all, ever, and indeed get worried if they have to say no to someone. Maybe it's my imagination.

15. Juggle. It's not that hard. Everyone should learn.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#2 Apr 12 2004 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
You have always been grumpy but not old man grumpy. Feeling your age? Out of curiousity I am going to list my answers then and now just to see if anyone else does. Not that I expect them to do so truthfuly.

At 20 / now (32)

1. nope / yup
2. yup / yup
3. yup / yup
4. yup / yup
5. nope / nope What the hell kind of emergencies going to require me to smoke a cig? The "execution by gunfire" kind?
6. OMG A GIRL!!!! / yup
7. yup / yup
8. err don't think Gore invented the internet yet /yup
9. yup /yup
10. ROFL / Just finished paying it off last year
11. yup / dontknowhatyurtalkinabout
12. yup / yup
13. yup / yup
14. Ah the old days when I would tell people to go f'k themselves just to get into fights / do it now just to watch them try to control their tempers
15. only my CC payments / nope

Edited, Mon Apr 12 04:32:30 2004 by GitSlayer
#3 Apr 12 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
693 posts
Things you should be able to do by the age of 20

1. Drive a manual transmission automobile.

First car I drove was a stick. Older buddy of mine had a 80 model Mustang.

2. Make change.

Uhhhmm. You should be able to this by age ten at least. Christ, it's simple ******* math.

3. A pull up. Just one, god damn pull up. If I had a dollar for each of my freinds or their children who has never, ever, done or been capable of doing a single one I'd be rich.

Could do roughly 50 at 18. Could also do 100+ situps without breaking.

4. Name the President. I'd like to say the Cabinet, but I'm a realist.

When I was 20 it was Slick Willy.

5. Smoke a ciggerette. I'm not saying it's a good idea to smoke, but I think everyone shoud learn how. In case of emergencies.

2 packs a day at 16.

6. Find a ********. (my wife suggested that one in honor of her first few relationships in college)

Once again, 16.

7. Shoot a rifle. Really. I'd like to say field strip a rifle, but that's unrealistic.

Preferably a bolt action. Nothing like em in the world.

8. Use a search engine.

18 for this one. I was also 18 when I learned how to tear computers apart and rebuild them. The one I am using now is homemade, **** some Dell/Gateway/HP ****.

9. File your own freaking 1040 EZ. Same kid who couldn't drive the stadard makes 35 grand a year, no itemized deductions and pays H&R Block $100 to do his return.

Ok. I'm guilty here. I'm also lazy.

10. Say "No, I have no credit card debt, I'm only 20 after all."

Guilty again.

11. A big bong hit without choking or sucking in water and then spraying it all over my basement.

Puff the Magic Dragon. A gravity bong that was built by a friend of mine in our teens.

12. Match countries to their respective continents. I'm not saying I could pick Congo out on a map of Africa (actually I could, but that's not the point) but I'd damn sure know it was IN Africa.

Isn't this taught in grade school?

13. Quote something from Shakespere. Romeo and Julliet, whatever, I don't care. Just something so I don't think that classical education has vanished. I don't want kids to learn Latin or anything, just a smidgon of culture, that's all I ask. "To Be or not To Be" Great, fantastic. Anything.

  • Not in the legions
    Of horrid hell can come a devil more damn'd
    In evils to top Macbeth.

  • 14. Say no to people. I don't know what it is about this particular generation, but when I was 20 people didn't have any problem saying '@#%^ off" when they were 20. Now it seems that 20 year olds have zero intrest in challenging authority at all, ever, and indeed get worried if they have to say no to someone. Maybe it's my imagination.

    I've never had a problem saying no. It's just that I never said it.

    15. Juggle. It's not that hard. Everyone should learn.

    **** you. No.
    #4 Apr 12 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
    2,453 posts

    At 20/now (41)

    1. Yes/Yes. I prefer manual transmissions and wouldn't own an automatic if only my wife could drive a standard without destroying it.

    2. Yes/Yes. I grew up when you weren't allowed to use calculators in math class.

    3. Yes/Yes. Pull ups were required in the military. I can still do a few.

    4. Yes/Yes. You had to know who the Commander-in-chief was.

    5. Yes/Yes. Started smoking when I was 12, my older brothers corrupted me. I quit when I was 35, but I could still do it.

    6. Yes/Yes. The girl next door taught me all about it when I was 14 or 15. Nothing's changed since.

    7. Yes/Yes. Military again. I don't hunt, but I still go to the range at least 4 times a year.

    8. Nope/Yes. I had a C64 or C128 when I was 20. I don't think there were any search engines.

    9. Yes/No. Oh, I could file a 1040EZ if I could still use one. But between my wife's deductions and home ownership, I've given up trying to make sense out of our tax codes.

    10. Nope/Nope. I did have a credit card when I was 20. But I had been out on my own for two years, and got it myself. Still do.

    11. Yes/Probably not. I stopped indulging (for the most part) when I enlisted. Stopped for good many years ago.

    12. Yes/Yes. I've always had a love of maps and explorers. My problem now is that so many of the countries have changed names, and I can't keep track of the changes.

    13. Yes/Yes. We actually had to get up and recite that stuff from memory when I was in school. I did Henry the V's St. Crispin Day's speech, and Poe's The Raven. I can still do snippets of them, but am better now at Monty Python quotes.

    14. Yes/Yes. I have a long and troubled history of saying no to people. I've done so out of spite at times when it clearly would have been wiser to say yes. But wisdom was never my strong suit.

    15. Yes/Yes. Used to juggle baseballs back in my playing days. Tried it again just for purposes of this thread, and I can still do it (just not as well).

    #5 Apr 12 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
    Liberal Conspiracy
    I scored a yes in all except the manual transmission part. They never bothered to teach it in Driver's Ed and, out here in the wilds of Chicago suburbia, I guess it wasn't all that important. I did have a girlfriend attempt to teach once -- for about five minutes when it was decided that I wouldn't be driving her car.

    I'm giving myself a technical "yes" on the search engine thing. Actually, at 20 I was mostly just on USEnet, but I think I noodled out Infoseek and Alta Vista pretty quickly upon chancing across my first copy of Mozilla. You know, back when people used to use Infoseek and Alta Vista.

    I've only ever fired a bolt action .22 and a 12 gauge shotgun, but I'm guessing that counts. At least I won't be totally unprepared when the revolution comes.
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
    #6 Apr 12 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
    Official Shrubbery Waterer
    14,659 posts
    Since I am not 20 yet, this may not apply to me. What the hell though, better get a head start to I can appease Smash!

    1. Yes. I love driving manual. It's so much more fun than automatic transmission.

    2. Yes. What backwater ****** over the age of 12 can't make change?

    3. Yes. I can do quite a few actually.

    4. Yes. George W. Bush. Now where's my f#cking cookie?

    5. Yes. Nicotine is one of my best friends, right below Jack and Jose.

    6. Yes. I may be young, but that doesn't mean I have to suck in bed.

    7. Yes. Learned to shoot when I was a kid in Indian guides.

    8. Yes. Again, what backwater ****** can't type a few words into google and hit "search"?

    9. Yes. Filled out my own taxes yesterday as a matter of fact. Much easier when you only made about $4,000 last year, though.

    10. Yes. Credit card? I use a check card.

    11. Yes. I'm more used to joints and blunts, but I've been known to hit a bong before.

    12. Yes. Congo. Africa.

    13. Yes. Loved McBeth. Loved Romeo and Juliet. Still have to read some others as well. By the way, can we include all literature from that time? Like Chaucer? Can't deny Canterbury Tales.

    14. No. F#ck off, Smash.

    15. No. I've tried, but I don't have the hand-eye coordination. Maybe I'll learn some day.

    Booyah, 14 for 15. And I'm not even 20 yet! I've got a whole year and a half to learn how to juggle. Yay!
    Jophiel wrote:
    I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

    #7 Apr 12 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
    Liberal Conspiracy
    Can we add to this list "perform basic household chores"? The number of people I knew in college who had no clue how to run a load of laundry or cook a meal more involved than canned ravioli was scary.

    In fact, one of my household chores is "follow a receipe". Don't give me any crap about how you "just can't cook". If you take ten random people and give them the same receipe and they follow it correctly, you wind up with ten nearly identical meatloafs or chicken breasts or whatever. It's a nice skill to have unless you want to spend the rest of your days living off McDonald's, Ramen noodles and microwave popcorn until you get scurvy or something.
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
    #8 Apr 12 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
    16,160 posts
    I learned on a 3-on-the-tree type transmission. Now, does that date me or what? I also juggle 2 with one hand, 3 with two hands, both up the middle and circular fashion.

    Everything else, is a yes except the mary-jane usage.

    #9 Apr 12 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
    I am pushing a decade past the point of the OP, but I could do all of them before 20.

    1) I stole a car at 14 to learn to drive a stick. Left it in the middle of a field with a burnt out clutch and stole another to get back to my side of town. Fortunately, I was bright enough to walk the last mile.
    2) I don't even need one of those cute little coin returns that are becoming the rage in fast food restaurants.
    3) Sadly, I can no longer do more than 10, but I could do quite a few one armed once upon a time.
    4) I can name the presidents in order from my birth. VPs I am a little sketchy on before 1980, but hey, I was 6.
    5) I was a 2 pack a day man in high school. Now I just indulge in my Kodiak at the office.
    6) Smiley: sly
    7) I can shoot pretty well with a rifle or a pistol. I used to have a pretty decent ******** but now all that remains is an old double barrel shot gun that is hidden away for emergencies.
    8) I hate google. I use it, but I hate google.
    9) Yay me. Last year the wife and I graduated. Now it's the big f'ucker and I actually do have to pay someone to do it.
    10) Good here.
    11) I still can if I need to.
    12) I r teh w1n for g30m3t7y
    13) Henry V is my personal favorite.
    14) Yeah, I think I have this one down. Always have.
    15) I was suprised at how much it impressed people that I could do this. People are easily amused.
    #11 Apr 12 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
    Totem wrote:
    I also juggle 2 with one hand, 3 with two hands, both up the middle and circular fashion.

    I love it when you talk dirty.

    I miss ya, big guy!
    #12 Apr 12 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
    1,907 posts
    Great one Smash!

    I am ashamed to admit I still cannot drive a manual transmission. All of the owners of the few cars I tried it on, told me to step away from their cars and never touch them again. Just because their engines had funny grinding noises (they should probably maintain them better). Go figure. Some people are overly sensitive about their cars.
    #13 Apr 12 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
    7,486 posts
    sure, im not twenty, but i feel compelled to answer none the less

    1. *hides*

    2. yes

    3. yeah. i have trouble with doing more than 5. but i can do em.

    4. its washington, right?

    5. bleh

    6. yes

    7. i've played first person shooters. according to some people that makes me a killing machine that could snap at any second and take out half my school. i think i could handle a rifle ;)

    8. why use a search engine when i have you guys?

    9. i refuse to on the grounds that i dont make a single cent

    10. not a problem

    11. i'll have to work on this. never tried a water bong. im too young to smoke tobbacco because we all know its illegal to use them for anything else.

    12. easy

    13. yup

    14. **** you off, its rediculous to expect me to be able to tell someone to **** off. oh wait...

    15. ...
    #14 Apr 12 2004 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
    Prodigal Son
    20,643 posts
    Only point I miss on that is 7. I've never actually discharged a firearm. I've handled some pieces before but never fired anything more powerful than a paintball gun.
    publiusvarus wrote:
    we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
    #15 Apr 12 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
    Tracer Bullet
    12,636 posts
    Awesome post, Smash.

    How about..."Read a newspaper regularly. Once a week is fine. Even an online news source is okay. Comics don't count, neither does the evening TV news."

    cheers Smiley: boozing
    #16 Apr 12 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
    3,053 posts
    1. no/had to quickly learn at 22 while ex was out at sea and I was living in the middle of nowhere on Navy base.

    2. yes/yes

    3. hmm.. well started working on this when 19 because I wanted to be able to rock climb. Now I'm lucky I can still walk 6 blocks before I need a pain pill.

    4. yes/yes

    At one time I could also name every president in order. Now I claim brain Fog. I do know every Vice President since I was born.

    5. no/no but I know how to take a toke and roll my own.

    6. Think I found my by age of 1.... most girls do but few realiee what they are doing until much older. At 20 I was teaching boyfriend were it was. Soon learn a vibator is the way to go.

    7. hmmm never had reason or chance. Was going to take safety classfew years back, but now would be afraid of shooting anyone in range. I do feel everyone should at least know how to handle firearms.

    8. yes/yes If you count the card catalog and periodical index.

    9. 1040 EZ was created well after I learn to fill out my own taxes. Did my first 1040A at 19. Now I just keep record of any income to report to Social Secruity.

    10. yes/yes

    I live on fix income and rather not let myself get into debt I can't afford. Debit card means I don't have to leave house to shop and I can pay for my online entertainment.

    11. yes/yes see #5

    12. yes/yes

    Now days it seems most of America kids couldn't point to were each State in the USA is, or name the state capitals.

    13. yes/yes

    Don't they make kids read Macbeth in High School anymore?

    14. yes/yes

    Was taught that saying no to authority was my right. Any teacher who couldn't take no from me, had to face my mother. Local politicans learn fast.. you didn't want to make my mom mad if you wanted to stay in office.

    15. no/almost but then I only try a few times about once a year.

    Everyone should know how to do household chores and cook without a microwave by 15.

    Some other things I would add to the list are;
    How to learn.
    Be able to sew on Buttons and make simple repairs
    Iron a shirt and put in Military pleats. Saves alot over dry cleaners pressing all your uniforms.
    Tie a Tie
    Be able to name every medicine you are on and doses, or keep a list on you at all times.
    Your Medical History
    How much to tip.
    How to change your own oil and tune up a car.
    Location of main turnoff for gas, electic and water supplies of house or apartment.

    And something a few folks that post alot on these boards still need to learn.

    Basic logic and point out common fallicies

    I gave up learning how to spell years ago and don't care.

    Edited, Mon Apr 12 22:29:27 2004 by ElneClare
    In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

    This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
    #17 Apr 12 2004 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
    794 posts
    Another vote for "basic household chores"... I know alot of people who can't use the laundry machine or make a grilled cheese sandwhich. Sad...

    I'm 19, and I can say yes to everything except #7 (I live in Canada) and #15. Though I've used cap guns and attempted juggling many times ;)
    #18 Apr 12 2004 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
    #20: vote democrat

    #19 Apr 13 2004 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
    8,619 posts
    at 28 i think i fail your test on a few counts

    1. Nope .. can't drive period, cars are daemon spawn and the curse of the modern world,. Besides the bus stop is at the end of my road and drops me right at work.

    2. Yup

    3. Yup kinda have to being in the military we have fitness tests every year.

    4. Yup and I'm not even American.

    5. Nope, both my grandfather died of Cancer before i was 14 because of those loverly white sticks, why would i want to follow suit?

    6. Yup

    7. Yup SA80 may not be the best rifle in the world but i can fire one.

    8. Yup

    9. Nope Navy does it for me, go them.

    10. Kinda I have one that i don't use that count?

    11. Nope the Royal Navy has a 'Zero Tolarance' policy towards drugs, any Illeagal substances in my system and i am out of a job. Out of a job = no house. No house = no wife etc etc. i think i will pass on any Bongs for the forseeable future.

    12. Yup.

    13. Yup but why you would want to is beyond me, Cuote some piece of Litrature from a good author but not some dusty relic who is the the most over rated in history.

    14. yup this i can do and with great regularity

    15. Yup working of 4 balls, you gotta have something to pass the long evenings at sea since we can't do bongs.
    #20 Apr 13 2004 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
    Lol, at 20 I could do like 20 pull-ups but sadly I must say that at 33 I could probably do none, the pot thing I tried it once (yep only once, not many that can say that lots who never tried it or never stopped trying it =P) the cigarette thing I can fake it (ok fook you I dont inhale) and the car thing yep thats what I learned on.

    I would second the reading the news post, extremely sad how many people at 20 or even 30 have no clue whats going on and get their news from Comedy Central, no not Jon Stewart but Dave Chappelle.
    #21 Apr 13 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
    30,086 posts

    Yup working of 4 balls, you gotta have something to pass the long evenings at sea since we can't do bongs.

    Yeah, I've heard that about the Navy. They're good at working balls...

    To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

    #22 Apr 13 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
    Things you should be able to do by the age of 20

    1. Drive a manual transmission automobile.


    2. Make change.


    3. A pull up. Just one, god damn pull up. If I had a dollar for each of my freinds or their children who has never, ever, done or been capable of doing a single one I'd be rich.

    yep/just one

    4. Name the President. I'd like to say the Cabinet, but I'm a realist.


    5. Smoke a ciggerette. I'm not saying it's a good idea to smoke, but I think everyone shoud learn how. In case of emergancies.


    6. Find a ********. (my wife suggested that one in honor of her first few relationships in college)


    7. Shoot a rifle. Really. I'd like to say field strip a rifle, but that's unrealistic.

    yes/can out shoot my marksman husband Smiley: lol

    8. Use a search engine.

    yes/google is your friend

    9. File your own freaking 1040 EZ. Same kid who couldn't drive the stadard makes 35 grand a year, no itemized deductions and pays H&R Block $100 to do his return.

    yes/I have H&R do it for me now.

    10. Say "No, I have no credit card debt, I'm only 20 after all."

    I have no credit card debt! GO ME!!!!

    11. A big bong hit without choking or sucking in water and then spraying it all over my basement.

    ******* no I cherish my license to much to be stupid

    12. Match countries to their respective continents. I'm not saying I could pick Congo out on a map of Africa (actually I could, but that's not the point) but I'd damn sure know it was IN Africa.


    13. Quote something from Shakespere. Romeo and Julliet, whatever, I don't care. Just something so I don't think that classical education has vanished. I don't want kids to learn Latin or anything, just a smidgon of culture, that's all I ask. "To Be or not To Be" Great, fantastic. Anything.

    how about.... Charge Of The Light Brigade

    Half a league, half a league,
    Half a league onward,
    All in the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.
    'Forward, the Light Brigade!
    Charge for the guns!' he said:
    Into the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.

    'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
    Was there a man dismay'd ?
    Not tho' the soldier knew
    Someone had blunder'd:
    Their's not to make reply,
    Their's not to reason why,
    Their's but to do and die:
    Into the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.

    Cannon to right of them,
    Cannon to left of them,
    Cannon in front of them
    Volley'd and thunder'd;
    Storm'd at with shot and shell,
    Boldly they rode and well,
    Into the jaws of Death,
    Into the mouth of Hell
    Rode the six hundred.

    Flash'd all their sabres bare,
    Flash'd as they turn'd in air
    Sabring the gunners there,
    Charging an army, while
    All the world wonder'd:
    Plunged in the battery-smoke
    Right thro' the line they broke;
    Cossack and Russian
    Reel'd from the sabre-stroke
    Shatter'd and sunder'd.
    Then they rode back, but not
    Not the six hundred.

    Cannon to right of them,
    Cannon to left of them,
    Cannon behind them
    Volley'd and thunder'd;
    Storm'd at with shot and shell,
    While horse and hero fell,
    They that had fought so well
    Came thro' the jaws of Death,
    Back from the mouth of Hell,
    All that was left of them,
    Left of six hundred.

    When can their glory fade ?
    O the wild charge they made!
    All the world wonder'd.
    Honour the charge they made!
    Honour the Light Brigade,
    Noble six hundred!

    14. Say no to people. I don't know what it is about this particular generation, but when I was 20 people didn't have any problem saying '@#%^ off" when they were 20. Now it seems that 20 year olds have zero intrest in challenging authority at all, ever, and indeed get worried if they have to say no to someone. Maybe it's my imagination.

    No, its soooo easy to say.

    15. Juggle. It's not that hard. Everyone should learn.

    I cant juggle

    #23 Apr 13 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
    29,919 posts
    Smasharoo wrote:
    I'm not saying I could pick Congo out on a map of Africa (actually I could, but that's not the point)

    Which Congo though?

    What? the'se are important questions?
    #24 Apr 13 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
    Prodigal Son
    20,643 posts
    11. A big bong hit without choking or sucking in water and then spraying it all over my basement.

    no/@#%^ no I cherish my license to much to be stupid

    Don't get it...

    "The Charge of the Light Brigade"? Is that related to The Charge of the Trenchcoat Brigade? Anyone else know this reference?

    I also cast my votes for such entries as:

    changing your oil
    cooking a worthwhile meal
    cleaning dishes
    doing laundry
    grocery shopping

    All things I'd been doing on my own by the time I was twenty. Homemaking skills, sure, but these days a guy's gotta have to fend for himself.

    Other important skills:

    racking a game of pool (8-, 9-ball, straight, billiards, etc)
    shuffling and dealing cards: Spades, Hearts, Euchre, any variant of poker
    #25 Apr 13 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
    see some of us have to have a liscence to practice in our job field. Im one of those. I get caught doing stupid **** like that, I lose my liscence, which means I lose my job, and so forth.
    #26 Apr 13 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
    Liberal Conspiracy
    Which Congo though

    Congo Bongo!
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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