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When 100% isn't enough...Follow

#1 Aug 28 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,072 posts
I am completely spent and am taking some time off FFXI. To those that I offered help to in the near future, I am sorry but I am totally burned out.

Now the long rant. Skip this if you arnt interested ^^

I have been playing since the week the game launched in 03 and it took me about 18-20 months to get my beloved monk up to 75. I am a casual player, but I always strive for the best. Monk was my only job over 40 to this day.

My career can be brutal and unfriendly for FFXI. Weeks at a time out of town in other cities doing contract work, and earlier this year I was pretty much a zombie for 2 months while I had to deal with a massive lawsuit. (This lead to underlying problems I'll mention in a bit)

The last few months have had good weeks and bad weeks... Work calmed down, and I was home weeknights again. Could do paperwork while lfg ^^ There was a ton of stuff needing to be done at 70+ so it was kind of overwhelming at first, if I wanted to be proud of my monk I wanted the best.

Sadly the previous months stress from my real life caught up with me.. rampant insomnia, weight loss... slept for 4 days straight one week when I finally passed out... that kind of thing. Every day went by I almost gave up on my real life job, and in game I was way too moody. Lost some friends, grew distant to others. Lost all ambition in real life and in game. Clinical depression had set in rather severely.

In this past 6 weeks things had been turning around though. Nicely medicated now, and I had goals again ^^. Mostly RL stuff to improve my life. The only in game goal I had set was the blackbelt (surprise surprise, being a dedicated mnk and all).

I had the adamantoise egg for months, behemoth was my first huge ordeal. This was my first taste of the "end game" HNM mentality that I hadn't really dealt with much till now.

CatoLS owned behemoth and I went through the wringer trying to buy it off them. Each member I asked had a different story when i asked to buy it. "get it yourself", "Is your LS gimpy", or "I dont know. Cato is JP and we don't know because cato is weird" were my responses... Eventually found someone in their LS that confirmed it would be sold.

Cato had promised it to a 75 Blm JP, sadly, so I was out of luck and rather pissed. Luckily I heard Dynasty was doing KS99 and on their 4th or 5th run a behemoth tongue dropped... 1 mil gil happily spent. I didn't have to deal with Cato again ^^

This month was FF. Server resets kept bumping it to 4Am or 2Pm... Career plus FFXI = bad. Weekends were my only hope, and I happened to be home only a few days this month for the FF window. (I was out working on my RL goals or out of town).

I had made several efforts in the past for FF, but there was always a backlog of LS members needing the item, so there was no point in going. Last Sunday I got confirmation from an NA LS that owned FF that it would be for sale. I came for the fight but no drop.

This weekend a server reset was announced. It was my last chance before FF got bumped deep into JP time again. I turned down a trip to the lake to make sure I was online for FF/NH.

I asked the same LS again and was told if their LS member who was interested didn't show up I could buy it. The member wasn't online so I rushed over very excited.

When I got there, apparently a JP player was there first. I never knew it was a race so I was told he was first in line for the drop. But I was told if I outbid the JPs 1.5 mil offer I could still bump him. I cant afford 2 mil for a rare/ex quest item so I gave up.

A member in the shell told me that NA usually had priority if we were there first, and that they usually charge JP more for items "because JP are rich". So I made sure to log in the FF zone to be sure i was the first one there today (Sunday, before the update ^^)

I log in this morning and hang around till noon.. I send a tell to the sackholder letting him know I am there, ready, and interested. It turns out the JP from the day before still had priority... So it wasn't first come first serve, or a race.... It was "who will pay the most gets it". The story changed on me three times before that point was really made though.

"But if the JP or our member don't show up, its yours"... So I waited and waited.. their member wasn't on, and no JP showed up with the name he gave. Things were looking good again ^^

Turned out he gave me the wrong name of the JP... It was a JP rng who showed up a while later, and they welcomed him. This rng didn't have a mnk high enough to use the belt, didn't have all the other items.. he was here for a trophy. But its true.. JP are very rich. He spoke English fairly well but he wouldn't change his mind, and neither would the LS.

At this point I just lost it. I had set an unrealistic goal for myself. I wasn't a member of the most powerful LS on our server, nor did I have the millions of gil a 3 year JP veteran has. They kill FF day in day out, its just a chore for them and they take it for granted. But for me it was the first time I had been motivated in game in ages, and it really meant a lot to me so this really hurt.

So it may seem silly that this put me over the edge... it just proved me me that putting in 100% of my free time on it still wouldn't get me anywhere. I had set one goal, and now it is out of reach again. Tonight the sever resets it to 4am and I'm another month behind.

When its finally back in my time slot there will be a new JP looking for the item with very deep pockets, or maybe another ls member has a 41 mnk that wants "to get the blackbelt out of the way".

I know its just an item, and far from necessary. But for me it had a lot of significance... it was the first and only goal I set after getting my life back on track. And all it did was convince me that I just cant compete at this level of the game. I gave 100% and got a "better luck next time". It cemented the notion that whoever has the most gil and the most high level friends win, and I hate myself for thinking this way.

But what really set me off was that I foolishly gave up two afternoons in one of the last summer weekends to sit and wait for "the right to buy a quest item" and watch another LS farm. I turned down some RL stuff this weekend as well a a family gathering, and for that I am very ashamed of myself.

So to summarize, a hectic career, anti-depressants, unrealistic expectations, and FFXI do not mix. I am not quitting yet but I need to take time off to find out what I want out of this game from now on. Trying to make the most out of my monk just isn't rewarding (or possible) anymore. When I come back I will hopefully find something more enjoyable to do in game.

<edit SP>

Edited, Sun Aug 28 17:30:17 2005 by Thornn

Edited, Sun Aug 28 17:31:02 2005 by Thornn

Edited, Sun Aug 28 17:32:39 2005 by Thornn
#2 Aug 28 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
What i have read right now, i really think you should quit FFXI.
Its not good for you.

And Fafnir/Nidhogg has been in NA time since November/December so you'll never have any problem there, besides buying it from WW.
And i dont understand why you are so negative on Cato LS.
#3 Aug 28 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
/comfort Thornn

Edited, Sun Aug 28 18:23:05 2005 by Citrine
#4 Aug 28 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,072 posts
What i have read right now, i really think you should quit FFXI.
Its not good for you.

Work stress is what really ruined my year... FFXi was how I unwind. But if FFXI is starting to really get to me, you could be right.

And Fafnir/Nidhogg has been in NA time since November/December so you'll never have any problem there, besides buying it from WW.
And i dont understand why you are so negative on Cato LS.

After the July update FF was around 2-4am and jumped around a lot due to server maintenace. Before that I was working on the behemoth item. I am hard on Cato because you guys gave me a horrible run-around when I was trying to buy the tongue, and you even STOLE adamantoise on me when I was fighting it with friends.

Luckily the "stealing NMs when they go white" exploit was fixed in the July update. This is affectionately known as "the cato nerf".

I was never interested in HNM or LS drama, and took care not to burn bridges. I was always polite with dealing with your crew, even when they wernt.

So I dont have a lot of respect for CatoLS. You recruit random players by shouting in Jeuno looking for "HNM REAR LINKSHELL" and other gibberish, and you end up having half your NA members upset because all your events are in JP time, and they dont like being used. You were always a "quantity over quality" LS, and you made life hell for a lot of hard working people.

You have some honestly nice players in your shell, so I feel bad for bashing their LS like this publicly. It may just be some bad seeds in your crew that hurt your LS reputation so much, and thats not fair to the others. And that would make it a leadership issue, but thats none of my buisness.

But your people did ***** with me on 2 of the 3 items I needed, so I think thats a good enough reason to be negative about your crew.

As for the running around and the "***** job" I experienced on FF, it may have been miscommuncation or a misunderstaning. It seemed very unfair at the time, but it is their NM to with with as they like. They are honest and respected players so I wont go into it any more with them. ^^

#5 Aug 28 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
We have only stolen 2 mobs.
Both from people that has held them for longer then an hour.
So you are just shouting out sourceless crap.
My LS are the ones that gets stolen from. And no i have to say we get MPK's to? You werent in the Aery a few months ago.

And Btw, Rear = Dynamis. We tell the NA's what times our events are, and if you cant come to our events you cant get any items from those events. Still people leaves us saying they dont get any items, when they are only logging in at 5est, when even the EU members are at sleep. So its their fault, not ours, they knew this is a JP ls.

I tried to be friendly with you after what you said on the other thread. You seemed to get it, but apperently you didnt.

We have a bad reputation, because the bad linkshells(NA linkshells) gets to a wider crowd and can say whatever they want and get away with it.
We gave people a video when WW botten behemoth, it was no mistake, they did bot it. 2 people(1 afk btw) warped infront of our eyes straight to behemoth and voked him.
Still, you people accused our LS for botting and didnt care for WW.

And its nice to see that people from WW/YF/PM/HP/Dynasty are reading this forum too, i can feel the ratedowns again.
#6 Aug 28 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,072 posts
And its nice to see that people from WW/YF/PM/HP/Dynasty are reading this forum too, i can feel the ratedowns again.

We have a bad reputation, because the bad linkshells(NA linkshells) gets to a wider crowd and can say whatever they want and get away with it.

I wanted to leave quietly, but this is just too entertaining. ^^

You just listed every major NA LS (the bad guys lol) and the fact that they dont like you. How could you have tension with every single LS out there and still claim to be a victim?

I don't know your history with the other LS... I didn't bring up MPKing or anything. I only said what you did to ME. Some of your members treated me very rudely at behemoth.. it took me a week to simply find out who your NA leader was so I could ask someone with a clue with regards to buying the item. And you still wouldn't sell to me (JP first). And someone in your LS did STEAL adamantoise on me.

I believe a nin was tanking it, I was punching it.. I had hundred fist going no less. But I had to turn and deal with agro raptor. Not sure what happened to our tank to make him lose hate, but in a fraction of a second your crew voked it away. We were all at high health and not going to wipe or anything.

How is a monk using his 2 hour in an NM fight "holding" a NM? I went all out.

So that is my history with you guys... I never accused you of anything else. You asked me why I disrespected you and I told you. I am now an inactive player... I have no political agenda. I could care less what goes on between you and your NA rivals.
#7 Aug 28 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
WW: Mostly Dragons Aery Stuff. Stealing from us, Mpk. And Holding it into NA time since Feb/May. And ofcourse, the botting.

YF: Holding Adamantoise. A single RDM fighting it, with about a full alliance around looking and pulling mobs from the ohter side of the map = Holding. We stole that one and offered the drops wich they didnt want. They later stole Aspi from us, wich we did steal back.

They also Stole our KB twice. First it was no casualties, but second time 2 PLD's died. They did it purely for the MPK.

PM: Teaming up with WW with the Stealing and Holding of Fafnir/Nidhogg. Plus the bootting, the bots wich they probably got from WW. They have also MPK us there, pulling spiders and blaming it on us. -_-

KoN/Dynasty: Holding Fafnir/Nidhogg since before i even got into the HNM things, and that was in November last year. They stopped holding it in Feb/May because they were fed up with WW botting.

They have stolen our KB a few times. Once they called for help on it, but they kicked that person.

They held Adamantoise for almost 2 hours. With a single nin Tanking it with a Earth Staff. We stole it and offered them the drops, wich they didnt want. They have also stolen and Mpk us at Dragons Aery.

Now lets see what we(Cato LS) has done wrong:
One person mpk Kon at Valley of sorrows in Feb(Smiegal), he was kicked from the LS when that happened, a little late say some. But i wasnt in the LS when this happened.
Stealing 2 Adamantoises wich were being held.

Going to Fafnir with a less then superb force, so that sometimes the fight lasts longer then one hour. And people sometimes fall asleep due to that Fafnir is being held into NA time, wich is 4-5AM JP, JPs wich are still the majority in the LS.

I also heard that someone stole a KB, but we let that person die so that claim went back to orginal claimers.

By this you should see that we are the most human of the Linkshells, but still, we get treated like hellspawn.
Wich is unfair.
#8 Aug 29 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
Sabotendar, I'm tired of this attitude from you that you alone have the moral duty to save face for the entire CatoLS. You read someone's semi-farewell post and their citation of cross-LS drama as well as infighting, then you jump in to sidestep most of Thornn's reasons for frustration by debating over a very small minority of those issues and then conclude that CatoLS has had no negative impact on Thornn's problems.

You focus on extremely atypical situations, then blow them clearly out of proportion to paint a demonified picture of virtually everyone but yourself and your cohorts. You also accuse other people of "shouting sourceless crap," yet the only citations I hear from you for your assertions is your own personal experience.

You supply strange justifications for violating game rules. Think about this: you imply that holding a NM for hours is inappropriate--this we should all grant. However, instead of doing the Right Thing and calling a GM to intervene (and they do intervene, you should know, because those situations have attracted considerable attention), some of your people continuously utilized game glitches with the purpose of claiming the monster for yourselves (a specifically prohibited behavior), instead of giving the lucky alliance the opportunity to kill it at their own pace (i.e., not your own rediculously arbitrary rate). If they cannot kill with all deliberate speed at a rate that satisfies a GM (not you or anyone in your alliance), the NM will go white (where you can attempt an honest claim just like everyone else). If your folks cannot get to the stage of legitimately earning respect and honor without you single-handedly having to debate for it at every turn, the human side of CatoLS will remain obscure.

Take care Thornn... I hope you recover soon.

Edited, Mon Aug 29 03:26:13 2005 by Kanodin
#9 Aug 29 2005 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
This thread didnt look like a farewell thread.
More like a My Job and FFxi take away all my life.
I dont have the guts to tell anyone i cant take anymore of this.
And then i'll throw out some **** on Cato LS, and be all nice on some other LS doing the same thing.

In dont "blow them clearly out of proportion".
We got Stolen from/Mpk about every time we went to Fafnir.
But how would you know? You werent there.
You can only hear it from the NA linkshells.
And you dont bother looking for the other side of the story.

And you say that we should call a GM.
If you didnt know, GM's take 2 hours to answer your call, and then the mob has already entered NA time again.
And the times we did get one in time, they said it was a tactic to hold the HNMs.

And i like it when we got one when Kon were holding Adamantoise(Not the time we stole), Nin were fighting unarmed, we caled GM. Then told the nin to start doing damage, he changed to Earth Staff.
And that was ok with the GM.

Some HNM's go white no matter what you do, because you cant hit it all the time.
KB: Its being Kited.
Aspi: Dont attack when the shell is up. This is where the ones who want to hold him attack. All damage done = Regened HP.
Fafnir: Sleep it to regain Tank/Mage MP. Or to raise someone.

In all those cases it can go white. It doesnt take much to Throw a Shadownbind on Fafnir to kill everyone.
Mobs dont go White if you cant kill them fast enough.

And they can do **** against MPK. They have to be there to vitness the MPK. Wich they will never be.
And as i have told you, we have stolen 3 HNM's(" of wich even sint classed like hnm's) and thats the truth. Still, you think we steal all our HNM's.
This is what i mean we get treated wrong. You dont even bother looking for the truth, but when you hear it you call it one sided.

I have called so many GM's against these people it should be in Guinnes book. Still, only 10% came when they were still holding, 99.98 of them didnt do anything.
#10 Aug 29 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
If you look back at my original post, the only reference I made to CatoLS was that it was damn near impossible to buy the item from your crew, or to even get any info on IF it was for sale, how much, or how many monks in your LS needed the item.

Some of them were very rude, and I got a different answer from each member I asked. One even said "Haha stupid mnk. It's rare/ex you can't buy it". From an HNMls that "owned" behemoth for so long I would not have expected this.

The other story I heard from your crew was that you had several monks who still wanted the item, which turn out ot be untrue since the time it finally dropped, cato was there and she sold it to a 75 JP blm (who was not one of your members, just a friend of Catos it seems).

All I wanted was a yes or no answer and you guys gave me a massive runaround. I was very frustrated as any monk would be.

That was the only cato comment I made in my original post. I left out the stealing and other nonsense because it was old news and it wasnt the topic of my post. But you asked me to say why I had low respect for your LS, so I elaborated at your request.

But when I heard Dynasty had planned a KS99 run, I asked them if the item would be for sale. Got an immediate "Yes", was told the price, and was told when to show up. This was painless and they were very polite. I got the item incident free and everyone was happy.

The blackbelt may seem to be a trivial accomplishment to LS that are routine HNM campers. This is typically the "gold at the end of the rainbow" type of item for countless monks. Proof of our commitment. For me and many other monks it involves dealing with all other shells that "own" their respective HNM. Some of these people are good, some arn't, but in the end the one with the most money always wins.

I am still kicking myself for for making this my lone goal to motivate myself, because it is something completely beyond my control and it turned out to be unrealistic to obtain. Some monks log in at 4Am for days on end in an effort to reach the front of the line to buy the items, at great personal expense to their health and wellbeing.

I put in what time I could spare over this last month or so, but it just wasnt enough. I couldnt keep up with the constaly changing pop windows that resulted from constant server maintenance, and I can't match the deep pocketbooks of "rival" players outbidding me on quest items. And losing out to players who cant even use the item just pushed me to a breaking point.

It was a stupid goal to set for myself and I got burnt out on it. I need a break, and that was the real point of my thread. Right now I really do regret mentioning cato's LS because I inadvertently lured Sabo in to hijack my thread ^^.
#11 Aug 29 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
Wait, wait, wait.

Sabotendar wrote:
And as i have told you, we have stolen 3 HNM's(" of wich even sint classed like hnm's) and thats the truth. Still, you think we steal all our HNM's.

First, learn how to type.

Secondly. You just proved Thornn's point with that statement. It doesn't matter HOW MANY HNMs your LS has stolen.

It matters that you HAVE stolen them.

And last time I checked, they still taught in kindergarten that stealing is NOT okay, no matter what it is.

So don't you go playing the victim while you have blood on your hands.
#12 Aug 29 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Where I agree that stealing is wrong, once or a hundred times, I still wouldn't get into ripping into his spelling. I could be wrong, but I think Sabo's first language is not english. Now, if I'm wrong, then yes, learn to spell before tearing into someone.

Either way, Thornn, enjoy your time off and come back clear headed when it's more suitable for your RL situation. Maybe I'll get lucky and have my MNK up higher and we can get a bone pt together.
#13 Aug 29 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
Understood, Leet. You've always been a reasonable man with a good head on your shoulders.

So, I shall amend what I said earlier.

If your first language is not English, then I rescind the part about watching your spelling. I understand firsthand how it's not always easy to perfectly spell everything when you are speaking in another language.

But if it's not, then the point stands.
#14 Aug 29 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
Speedly. Stealing is wrong, yes. But stealing from people that are holding the NM for hours, and when GM's do nothing against it is nothing compared to what the other linkshells are doing.

And Thornn, i said to you weeks ago wich persons you can talk to and get an answer from. I have tried to tell you that we have KB and noone needs the item. But since you were busy with other things, and i didnt want to give away the day of a King to anyone else i didnt tell you about it.

My first language is Swedish, but i have been thought English since 3rd grade. So i should be able to use correct grammar. But i have slight dyselexia and i always type fast so sometimes i can get minor errors in my typing. But so can everyone.

But this is the Internet. 100% correct grammar/spelling isnt a big deal when we have the 1337dewds.
#15 Aug 29 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts

To Thornn. Not sure that this will make you feel better necessarily (LoL) but I'm closing in on 70 also and have 0 items and no dedicated HNMLS to get the items. :-/ I'm also a broke monk that will be doing everything I can just to get the gil for a Hakutaku Eye Cluster so buying the 3 items just isn't going to happen. *sigh*

One thing that frustrates me to no end is people getting these items that don't level the job. I had a LS mate offer to pay me to come and kill Rampaging Ram (he was on a lower job and saw the NM) because he's going for Brown Belt (obviously have to do the purple belt first, hence the Ram). I refused even though he's an LS mate because I know the crap I went through trying to get that friggin quest done. I'd help my LS mates in a heart beat on something for their job, but I refuse to help a non-monk get a brown belt to sell.

I can't even begin to imagine how bad it is when you add the political BS from HNMLSes. I guess I'll soon find out. >.>
#16 Aug 29 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Leet, not all HNMLS's are like that. Im a member of insurrection, and Im not going to say there isnt any politics, but there isnt nearly as much as people think. Dont judge all HNMLS's based on what you hear from people complaining. So far insurrection has been really cool. If you want to do endgame stuff, maybe you should check them out.
#17 Aug 29 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
This thread didnt look like a farewell thread.

It is a semi-farewell thread. Look at the first sentence of the first post.

If I was not there, help me out by posting pictures. Otherwise, you do not have the right to use my absence against me. I can depend on you to distort stories regarding situations that I have seen, which is why I take your stories with a large grain of salt, but I have less confidence that you can doctor a picture.

Sabotendar, we could really overlook most of your stories and descriptions and red herrings because they are truly irrelevent to your project on the majority of your "defend-CatoLS" threads, and they are equally frivolous here. You obviously have experience with the mechanics of getting official help in FFXI and you make it plain that you and CatoLS consider GMs inadequate to responsing to your calls. Your LS, however, makes the unique move into taking the law of FFXI into their own hands with borderline MPK attempts and stealing NMs. When your LS makes these habits consistent, regardless of whether you can make a case for that practice or not at each juncture, your LS loses credibility and gains the reputation for being a dishonest linkshell. After that, your examples painting CatoLS as faultless are gone.

The reputation of your linkshell is what I think you are primarily worried about. However, the rest of the HNM community believes that a LS can never justify the pratices that CatoLS subscribes to. Until your people can achieve a balance between the interests of your LS and the unwritten standards of fairness that float around decent linkshells, your LS will always be referred by other people, to use your words, as "hellspawn."

Edited, Mon Aug 29 16:52:52 2005 by Kanodin
#18 Aug 29 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Tiny my prob is that I am not in a situation to take on a different LS as my main as most HNMLSes require. BladeSingers is my home that I've helped to build. I can't and won't bail on them for personal gain. I'm way too involved in the working of this LS to be able to make it a second LS. If that were not the case, I'm sure I would take up a potential offer for an LS that I would be very interested in.

You and Cee both know the efforts that myself, Aba, Kow, Speck, and now Eilurac are putting into BS to make it even stronger. I also hope you both know me well enough to not take this as a jab at either of you. I think it's great that you and others are getting to do so much. I'm just not in a position to do the same. I'll just wait until the right opportunity comes around to take on my personal tasks.

I have no doubt that the BladeSingers could take on Adamantoise, but I have my concerns about the others. LoL. Then being able to defeat the HNM is only half the battle. We still have to get the claim over many LSes that do this regularly so that in itself is quite a feat. Add in all these MPKing people that can't just congratulate another LS on a successful claim and try again the next day and it just makes you wonder. I don't want to submit my LS mates to a potential MPK that has become all too common because I want an item such as that belt.

I have a pearl for ConnectionLost which I will try to be more a part of, but I don't know much about them. All my run ins with Maurynna have been pleasant so we'll see. I just won't accept any items until I've put some time in with them to help their cause. I'm not a leecher and I don't intend to start now. :-b

P.S. Sorry for the ummm... hijacking Thornn. :-/
#19 Aug 29 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
What i have read right now, i really think you should quit FFXI.
Its not good for you.

Funny... I see only one person on this entire thread that should quit. And it's you, Sabotendar. The garbage you spew forth here and on other forums is atrocious.

I wonder how you actually find time to play FFXI since, judging from the sheer number of your posts, you spend a good bit of time trying to defend your contemptible linkshell.

Does it not make you wonder, even just a little, why CatoLS is hated so? Not quite as bad as the gilseller LSs, but almost. The "Oh my poor LS. We're so misunderstood. Everyone hates us. /cry /cry /cry" deal is getting old.

You are only slightly above gilsellers in most of Cerberus's eyes. Why don't you do us all a favor - Go {Away} {Long Time}

Edited, Mon Aug 29 18:22:40 2005 by cribaby

Edited, Mon Aug 29 18:24:23 2005 by cribaby
#20 Aug 29 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
Sabotendar wrote:
100% correct grammar/spelling isnt a big deal when we have the 1337dewds.

And that's why general society's grammar is spiraling down... because of that mindset. Thanks for giving me yet another example of the dumbing-down of the general population.
#21 Aug 30 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
If you see me online in the next litle while, it's probably not the real "me".

A RL friend that quit this game quite a while back is taking this chance to mess around on my account a bit. Maybe it will rekindle his interest in the game.

As far as I know he'll keep LS off, and make sure to identify hes not the real me ^^ and he knows better then to throw away any rare/ex stuff (I hope >.> )

I think he mainly wanted to explore CoP areas and maybe mess around with some of my undeveloped low level jobs.

#22 Sep 01 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
way to mess up a farewell thread.

thornn i said this in ls forums i will say it here. you will be missed on your break and i hope you come back soon. i apologize that we could not get all your BB items, but the time we did get FF you were not online :x

regardless, come back soon, as our sole HL monk....u da man.

#23 Sep 01 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
well, i'm sure i'll get karma nuked for this, oh well

PM never held FF, we always want FF dead fast so we could get drops and move on to something else

PM did have an alliance with WW for FF, because WW owned FF and they didn't need many of the R/E drops, and PM didn't need the money drops, and last i heard... there's nothing wrong with LS's teaming up...

PM did steal mobs when they went white, why? because GM's said that was part of the game, however, PM never purposely MPK'd another LS that was fighting FF. there was that incident with the spiders, but someone actually recorded a movie clip of what happened and posted it on KI, and if i remember correctly, a pld lost sneak at the cliff edge entering FF's bowl, and there was a spider in agro range
#24 Sep 01 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
Wow, I don't even know where to start here. First off Thornn I know exactly how you feel with the whole "game takes over you life" thing but thats a personal issue that takes alot to admit. I could go on and on talking about Sabotendars slanted racist and obviously ******** excuses. He reminds me so much of the so called "Christian Conservatives" in our government lol. All your claims of stealing FF etc are BS when all you do is die to him, you hold him more than we do trying to fight it! No matter how much you try to convince yourself or others Sabo, your LS sucks and you're just going to have to admit it and stop blaming better Linkshells for your ****** misfortune.
As for the real point of this thread. Wyrm Beard...First off this thing NEVER drops from regular Fafnir, I've only seen it drop once ever and I've probably killed over 100 Fafnirs. So it's safe to say that it'll only be around when Nidhogg is killed(every 4-6 days). As for the miscommunications with Dynasty I will admit up front to you in honesty that this thing happens all the time. One of our leaders Elien, was the first NA on our server to hit 75 and joined a JP HNMLS before most I was even level 50, So after all he's been through and learned, he has many friends who he feels he has some obligation to repay, it makes sense. It's not like there is a line of JP waiting but every once in a while a friend or JP that we are friendly with will need a BB item. there are several in the past like Roop, Monkussa(who later joined). Sometimes when we arrive in the Aery and we don't have leaders with us, BB buyers end up talking to LS members who really don't know anything about that stuff and when a leader does get there he completely changes his mind or something. It is a communication problem and I personally as a member of Dynasty would like to apologize about it. We are usually very willing to sell our items for decent prices, although it is nice to sell a little higher to some rediculously rich JP crafters :P I will do what I can personally next time Fafnir is on Dynasty control to see you get to be able to lot the item. Currently its on about 6-7 AM and controlled my HighPower, good luck and I hope you get your belt.
#25 Sep 01 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
Yeah Banigaru said it pretty plainly and honestly, and we should take this as a virtue in the HNM scheme of things. I rarely hear it like that.

It's similar to what Fowler told me the other day. We have to remember that despite our best efforts, we cannot play the game 24/7. Therefore, when we log in to play the game, there are thousands of people that have been playing before us. When we log off, there will be thousands that play after we go to sleep. People form their own networks of relationships--we can try to get people to tell stories to reveal what their network looks like, but the best way is to simply watch a person perform. If we play the game to exceed everyone else simultaneously and bend other people's relationships to our own ends, we ultimately fail--uusually in many aspects. The purpose of the game is to have fun, not pwn everyone or pwn some other linkshell. Anything else motivating game play is purely vicious.

So if you have fun playing, play... If not, then don't play--just remember that the servers could all vanish tomorrow and we would be left with nothing but screenshots, memories, and people to share stories with. If you lack any of these things, you better check yourself.
#26 Sep 01 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Well written, Kanodin. Rated up ^^
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