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I'm quittingFollow

#27 Jul 14 2005 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
I just got very tired of reading things about you.

Yet you still didn't get tired of posting things about him/her.

ROFLMFAO@YOU hey guess what you need to go outside and get some sun. I fear that this game has become reality for you :P

Right... cause after reading thru this thread, I'm the ONLY one who takes this game too seriously.

Im curiouse why she thinks ppl would give a positive response to her these days. She know's half the server hates her guts

I think you answered your own curiousity... do you think she posted her departure so she could be flammed by everyone who can't get over something that happened in a GAME MONTHS ago... Cummon, I don't even dwell on bad happenings IRL for more than a couple weeks... yes... I am the one that takes this game too seriously... :\
#28 Jul 14 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
6,631 posts
Can I use the dead horse here? (Joking)

Folks, just let this end. Not because the horse deserves to die, but this is an old thing that should be let settled, and not brought up again for the sake of putting someone down. Some of you (including myself) have opinions of Centranne, and that have already been shown on these boards in the past. If you really think Centranne in a non-postive manner, why waste your time?

If Centranne is posting this to start a flame war (not sure he/she real intentions), one has just fallen to his/her trap by responding.

Let the rate down comes to me. And rate up to everyone that use proper and non-insulting language.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#29 Jul 14 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
143 posts
dont get too excited... she's messing with our heads(or at least trying to). she obviously doesnt have many friends on the server... so what would be the point in her posting a goobye thread knowing people are only going to be happy to see the filthy animal go?
#30 Jul 14 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
359 posts
First of all Rate up goes to cetranne for quitting. Good choice.

Time to reflect on all the good times we had:

<Cetranne> hello
<Ovul> hello
<Cetranne> Can I have 600k?
/blist add Cetranne

Ah... The memories...

Anyway shame on all you that had selfish comments like "well I wasn't involved in the incident so it didn't bother me". This should have bothered anyone with any morals. When did people stop caring about each other and only start to care about themselves. You are the same people that don't even look when a car alarm is going off, and wouldnt rush to help if someone shouted "rape". Don't act like that doesn't happen. It happens every day somewhere, thanks to weak selfish people.

Cetranne I think its a fair assumption that you will be selling your account, given your moral fiber. Its to bad you won't be sharing your profits with the people that made it possible. (Not that I'm saying they would accept because I'm sure they aren't gillsellers - but you wouldn't offer - that I know) It will be some great karma to the person that buys the account to start out already on so many blacklists.

Edited, Thu Jul 14 15:32:42 2005 by NOiSEA
#31 Jul 14 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
143 posts
cetrane is going to pretend to sell her account in hopes of getting rid of her reputation

and FYI... i dont look when a car alarm goes off... 99% of the time, it's a false alarm. and when someone shouts rape, i'm usually involved
#32 Jul 14 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
*double post*

Edited, Thu Jul 14 13:52:35 2005 by Shepppard
#33 Jul 14 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
K, Cet, Seriously, last time i;m gonna tell you this
Hello guys, its me Cetranne

Original Message

I'm quitting
Posted @ Wed, Jul 13th 9:53 PM2005 | IP: Logged | | Send PM
By: Cetranne


If you're posting as Cetranne
WE KNOW IT'S CETRANNE! >.< jesus, go play WoW.

christ, even just putting it in your sig would be better, hopefully you wont be around long enough to have a sig tho -.-

Edited, Thu Jul 14 13:55:19 2005 by Shepppard
#34 Jul 14 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
Well if she's pretending to sell her account to start over again and pretending to be a gillbuyer, then I think people would catch on.

Edited, Thu Jul 14 15:24:26 2005 by NOiSEA
#35 Jul 14 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
the solution to this theft problem!

*drum roll*

Move to russia -.-
#36 Jul 14 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
359 posts
Yes the vast majority of the time a car alarm going off is a false alarm, but guess what, people do break into cars and car alarms do go off and no one even looks. I wasn't implying people should make a "citizen's arrest" every time a car alarm goes off but is it too much to ask to look in that direction for a moment? Turning your head is not such an inconvenience and may save someone a LOT of grief. This actually happened to me recentlly:

I was walking out of a store at about 4:30 PM recently and a car alarm was going off and I noticed someone had the door open but I didn't see the person. When I walked closer, I could see someone fiddlling with the stereo (he was trying to remove it. I asked (in a very loud and accusing voice - both to be heard over the alarm and also because it was obvious what was happening) "Do you need any help?" The guy quickly turned around and ran off behind the store. I don't think he got anything. The main thing I had a problem with was that there were a LOT of people in that parking lot. There were people that walked by him before me. There are people in this thread that obviously would do the same thing, and just keep walking and not care about being a good samaritan and responding to the call for help (whether that call be a car alarm or whether its a rant on a message board asking that a thief should be punished in some way, such as people who read about it not partying with him/her etc.) When its a false alarm you know that just by looking. It takes about 1 second to analyze the situation and know either way. Its a fair analogy.

#37 Jul 14 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
i own an auto accessory shop where we do alarms all day long. after hearing the siren every day... all day... for 12 years, you kinda get dont think about it any more.

dont get me wrong... if i saw someone stealing something from someone, i'll do all i can to prevent it. hearing an alarm siren, however, is not going to get my attention

**edited because i'm a retart who typed "they" instead of "day"**

Edited, Thu Jul 14 14:22:02 2005 by robification
#38 Jul 14 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
Don't know you, heard a couple bad things about you, but it doesn't matter.

Stealing game items really means nothing. There was no real life harm in the situation. People take the game too seriously sometimes. Just ignore them.

I've seen you around the game a couple times so I guess it's goodbye... (you could always make another character. >.>)

I'm sorry to see another player leave.

#39 Jul 14 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
About the car alarm thing..... Most ppl don't "care" anymore cause you never know when some moron is carrying a gun and most ppl don't take that risk. It's became a dangerous world
#40 Jul 14 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
1,879 posts
Feoen, I disagree. Stealing in-game is just as bad and wrong as stealing irl, regardless of whether it's "just a game" or not. I mean... it's an RPG, you are your character. If your character is a jerk ingame, people will tend to think you're a jerk irl.

But I digress. I remember once in Southern Sandy, Cetranne healed and Protect-ed me after leveling BLM in Ronfaure, because I was a "fellow BLM". I found it interesting, but was disappointed to find nigh-irrefutable evidence of theft. Also, inviting people to camp an NM with you, then D2ing is not cool. Anyway, good luck in future endeavors, and remember that your actions make you who you are...

#41 Jul 14 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Default
Kinda' new to the whole Cetranne fiasco, but I saw her in Lower Jeuno today. Guess she's not gone yet. Oh well. I haven't even done BCNM's yet, but when I do it'll be with full on LS pals. I'm not gettin' shafted.
#42 Jul 14 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
People really starting to hurt my feelings and its getting to me.

After you stole everyone's money from BCNMs and tried to lie for someone to take the balme, then start to assault us over these forums about how we're nerds/geeks/morons you excpet someone to feel sorry for you after what you did?

Good-bye Wunderkind, some boyfriend you were, you never once took up for me while those ppl bashed on me =/

Why should he? I wouldn't defend anyone that did the stuff you did and tried to deny it even after ppl had solid evidence ofit.

Oh, FYI, most internet realtions end in failure.

Anyone i'm outie guys, good-bye.

Goodbye, don't make the same mistake you did here in WoW

Stealing game items really means nothing. There was no real life harm in the situation. People take the game too seriously sometimes. Just ignore them.

I find this funny, considering your post about that RDM that opened that coffer and you didn't.

Edited, Thu Jul 14 20:43:53 2005 by Corrderio
#43 Jul 14 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
Stealing game items really means nothing. There was no real life harm in the situation. People take the game too seriously sometimes. Just ignore them.

Hey Feo, remember when we managed to snag us a Bat Cape and I sold it for us? What if I kept the money we got off of it, which ranged around 1.5 mill?? How would you feel then?

You probably would have been pissed off about it, man. Its easier to say that because it didn't happen to you. The people in that BCNM pretty much wasted 40 seals because they couldn't get the money they obviously earned. Not criticizing you or anything, just tryin to make a point.

You wouldn't have that Dark Staff now :P
#44 Jul 14 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
I think imma migrate over to WoW. I gotta lot of friends who play that game, plus it isnt as time consuming as FFXI. FFXI seems like i'm always doing work that actually have fun. Basically, fun than play. Like I said, im not looking for goodbies, and this isnt a sob story or pity party or w/e you guys wanna call it. All I gotta say is to those 5 ppl I did the BCNM is: You won. Your lies, your pefectly set-up story turned my video-gaming experience into hell. I hope you got what you wanted, I really do. And all those people who had absoultely nothing to do with it, but yet jumped on a band-wagon like a mob chasing a slave down the street: Good luck to you. I'm sure you'll get yours too. Good-bye Cerebrus...

OK I'm sorry but I gotta reply to this one. As a level 60 Hunter on the Lightning's Blade Server, I have to say...

A leapard can't change their spots and end game WoW is just as brutal baby go read the forums. You pull **** like this on a Raid and they are going to make you cry. Not to mention if you are on a PvP server, all their other faction friends will hunt you for sport and **** on your cold, lifeless body. **** they don't even gotta be friends, they just gotta read the forums. They'll go hey, look it's that thief from the forums, let's kill the hoe. That's all it will take...goodbye, go play warcraft LOL Play on my server, I'll go back for a peek at you getting PWND =P
#45 Jul 15 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Someone just realized that the only thing thats more important in this game then gil is, reputation. :/

If you want to play happier in another game, don't repeat these actions.

#46 Jul 15 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
scchan wrote:
Can I use the dead horse here? (Joking)

I will hit you if you do. >:D
#47 Jul 15 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
Ok why can't you all just drop it? Leave her be?
Krem has the idea down. Just let it go, stop crying over it, it won't change a bit. Is there not anymore noble people left? We all had hard times.. Times come and go, now just let this go.
Anyway thank you all that did not reply negativly. To those who did, get over it.
Yea and watch me get hissed at now for voicing my opinion.- Riuoken (here i go)

*Edited cause I'm an idiot, sorry Paragon :(*

Edited, Wed Jul 20 12:48:03 2005 by SirGustav
#48 Jul 15 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
470 posts
/grin elathia
/em attempts to use the dead horse pic...
/em then realises she isn't a premium member
#49 Jul 15 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
I don't know Gustav, I thought Paragon's reply was pretty good. It wasn't inflammatory; it was strictly informative; and it presented his perspective on the situation as introduced by Cetranne his/herself. As I said, I'm new to the whole Cetranne thing, but it's widely known what he/she's done. So it's understandable that people are gonna hold a bit of a grudge. If he/she didn't harm you, good. You don't need to ***** about him/her then. He/she didn't harm me. Therefor, I'm not ******** about him/her. But those who have been affected by him/her have the expressed right to let her know one last time. Period.
#50 Jul 15 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
ok i tried to make a longer message but, words were mixed and it didnt make sense after i got done with it 0.o. basicly, this really isnt the right place to bash someone while they going away. i hated her a lot, wanted her gone. now she's leaving, let her leave, dont bash her here. i know thats a lot to ask but ya know..its over..she's leaving. let her leave quietly, if lots of people hated you, wouldn't you want them to shut up at your funeral? it might be the last time you see her.

Bye bye Cetranne.
Black Mage lvl 60/White Mage lvl 30
Rank Mission 6-1
Guild:Alchemy lvl 20
"Alright, times up...let's do this....LEEEEROOOY!! JEEENKINNSS!!"
seen the movie....funny as ****.
#51 Jul 15 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
lol not only are you a good dragoon but you are funny as h***
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