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MPK'rs, Scammers, Sellers, Exploiters of CerberusFollow

#27 Jul 11 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
LeetFade wrote:
If you dislike the contents of the topic the hit the back button on your browser, and certainly do not give the thread further life by replying to it.

This is one of those "take your own advice" moments.

While I didn't clarify, I was referring to instead of replying with an attempt to end the topic, just disregard. I was replying on topic, but I will not go the "it's different cause I so" route.

I agree that everyone should be able to "vent". It does wonders. However, there is a very big difference between venting and forewarning, and berating and whining.

Too often recently people have opted for the flame wars which breeds nothing but animosity. They look for people to jump on the bandwagon so they can build their little angry mob of people with pitchforks and torches to march down the streets of Jeuno on a witch hunt. It gets old VERY quickly.

Don't get me wrong, I think everyone should be able to vent and say what's on their minds, but like Ama said, it's the posts that just go on and on and on about gil sellers, and RMT, and "I'll pwn j00 cuz I r 1337" that just get on my last nerve.

It's very rare that I'll comment on them unless they seem to be quickly getting out of hand. I try to offer another side or help people see eye to eye. If that doesn't work, well, it just depends on the severity of the situation.

All we look for is a more constructive posting environment. I don't see why people get so defensive/offended over that.

I think there's a fair amount of exaggeration on both sides here. I know I exagerated, intentionaly, in my post just as you have too. I think the problem is when the dead horse icon comes out too fast. While it is appropriate to say, "Ok guys this getting absurd, give it a rest" (i.e. the Cetrenne fiasco) I am a firm believer in letting people air their differences and get it over with.

If people are argueing, complaining or whatever on anytopic, no matter how redundant you may feel it is, they have a right to. This is where I feel the waffles, cookies, dead horses or whatever come into play when they don't belong. Let people be, instead of having a "flame war" or whatever with eachother and stay out of it. Half the time when someone tries to play peacemaker they either get themselves involved or the people fighting/complaining now have issue with the intervener, which is counter productive the what I've gathered your cause to be.
#28 Jul 11 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
it's the posts that just go on and on and on about gil sellers, and RMT, and "I'll pwn j00 cuz I r 1337" that just get on my last nerve

Might I point out that this thread was nothing of the sort and had no hostility, rants, raves and/or flames until Cribsog came along and had to throw a moltav cocktail on the non-burning bon fire.. my guess is the only thing initially read was the subject line because unless I'm a moron, I see no hostility in my original post. Infact, I was diverting attention AWAY from such topics...

Sadly, a disgruntled individual had to put the spot light back on it... DAMMIT! I don't wanna talk about MPK'rs, gil sellers, scammers and other bastards on our servers... I wanted to enjoy waffles with my friends... so please pass the syrup or get a clue...
#29REDACTED, Posted: Jul 11 2005 at 5:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) News flash for Leetfade: you are irrelevant. You're opinion served no purpose other than making your friends think, "Oh man, Leetfade was right, he really is a superstar in FFXI." Good luck with that pathetic title douchebag. In real life I'd make you my *****. You're goddamn right I flamed this ******* thread, and by God I'll do it again. People who are new to the game come here for help, and vaginas such as yourselves ruin it for them. Well no longer. None of us can regulate these threads, but we can comment. And that's exactly what I intend to do. And please little girls, don't be intimidated by my diction. I can't help it that I learned how to use my native language efficiently; and interestingly enough I don't have to proofread. Very clever comeback there. Hahahaha....
#30 Jul 11 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
Cribsog you should really calm down. You are getting way too worked up over this. I still stand by the fact that people should be free to vent and rant on the forums (which I saw as being the topic of this thread), but you have been namecalling and flaming, which I don't think is really a good use of your freedom to post.

One more thing about the topic is that there's very little (almost none at all actually) acountabillity for someones actions built into the game. GM's don't do anything. You can flat out tell a GM you are botting and they will tell you only that they will be watching you to make sure you aren't doing it unattended. Anyone who thinks they are going around revoking accounts for anything is mistaken. There are servers that have LS's with MPK as part of their name and that's what they do. Their accounts don't get revoked. (Maybe the occasional suspension but that's it) Do you think stopping gillsellers would be hard? Not at all. SE could just buy the minimum of gil from any company selling it and then shut down the account that supplied it and shut down any account that transferred gil in a large sum to that account. The gil owned by those companies would evaporate causing massive deflation. Why wouldn't they do this? Because they are a business and have budgets to make. If those accounts were suspended they would be out of:
A. The money from the gilseller's accounts.
B. The money it would cost to constantly conduct investigations into gillselling.
C. The money from accounts of people to lazy to farm for themselves, or just don't want to be bothered, so they buy gil, but now that they can't do that anymore they quit and go play another game.

The only real accountability is from your peers, and even that is really limited to rant posts, which mean very little to someone who is already morally corrupt. But at least if you've had a chance to read about Smitz or Cetranne or someone like that then you know what you would be getting yourself into if you were planning to invite them to a party. Hopefully readers are smart enough to disregard most rants as just one side of the story. But when when you have dozens of posters with similar experiences (ie. Smitz and Cetrenne) then the rant has turned into a sort of "Better Business Beaureau"(sp?) (That's a reference to a group in the US that records complaints to inform the public about a particular business - a few complaints would just be disregarded, but many complaints and the business gets investigated)

Anyway, sorry to those that didn't want to see this get bumped yet again, but the topic doesn't bother me perrsonally (except the name calling is a bit silly)
#31 Jul 11 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
Did you just call someone a ******? Okay, since when is a ****** a bad thing??

I'm offended.
#32 Jul 12 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Did you know that this week is "Ad-free Week!" hory clap, no popups yet!
#33 Jul 12 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
Hmmm...I agree with you Noisea. I have indeed gone off the deep end. However, unlike you, I feel it was merited. I'm typically very calm, especially in real life situations; but the behavior in this game, as you said, is mostly rewarded with little to no consequences. Especially **** talking. In the real world, if someone decided to disagree with me, I could make sure they did it in a polite way. In this forum, people can say "shut the **** up," and sit comfortably 3000 miles away, smiling. So yeah, I got pissed. I realize that I started the flame, and I'm not apologizing for it. I could have been a little less insulting with my first post, but it's in my nature to look out for the underdog; and I, unlike many can back up my claims. So to all who posted here, I accept that my initial post was a little over the top. Amanada did not personally attack me. But seeing his posts in every thread attacking newcomers to the forums, then watching as others celebrated him as a thread terminator set me off. My intentions were good, and I stand by my them. Amanada was wrong, as were those who behaved liked him. Everything after that was reciprocity. If you disagree with me, say so in the manner of Noisea. From now on, I will try and do the same. But if an insult slips into the post I will battle you. I will mail my address to you, meet you somewhere and destroy you. Simple as that. So from here, I end my flame. Assuming of course, I get no insulting replies. Thank you Noisea for displaying proper forum etiquette. We can all learn a thing or two from you. Kmann did a good job as well. I wish I were as level-headed. And to the poster who is offended: check your local CVS for tissues. I believe they are in abundant supply. I'm done.

Edited, Tue Jul 12 08:31:22 2005 by cribsog

Edited, Tue Jul 12 08:37:08 2005 by cribsog
#34 Jul 12 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
You are nothing short of humorous.

News flash for Leetfade: you are irrelevant. You're opinion served no purpose other than making your friends think, "Oh man, Leetfade was right, he really is a superstar in FFXI." Good luck with that pathetic title douchebag. In real life I'd make you my *****. You're goddamn right I flamed this @#%^ing thread, and by God I'll do it again. People who are new to the game come here for help, and vaginas such as yourselves ruin it for them. Well no longer. None of us can regulate these threads, but we can comment. And that's exactly what I intend to do. And please little girls, don't be intimidated by my diction. I can't help it that I learned how to use my native language efficiently; and interestingly enough I don't have to proofread. Very clever comeback there. Hahahaha....

Why don't you ask some people that have been around the game for a while what they think of me and how I treat others. Why not ask the 100+ members of BladeSingers and the many others that are wanting to join. Then ask those same people what you've done.

Sitting by a computer making idle threats with a thesaurus in hand does not make you intelligent, nor threatening. You are doing the very thing that you are flaming others for supposedly doing, when they were not. Open your eyes, shut your mouth, and drop your ego.

Just because someone challenged you in an intelligent manner, you mark them as irrelevant. Hardly. You're not Robin Hood. You're not "defending the underdog". Move on. You've only destroyed your reputation in a very large portion of the Cerberus community.

And by the way, good luck with G1. The bridges you burn on this forum will make it difficult to advance later on. Just a heads up.

Ovul, I agree 100% that people should be warned about the foul play of others and have the ability to vent. I know the rest of us that Asherr has come to love so much feel the same. It's when it turns into a non-stop flame war with people like him spouting off at the mouth like their some big hard *** that it's just too much.

Starting a new thread about the same topic is the same as bumping the old. That's why you see the horse so early in some posts. It's not to offend anyone, it's more to avoid further outbreaks of hostility.

One last thing Asherr. If you're really that worked up that you think you'll "destroy" me in real life, you need to get a life. This is a game. Yes it has real life implications, but if you're that troubled in real life that violence is your answer, then you're either:
A) A junior high kid that gets beat up daily so he has to front as a hard *** where he can
or B) Someone with a poor family history that was never able to overcome his past.

Either way, I feel for you man. I'm honestly not trying to belittle you, but you need to find a more constructive outlet for your hostility. You know nothing about me or anyone else on this forum. Threatening one's life is a very serious offense.

You commend others on tact, use some yourself.
#35 Jul 12 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
However, unlike you, I feel it was merited

Oh, I get it now... for you... it's ok.. for everyone else, it's elitism...

As OP of this topic, I ask that no one further fuel this hypocritical fire. My eyes are soo brown from the BS that has filled this page that I've got skidmarks running down my face. Let this lil kid reply to my comments and let his comment go unheard or at least unrecognized as that is all he wants. He's just here to start some trouble and have fun talking smack. IMO, we don't need to be the ones to give him such an opportunity.
#36 Jul 12 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Wow, angst sucks. /blist add Asherr
#37 Jul 12 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
Right...once again you ladies want last word. To Leetfade: I have heard of Bladesingers from both those in your LS and not. Those who aren't affiliated have made it abundantly clear that you, i.e. Leetfade, are nothing more than an in-game frat-boy. Wow. Whatever makes you feel cool, pal. I don't need to ask your LS friends if you're a good guy. Frankly, I don't care if you're a good guy. Noone invited you to this thread. You came in of your own accord, and now you've been called out. Believe it or not, the Cerberus community is large and many haven't heard of you. Even if, by some stretch of the imagination, you are "GOD OF CERBERUS," I will never have need of help from you or your LS. And your retorts about me using a thesaurus are ridiculous. I will say it again: I can't help having good diction. If I could fumble around phrases to convince you, I...wait no...I still wouldn't. A pathetic argument. And thanks for the psychoanalysis. A rudimentary approach...but thanks. Perhaps I'll head to a community center...maybe take some classes. My anger,'s out of control. I know I need help. I just don't...I you think you could help me? Maybe take me into your magical LinkShell and heal me? Oh man...that'd be boss. C'mon bro' can do better than that. My previous post was to let you all know (Krem/Leetfade/Amanada/Whoever else) that I admit I overreacted to the thread. You no longer need to hang on to that one. But I guarantee you that violence, as you put it, can indeed solve this matter. However, since you've never been a man before, Leet; and you've likely never seen the opposite side of a fist, I'll let you pretend to take the moral high ground. If you'd like to arrange a meeting though, by all means let me know. And seriously...I'm not impressed with your LS. No one is. Haha...oh man, that was good.
#38 Jul 12 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Even I got a good laugh out of that one.
#39 Jul 12 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good

sorry, my reposting did not help support my last post >.>

Edited, Tue Jul 12 15:39:05 2005 by ElvaanKrem
#40 Jul 12 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
498 posts

Leet is in a Frat and he didn't invite me! Heresy!
#41 Jul 12 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
I swear I need to start an LS called FratBoysOfCerberus and have a hazing ritual and all. LoL. I'll find a way to invent keg stands in the game (even though I can't stand beer. :-b).
#42 Jul 12 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
just no circle jerk's leet... Smiley: cookie
#43 Jul 12 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
I happen to agree with Crib - to an extent. While I disagree with the veracity of his replies, I understand his point. Every time a thread goes up where someone is venting and it's not really important whether anyone responds or not (as it's the person blowing off steam, and possibly warning others of an undesirable situation), I've almost always seen a dead horse from Amanada. While I have nothing abainst LeetFade nor Krem, I have seen Amanada do it more than anyone. I mean... she (he? The avatar pic is female, so I'll use "she" for now) did it on the fifth post. The -fifth!- It just... it bothers me how she thinks that any thread that she either disagrees with or has no personal investment in is automatically a "dead horse." I understand she has just as much right to post here as I do, but you've got to remember - it's easy to say something is stupid when you're not a part of it. But, the fact of the matter is, hypocrisy is something I cannot stand. It is one of life's biggest irritations for me... and I saw some.

Amanada said:
IMO if you disagree with another person's opinion, you can rebutt it with manners or just ignore the thread. It is non-stop pouring of gasoline into threads that I do not like.

You need to understand the same. Someone -else's- opinion is something that, by definition, you cannot dispute. Also. Jumping into a thread and saying "dead horse, dead horse" is just like saying, "your opinion is irrelevant just because I said so." Last I checked, that was a very impolite way of doing things... or in other words, it involves no manners. If you don't like what you see, you too need to ignore the thread... as Jeryhn said, "Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, Pot."

Crib, you've got to keep in mind... the more you flame, the more it hurts your credibility. I was reading through most of the posts, and the one where you're calm and speaking out your dispute turned my view on you around... until I saw your next post. While I understand that they reattacked, sometimes you've just got to be a bigger person than they are. I'm sure if you were to post calmly on all your posts like you did for that one, no one would still be angry. ^^ Just keep in mind, there's a line to be crossed between disputing someone and flaming them. That's all I ask.

Krem, all I have to point out is, you say you were being sarcastic (in reference to the original post of the thread). True as this may be, please, consider your medium. Sarcasm, a highly aural concept, is a difficult thing to convey across a visual-only medium. I personally had to reread your post three times to understand the sarcasm.

Anyway. A notice: Those of you who choose to respond to me like children will be throrughly ignored. If you wish to discuss my points, please do so like civilized human beings... after all, that's what we're supposed to be, isn't it?

#44 Jul 12 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
My original use the icon is just to little bit silly and light, and making fun of l337 speech. It does not meant to stop the thread.

I refused to post on this thread after the thread gone south until now because I feel joining a flame war and keep bumping on the thread will just keep it going.

A few things (as a personal opinion, it does not meant to flame)...

1) Do not use human body parts as part of the thread -- that is very offensive to some people and cultures. I would not hesistate to report improper use of racial, sexual, offensive language to the system adminstrators.

2) True jack a** flamer's goal is to keep the thread going and attract attention. Do not let him/her to win, and just ignore the thread.

3) Even one is online and one's true identity is hidden, it does not warrant the trade of direct insult. One is still taking to another human being. I will take Leetfade's Friend List comment (this citation does not imply I am supporting Leet in the flaming here),
"Respect to be respected."
If one wants to be respected, than respect oneself and others. "You respect ME first, and I respect you" altitude does not work -- that is true in general in every social, business situation. Communication is two-way. Flaming is two-way. Talking is two-way. Respect is two-way too.

4) Do not take comments and critizisms too personally. Sometime people just suggest ideas, and sometimes people are joking. It does not neccessary mean a personal attack.

Ok Thanks Bye (May Thread Dies -- this time not a joke and I am serious)

Edited, Tue Jul 12 16:24:31 2005 by scchan

Edited, Tue Jul 12 16:26:28 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#45 Jul 12 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
LoL Speedly. When I saw your name as the last to post I fully expected just more fuel in the fire (based on the Cetranne fiasco). You did not, however, and that is respectable.

Do I disagree with you? No. I can now see everyone's point about some of us being too quick to jump the gun on the dead horse aspect. Our view, however, was based on the sheer volume of the same type of rant/gripe posts.

As I've said a few times, everyone is entitled to rant, it does good to get if off your chest. A lot of the rants, however, could have been more constructive.

Nebz is usually only understood fully by those that have talked to him a few times. I can't count how many times people have gone off on him and I had to reread to see why. So I guess I just read his posts differently. This is where your "visual medium" comes into play and is very valid. It's next to impossible to convey your emotions on a screen. It is hard to remember that sometimes.

Before everyone pulls out the witch hunt on Ama, take some time to understand him also. Ama is generally a level headed person and open-minded. The dead horse is brought out from frustration of some things that are detrimental to the gameplay of many. He's seen many come and go (including himself) and a lot have gone due to pety things such as these.

I generally never open threads with the flaming theme to them, unless I see someone I know is involved in it. My curiosity then kicks in. :-/

I respect the opinions of all that can post constructively. I can even accept an apology when it's not followed by another flame. I have, however, grown extremely tired of people that can't respect others. It's just uncalled for.

And Krem, LoL, there is no circle jerking, sword fighting, or sausage vending (I couldn't think of a third one. LoL) allowed. No offense to the gay community of Cerberus, but it's just not my thing. LoL. I'll have to think of a good hazing ritual though. LoL. I think that could be fun.
#46 Jul 12 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
Understood, Leet. Well put.

A note about the Cetranne thing: The reason I wasn't so... calm... with that thread was because I had a large personal investment (well, more like a "loss") in the situation at hand. While I understand that some of the things I said were out of line, I'm sure that you can understand -why- I'd be so angry about it.

That's all I've got for now... I had additional cars on my train of thought, but they seem to have derailed since I began typing. ><

Stupid brain, I'll stab you with a Q-Tip!

#47 Jul 12 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
While I disagree with the veracity of his replies, I understand his point. Every time a thread goes up where someone is venting and it's not really important whether anyone responds or not (as it's the person blowing off steam, and possibly warning others of an undesirable situation), I've almost always seen a dead horse from Amanada. While I have nothing abainst LeetFade nor Krem, I have seen Amanada do it more than anyone.

might I point out for the third time:

"No one was ranting..." the entire thread was created as an escape from the rants. Nothing more than a place to joke about such things in context. Thus the waffles bit..

As for Amanada's use of the dead horse icon in this thread, it was just and rectified as it was in good context with the non-seriousness of this thread. Things didn't get serious till Cribsog thru a monkey wrench into things... and even then, they had no reason to be taken to the extremes that it was taken to. I don't care if Amanada uses the dead icon in the signature and therefore in every post...

This thread is this thread, this thread is not the entire messageboards nor is it the place to judge and persecute for other threads non-relating to this one. If you have a problem with a specific individual's posts across threads, call them out or send a private message. Do not belittle them in only one (or even all) of the threads said poster posted in. So can we please get back to heartless, carefree joking? It makes things soo much nicer... and if we can't do that? can we just let this thread disappear off the first page?

And Krem, LoL, there is no circle jerking, sword fighting, or sausage vending (I couldn't think of a third one. LoL) allowed. No offense to the gay community of Cerberus, but it's just not my thing. LoL. I'll have to think of a good hazing ritual though. LoL. I think that could be fun.

cool, where can I sign up and how can I pledge?

Edited, Tue Jul 12 16:57:23 2005 by ElvaanKrem
#48 Jul 12 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
In order to inject more humor instead of fire....

I don't care if Amanada uses the dead icon in the signature and therefore in every post...

My middle school teacher once said, "I love to fufill your dream!" (Usually being scarcastic when someone breaks the school rules...)

Nebz... Since you want it, I shall fufill your dream!
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#49 Jul 12 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
True, Krem, but on the other side of the coin, isn't claiming a thread is a dead horse just because you disagree with it belittling everyone who has a real stake in it?

And, damn, man, did you have to quote my typo that I hoped no one would notice? XD
#50 Jul 12 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Going to let this die. Still say just ignore it and it will go away is the best medicine, but people are people.

As for the dead horse Icon. Thank God for Adblock. just add:

and you'll never see it again.
#51 Jul 12 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
I can't get the block thing to work K... ayudame!
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