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Suggestions wanted: Graphical Forum Sigs (was forum=10) (waFollow

#1 Dec 16 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
Like I recently did on our World of Warcraft site, I'd like to add the ability to link graphical sigs which automatically update from your character to the forums here.

This is an example of the world of warcraft character based sig:

So, I'd like to make one for our Final Fantasy XI users. It'll base itself off your character, and update as your character does. You'll be able to link it in posts here, or from other sites. It will be a feature restricted to premium members.

What I'd like feedback on is: are there any particular elements you'd like to see represented on the sig? For WOW it was easy to pick pvp stats and go with it. I'm less sure for ffxi.

Any suggestions for image textures or elements would be welcome as well.


Edited, Fri Dec 16 11:57:29 2005 by Illia
Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
#2 Dec 16 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
3,255 posts
The simpler and smaller the better. Perhaps make it smaller but longer to fit more of the annoying info in there lol. Could use the 3 nations colors as backgrounds depending on the person's nationality.
#3 Dec 16 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
687 posts
I'm totally against graphical signatures. They fill up the screen and give me information I completely don't care about. If you want me to know your levels, just use a single line of text. So you know I'm not being a hypocrite, I don't even have a signature! Not even one line of text.
#4 Dec 16 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
1,024 posts
That sounds pretty cool, although I don't have a prem. membership.

If it is something that would show up on the signature of members, I would ask for a way to have users not display other's sigs. I really hate those other forums where someone's signature is this huge honking image. Ugh! They slow the load times and distract from the content of the threads, in my most humble opinion.
#5 Dec 16 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
Maybe add a method to select which face and race you have so it shows a pic of what your character looks like.

Race = Letter
Face = Number

Elvaan Old Man = A9

Display A9.gif

That would totally rock.

The other stuff I can just type.

Edit: Heres a directory with all the face icons in it.

Just add a screen where premium members can select which one they have.

Edited, Fri Dec 16 12:09:40 2005 by President

Edited, Fri Dec 16 12:12:21 2005 by President
#6 Dec 16 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
The simpler and smaller the better. Perhaps make it smaller but longer to fit more of the annoying info in there lol. Could use the 3 nations colors as backgrounds depending on the person's nationality.

Sounds good to me too.

Although like many have mentioned, it can be a pain to load a page where every other person has a huge sig. (To note for those who are unsure, you can't put your own sig here, there's a select few made by Illia that you chose from, so none of them will be "great big honkin sigs"). Still the same, you should add an option for the rest of us to turn them off, just as you do with the avatars.


Still the same, you should add an option for the rest of us to turn them off, just as you do with the avatars.

Forget that, I see that you have already adjusted it to "Hide Images" which hides both the sigs and avatars.

Edited, Fri Dec 16 12:08:38 2005 by chluke
#7 Dec 16 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
757 posts
if you do add it for FFXI make a selection in the filter area to be able to turn them off...

don't need something like Killing Ifrit where the graphics are so huge that it takes 20 minutes to DL everything only to notice that the pictures are so repeatitive...

but like how you have the Sergeant symbol... make it Rank

the symbol on the side, the person's Nation.

as far as the job n crafts n skills n such...

is that really needed when there are area's for that which can be linked to, which 90% of ffxi alla uses... Use?

EDIT: Dur, {} Hide Images THERE IS ONE!1 I R A GENIUSER!! :B

but would be better to have one just for the sig images >.>

Edited, Fri Dec 16 12:08:57 2005 by GaugeChambers
#8 Dec 16 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
I don't mind signatures. The only problem I see is that there is such a lot of info the people chose to list in their text signatures (mine has a fair bit, but I have seen more). Perhaps listing the main job combo of each player, their highest leveled craft, with a different background depending upon nation.

Edit: I quite like the rank idea, but it should be pointed out that each nation has a different rank font (when the works Rank 6, for example, appear on the screen, it is different for San d'Oria, Bastok, and Windurst). Also, we should have server name on there somewhere as well. Maybe linkshell as well.

Edited, Fri Dec 16 12:17:55 2005 by Mieck
#9 Dec 16 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
not sure i'd use it, but if you would include it i think the possible things to put in are:

  • name
  • race
  • server
  • nation
  • job
  • rank
  • crafting skills

  • i actually adblocked the wow sigs, mainly because they didn't relate to me and were distracting. FFXI sigs i might keep, just depends if they're done cleanly and relevent.

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 12:22:22 2005 by Cooterbrown
    #10 Dec 16 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
    12,735 posts
    Keeping it simple, Illia, you should just make it simular to how you have the WoW sig.

    A yellow banner for Windy, Red for Sandy, and Blue for Bastok.

    Name of character, rank, current job/level, server, and linkshell.

    That's it. That's all one would really need.
    #11 Dec 16 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
    Great idea Illia!

    Have it set up similar as the WoW ones, nations flag on right, Character name, level, job race and Linkshell.

    Looking forward to it!
    #12 Dec 16 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
    1,854 posts
    Some very good ideas here. I don't know about faces. I would like to have the nation flag image and national colours.

    Name, Race/Sex, Rank, Job, Server, Title, Linkshell Name

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 12:42:17 2005 by pnummi
    #13 Dec 16 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
    1,863 posts

    - about 25% shorter than the current WOW signatures
    - about 25% longer than the current WOW signatures
    - a handy checkbox to filter the things so we don't have to look at them

    When it comes to any signature, short and sweet is best. My opinion is that a signature should contain neither more lines nor more information than the post it is attached to.
    #14 Dec 16 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
    4,281 posts
    As long as there's a feature to disable it, I'm okay with pretty much anything. Features I'd like to see are name, job levels, craft levels, linkshell, and maybe 1 line for miscellaneous text. Thanks!
    Philemon on Valefor
    Gjallarhorn 4/17/08
    Daurdabla 5/9/11
    Carnwenhan 5/4/12
    Ryunohige 10/29/12
    #15 Dec 16 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
    2,285 posts
    Hmm, well, I know you would never replicated something like what I have graphically, there just are not enough people with lots of crafting mules to bother.

    Nationality can determine the primary color
    COP stage
    ZM stage
    ToAU stage (How ever that one works)
    one set of cafting levels
    Misc line created by user.

    Not sure that I would use it though.

    Something like KI but with a much more restrictive image size, when it can be player submited would be ok, but could possibly require moderator attention.
    #16 Dec 16 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
    Stipulation: If the person's current selected main job is DRG, you must make the sig purple. Smiley: yippee



    I like those above. Use the different country crests+colors for current allegiance (like you have on the wowsig there), with the rest like so:

    Name, Rank
    (Possibly Title)
    Race Job, lv

    So for me, it'd be

    (background is San d'Orian emblem, also colored Red)

    Althrun, Rank 8
    Paragon of Dragoon Excellence
    Elvaan Dragoon, 64
    Insert_linkshell_here(I have 2, but I would assume it would vary by which one I have saved in my stuff in here)
    #17 Dec 16 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
    While I'd love to have a signature with all my job and craft levels, my current title, which Promathia mission I'm on, whether I've gotten Carby Mitts yet, etc. etc., there is only so much room in a graphical signature. I vote for keeping things simple and just include the basics -- name, race, world, nation, rank, a job, and a craft. For example:

    Nupinu, Tarutaru of Phoenix
    Windurst Rank 5
    Summoner 36
    Clothcraft 63

    ...that, and the nation logo.

    Smaller is better! (Tarutaru are proof of that!)

    -- Nup! <(^.^)>/
    #18 Dec 16 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
    I have to contradict the Rank/color thing with one issue:

    Some of us do rank in multiple nations. I think all 3 nation ranks should be in there if possible.

    And if these are for premium members only, I might have to consider getting a premium membership now.

    EDIT: Example

    (Name) - Race/Gender - Server
    (San d'Oria emblem) # (Bastok emblem) # (Windurst emblem) #
    ZM: # PM: # TM: #
    {Five highest job levels} JOB## | JOB## | JOB## | JOB## | JOB##
    {Five highest craft skills} (Guild emblem) # (Guild emblem) # (Guild emblem) # (Guild emblem) # (Guild emblem) #

    For nation emblem, I'm talking about the coat of arms for that nation
    For Guild emblem, I'm talking about the one you would see on aprons and such.

    It's 5 lines long.

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 13:30:28 2005 by Mikhalia
    #19 Dec 16 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
    1,153 posts
    Like others have said the ability to disable them would be fairly important. Things I'd like to see.

    Current Rank
    Job levels
    Craft Levels
    Character name

    Different people have different priorities in this game. For some crafts are the end all of importance. Being able to choose what goes in the sig (even if only allowed to select a few at a time) are what I think would make or break this feature. Also don't enforce the crafting leveling scheme into the sig if crafts are allowed to be entered. That way if someone has 4 crafts at 100 across 4 mules, than they should be able to display that.
    Funny Facebook statuses

    dad jokes

    #20 Dec 16 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
    172 posts
    If you do this please make a small size limit on it. There is nothing more annoying to me than going though posts on a forum where the image is on average 3 to 4 times the size of that person's posts... and sometimes much larger. Something limited to the size of what you showed would be very nice.

    Things I would like to see in it would be race, home nation, rank, job levels and maybe craft skill about 60 but not sure about that last bit.

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 13:42:05 2005 by omeed
    #21 Dec 16 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
    Regarding nation and color, maybe you could do it one of three ways:

    If the person only has missions in one nation (like most people do), make the picture that color (red/blue/green).

    If the person has missions in two nations, make the sig a gradient change between the two colors (Red to Blue, Blue to Green, or whatnot).

    If the person has missions in all three nations, make the sig a gradient change between all three colors.

    As for length, I would imagine the FFXI sig will be the same size (give or take) as the WoW sig, right?
    #22 Dec 16 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
    2,388 posts
    Why not just let people make their own sigs, but make a hefty size restriction on them and no .gifs for animations. Make them have a maximum height and file size. Make maximum length the length of the posting area only.
    #23 Dec 16 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
    I think this is a great idea! My suggestion:

    |Character Name, Race Sex          | Nation| 
    |Nation, Rank                      | Emblem| 
    |3 Highest Jobs                    | Here  | 
    |3 Highest Crafts__________________|_______| 

    Make the Backround the same color as the nation Alignment-
    Bastok: Blue
    San d'Oria: Red
    Windurst: Green

    And perhaps have an option to display Zilart or Promathia missions with a matching theme instead of the nation ranks-

    Zilart: Off white with Jeuno Emblem
    Promathia: Black with Tavnazian Emblem

    Instead of a rank number for these 2, display the current mission name instead, such as (I know its not gonna line up right, but you get the idea):

    |Etain, Tarutaru Female                                      | Nation| 
    |Promathia Mission, Garden of Antiquity                      | Emblem| 
    |75 BRD-59WHM-37RDM                                          | Here  | 
    |60 Bone-30 Cooking-21 Leather_______________________________|_______| 

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 14:07:45 2005 by Etain
    #24 Dec 16 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
    426 posts
    Based on everyones suggestions so far, I put together these banners as to see what they would potentially look like.


    Edited, Fri Dec 16 14:56:54 2005 by Shuurai
    #25 Dec 16 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
    1,854 posts
    Shuurai wrote:
    Based on everyones suggestions so far, I put together these banners as to see what they would potentially look like.


    Sweeeeeet, yeah something like that is what I would like.

    Edited, Fri Dec 16 14:59:30 2005 by pnummi
    #26 Dec 16 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
    12,735 posts
    Shuurai wrote:
    Based on everyones suggestions so far, I put together these banners as to see what they would potentially look like.


    Edited, Fri Dec 16 14:56:54 2005 by Shuurai

    I like it, but it would be nicer to keep the level to just your MAIN job.

    I'd rather see "62 Paladin" than "PLD62 | WAR35 | MNK42" so on so forth. No matter what little petty subs you have and so forth...there is always your MAIN job...-the- job you see is perfect for you or better said, your toon.

    And crafts? Blarg. Smiley: laugh That's just plain dumb.
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