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Lesbians Vs. GaysFollow

#52 Dec 09 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
I personally don't care if they get married either.. my saying is ( I don't care what you or you're company do as longs as it doesn't negatively affect any outside party) but the problem for me is not them.... but all the other people.. people have to realize that sexuality is more than just being a hetero/**** sexual.. there's a "long line" of sexuality spanning from being totally sexual free on one side to the most vile sexual thing you can think of on the other side. I hate to admit it.. but yes there will be people who will want to marry their animals, cars, or even themselves, etc. And if you don't restrict marriage to a man and a woman and you allow this atlernate lifestyle to get married... you have to allow all of the other alternate lifestyles as well... Because if you do not, you yourself is also discriminating against the other alternate lifestyles which would be a contradiction. Then how would marrying someone you love be worth anything if dude down street is married to his cell phone.... The meaning of the special bond would be gone...Especially if I end up having 10 significant others and ask someone to marry me.
#53 Dec 09 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Almalieque wrote:
The meaning of the special bond would be gone...
That bond is what you make it. Look at all the drive through chappels, and quicky marriage marts in Vegas. Look at all the divorces and seperations. This bond isn't physical, it's what you as a couple make it to be.

Almalieque wrote:
Especially if I end up having 10 significant others and ask someone to marry me.
You saying your a polygamist?
#54 Dec 09 2004 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
no I don't believe in polygamy.. what i meant is how can a female believe that I love her truly if I'm married to two other females, my car and my favorite pair shoes and I say I truly love them as well. That's like going into a relationship with some who is already married and have other mistress on the side and you're like the third wheel. Yes you're right that each individual determines how special each bond is.. Yes their are many heterosexuals that would be deemed " a disgrace to marriage" by their actions.. i.e being married for less than 2 days... I don't condone that either... but as I said before.. I'm against all the other lifestyles getting married more so than homosexuals... I find it hard to believe that the bond of marriage wouldn't go tremendously down if each individual could engage in an infinite amount marriages with anyone or anything..I always thought the major deal of marriage was commitment... And it is impossible to stay committed to multiple "signifiacant others" at once.. so if thats gone what do you have...
#55 Dec 09 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
ataglance wrote:
as a lesbian commenting on:

I've always been wondering, do women find gay male sex as erotic as we men find lesbian sex?

silly goose ^^ men find lesbian sex attractive 'cause they're attracted to women. most of my other **** friends find even straight sex nausiating. icky ***** ick ick ick.

I must admit, and not to offend any of my gay or transgender friends out there, that gay men OFTEN hit on straight men. That's why the straight men don't like you. You hit on them. They don't want to be hit on. That's why we dykes don't hit on the straight girls (unless it's an accident, and i appologize to all those women out there who are never going to read this that i've accidentally hit on despite their sexual preference). But that's really hard for gay men to change, i've noticed. Just too darn horney.

anyways, being gay is not a choice to those few who still doubt that. and it's not a sin, either. and i'm not going to hell.

and i still love straight people. ^^ <big hugs all around>

(and don't worry, i find gay men disgusting, too. no, wait. i just find ***** disgusting lol)

No offense, but I think you're not hitting on straight women and not liking ***** (at least in theory) puts you in a minority in the lesbian world.

Just sayin'
#56 Dec 09 2004 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
781 posts
Gays make my stomach feel icky inside!

Then don't swallow... <chuckle>
#57 Dec 09 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
<anti-chuckle> thats NASTY, maybe we shoudlnt go to GREAT detail upon after marriage activites that are required. We should all talk about the concept, not the activities in great detail. we should be discussing philosphy and not how people either swallow, or not. (and for christ sake, what is worng wit you people!!!!!! its icky to hear about that kind of stuff) keep it in the closet --.--
#58 Dec 10 2004 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
Now to get serious.. people say you are born gay... homosexuality is a lifestyle.

That's why gay people in America kill themselves after a lifetime of being harrassed by gay bashers. People tend to not make it hard for themselves and usually avoid choices that complicate their lives.
Except when they got no choice!


Edited, Fri Dec 10 06:02:23 2004 by Sjans
#59 Dec 10 2004 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
6,158 posts
Some people just dont worship the same God, i.e. muslims

Don't remember who wrote this, but Muslims worship Alah, which is supposedly the same G-d that the Jews and Christians worship.
#60 Dec 10 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
I wrote this out last night and then Alla froze up and I lost it. Hopefully with some more coffee I may actually do better here lol

<anti-chuckle> thats NASTY, maybe we shoudlnt go to GREAT detail upon after marriage activites that are required. We should all talk about the concept, not the activities in great detail. we should be discussing philosphy and not how people either swallow, or not. (and for christ sake, what is worng wit you people!!!!!! its icky to hear about that kind of stuff) keep it in the closet --.--

Never ever set foot into the Asylum if you cant handle this conversation. You will run away screaming and have nightmares for months. (Personally, I have a ball in there.)

Ok, down to nit picking.

homosexuality is a lifestyle. Unless you are living under some unconditional law " i.e a religion" your lifestyle is based on your different attitudes of the world..

Why is it that lifestyle is based soely on enviormental issues? I can see many "parts" of our lifestyle being influenced heavily by enviorment, but I do not see how this reflects upon us when it comes to the physical attraction to one sex or another. If this statement above were true, then there would be no gays whatsoever. It is so heavily frowned upon by the vast majority of People, that homosexuality would cease to exist. Obvioulsy it hasnt and wont so I find this point invalid for this discussion.

Your feelings and emotions are conditional.. they change multiple times within seconds every day.. If one say that they are born with a sexuality and can not change who they are.. then they are saying that they were born with set feelings and emotions that cannot be changed

Feelings and emotions can be conditional, but they do not encompass all feelings and emotions. Lust is not truely a pure emotion. It is also a physical change in your body. We have chemicals called Pheramones, that act as a conduit to find the right partner for us. When two people whos pheramones compliment each other, there can and will, be sparks. Have you ever gone out on a date with "Mr. Right" only to wonder why you dont really like him? Hes got a great job, he likes the same things you do, he's cute... but you're just not feeling that spark. It has all to do with Pheramones. Most of the time pheramones are used to attract the opposite sex. However, why is it so hard to believe there could be something chemically different with those who are attracted to the same sex?
I know a man who is gay. He knew his entire life he was gay. But he tried to ignore it and live a "normal" lifestyle. He got married, had 4 kids, then one day he couldnt stand it anymore. He confessed to his wife, and they had an amicable divorce. He even loved his wife, but he was never physically attracted to her. WHy? Because there was something inside him, he could not change no matter how hard he tried.

I never had a feeling toward something until I was aware of its existence. I never liked french fries until it became acknowledged by at least one of my 5 senses. I can't imagine anyone being born a Republican/Democrat, lazy, vegetarian, nun or any other life style and can't see how sexuality is any different.

This is true to a point as well. Of course none of us know when we are children who we will fall in love with. But when it comes time for puberty tokick in, and you start checking out other people, di any of us personally "conciously choose" that we were going to get turned on only by the opposite sex? The statement above makes it sound like we had a choice and can still choose to love the opposite of what we do. But I have a feeling not one of us (ill use girls for an example here) thought one day in 6th grade "you know Petes cute, but man isnt Suzy looking hot in that dress today. I wonder what color her panties are today?" Or vice versa. No. When we hit puberty and started noticing others in the lustful sense not one of us deliberatly chose to go one way or another. You can not conciously choose this.
If you think i am wrong then try and experiment today. Go out, take a look at the same sex (or opposite for all you gays) and try to "conciously choose" to start being attracted to them. If it doesnt work on the first person, look for another. I can gaurentee you, none of you will have luck. And why is that? Because it is not a point of choosing to be attracted to one gender or another. I truely believe we are born that way through the chemicals that make us up, especially the pheramones, which make us attracted and attractive to others, whether it be of the opposite sex or the same.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 12:41:01 2004 by deadsidedemon
#61 Dec 10 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
That's why gay people in America kill themselves after a lifetime of being harrassed by gay bashers. People tend to not make it hard for themselves and usually avoid choices that complicate their lives.
Except when they got no choice!


How about spending more time expounding your views instead of slandering other people.. name calling is uncalled for

Go out, take a look at the same sex (or opposite for all you gays) and try to "conciously choose" to start being attracted to them. If it doesnt work on the first person, look for another. I can gaurentee you, none of you will have luck. And why is that? Because it is not a point of choosing to

You have good arguments... /clap ( I like debates :) ) but as I mentioned before I used other homosexuals testimonies ( not valid evidence but all I have) some said they were not sexually attractive to anyone for longer than "normal".. meaning that they were in some grey area.. and some said that they were at one time attracted to the oppisite sex then changed... So I gather that it has to be a lifestyle.... but I could be wrong since I haven't done any exstensive research...
#62 Dec 10 2004 at 11:07 PM Rating: Good
everquestfernerds wrote:
<anti-chuckle> thats NASTY, maybe we shoudlnt go to GREAT detail upon after marriage activites that are required. We should all talk about the concept, not the activities in great detail. we should be discussing philosphy and not how people either swallow, or not. (and for christ sake, what is worng wit you people!!!!!! its icky to hear about that kind of stuff) keep it in the closet --.--

What's icky? A person swallowing *****? The fact you read it in a volluntary online forum discussing, among other things, homosexuals?
The fact that you can't wear rose-collored glasses all the time and see the world as all nice and pretty and non icky? The fact that the subject makes you uncomfortable, which is part of what free speech is about (The right to say what you want, even if it makes someone feel icky)? Or do you have some latent issues?
Just wondering.

As to the debate I put forth these two things.
1. homosexuals- Why does anyone care what they do or who they love? It doesn't affect you or interfere with your life?
2. Gay marriage-
a) The sanctaty of marriage is a farce. I can dress up like Elvis, get a woman to dress like little bo peep while we get married in an all-night-drive-through marriage chappel in Las Vegas.
b) If the government can say that homosexuals can't get married then what's to stop them from letting blacks marry white people? Jews marry Christians? Etc. Nothing
c) The constitution guarentees American's the right to Life, Liberty and the Persuit of happyness. So why can't people who love the same sex be allowed the same rights?
#63 Dec 11 2004 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
Lesbians are much more accepted for a couple reasons. The first being that we straight men enjoy women and the thought of two naked women doing things to each other and us can't be anything but good.

Lesbians enjoy women in the same way straight men do, and gay men see them as friends and "sisters" in homosexuality.

Gay men are not accepted by straight men because I belive deep down straight men are worried that if a gay man did hit on them, the straight guy might just not be all that upset. Most straight men fear that deep down they may be a bit bi.

I have no problems with either gay men or lesbians. Each is entitled to live as happily as they can make thier own lives be. I see no reason to discriminate against anyone because of thier sexuality. I enjoy theatrical movies that are aimed at this segment of the population because they have much to teach us and much to share in ways of comedy, drama, and even thrillers.

A good movie for people to see that shows the human side of gay/lesbian/transgender people is Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Great musical with a touching story.
#64 Dec 11 2004 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
That's why we dykes don't hit on the straight girls
Aside from the fact that if you're reasonably attractive, every "straight" woman with a smidge of bi curiosity will begin to hit on you the second they figure out you're a **** and their boyfriend isn't looking. Smiley: wink2

Though, of course we established beyond the shadow of a doubt in an earlier thread that lesbians really are very unattractive women, right?

On one had I'm really glad that straight people are trying to figure out the whole gay thing. On the other, I'm still really frustrated by all the sweeping generalizations I'm reading.

Eventually I hope most people will realize almost everyone's sexuality falls somewhere in the gray range. Very few people are 100% gay or 100% straight (whether or not a passing fancy is ever acted upon).

When we stop pigeonholing people by such narrow definitions, we'll be in a far better position to understand each other. Start thinking of Jane as "Jane", not "Jane the Lesbian".
#65 Dec 11 2004 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
781 posts
Most straight men fear that deep down they may be a bit bi.

I'm bi-sexual... if I can't get it, I buy it. <grin>
#66 Dec 11 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
I am sorry but this is not "normal" when ever the is a high population nature will produce gays so that is a way to help to control the population because they dont reproduce. that does not make it right though it is just there. I dont know why people that are gay want everyone to accept it damn it you are gay then do it in your house but dont expect me to tell you its ok and that I think it is ok. I dont think it is ok but if u do it in you house then you are an adult and you will have to answer to what you do later it is not me that has to answer for your actions. you do have a function in society not to reproduce and you do it very well. I am glad you cant reproduce to make more it is just the over population of the world that does it and until we get that under control you will be increasing your numbers I think.
#67 Dec 11 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
Lord WizardBlade,

1. Learn what a paragraph is.

2. Learn to make sense and not ramble.

3. Try and understand this forum is not for you, so try and keep it in your mind as your little fingers type away that there are people reading your posts. And the way you phrase things can back and haunt you for life.

4. Learn what a paragraph is.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 15:16:44 2004 by deadsidedemon
#68 Dec 11 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
Paragraphs rock.

Let's get one thing straight here.. Lesbians are gay.

Gay is not the term of a male homosexual, it is a general description like 'homosexual'.

And for crying out loud, let them have each other! I can understand why Church won't let them marry in a 'house of God', after all, homosexuality isn't normal and we all know that the Bible hate anything not normal.

Don't even start arguing with me here, homosexuality is in no way normal and will never be
#69 Dec 11 2004 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
I think you should respect the Christian religion and not force homosexual marriages upon them.
#70 Dec 11 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
I think you should respect the Christian religion and not force homosexual marriages upon them.

No one is trying to force churches to marry gay couples.

For a marriage to be legal there is no law saying it has to be religous.

Justice of the peace can marry you, so can some other different types of state officals. All that you need is the blood test in some states (not sure which ones do or don't need this anymore)a and the license. Once you have the license you are legally married in the eyes of the state, unless something comes out later, like you married your sister under a fake name.
#71 Dec 11 2004 at 10:31 PM Rating: Good
Haha this reminded me of something I heard some **** star say once:

"I don't care who a person has sex with, as long as it's good sex."
#72 Dec 11 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
781 posts
We hate gay men!

Being a gay goes against the teaching of the Bible and Christianity.

God created man and woman.

Man's g-spot is in his ******* WTG God, you dipshit!
#73 Dec 12 2004 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
Who cares!!! I think of it like this...

My Grandparents have sex, I dont think about it because it is duisgusting to me, but I still love and respect them.
My husbands mom is a complete bull ****, but she's a nice lady.
I dont care what tickles your fancy, as long as you're a nice person, people should feel the same way.
I'm sure we all have our fetishes, some of mine people might find really kinky, some might think it's wrong and duisgusting, and vice -versa for everyone else. IT'S NO ONE'S BUSINESS BUT YOUR OWN, AND MAYBE YOUR PARTNER

O.K. here's a scenerio..

What if the norm is to be homosexual, all the bibles and religious mumbo-jumbo said that straight sex was a sin, would you conform to the norm? Would you turn from a straight male to a gay male because that's what you're supposed to do?

Another thing about the whole sin issue. The bible says "a sin is a sin, no sin is worse than the other." Meaning cursing, or oral sex, according to the bible are just as bad as murder. We're all sinners, and thats ok, no one is perfect, so no one can judge what another person can do unless they are without sin. Thank you, I added my 2 gil on this subject

Edited, Sun Dec 12 02:55:09 2004 by Ezyra
#74 Dec 12 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
Lord WizardBlade wrote:
I am sorry but this is not "normal" when ever the is a high population nature will produce gays so that is a way to help to control the population because they dont reproduce. that does not make it right though it is just there. I dont know why people that are gay want everyone to accept it damn it you are gay then do it in your house but dont expect me to tell you its ok and that I think it is ok. I dont think it is ok but if u do it in you house then you are an adult and you will have to answer to what you do later it is not me that has to answer for your actions. you do have a function in society not to reproduce and you do it very well. I am glad you cant reproduce to make more it is just the over population of the world that does it and until we get that under control you will be increasing your numbers I think.

A period can be your friend.
Also you stated "when ever the is a high population nature will produce gays so that is a way to help to control the population because they dont reproduce."
Where is your theory based in? What evidence do you have to support this theory? Is it just an idea you came up with? Is it based in animal sciences or human behavioral sciences or medicine?
Just wondering.

I think you should respect the Christian religion and not force homosexual marriages upon them.

What does Christianity have to do with marriage?
#75 Dec 12 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
Some random Sage wrote:

No one is trying to force churches to marry gay couples.

For a marriage to be legal there is no law saying it has to be religous.

I don't know what's going on with the American or Canadian gay marriage situation, but back here gay people can marry, but not in a church. I understand why not. I think it's okay for them to marry, but why in a church when Christianity is so obviously against gay marriage??

Seems more like a demonstration than a need.
#76 Dec 12 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Dom wrote:

What does Christianity have to do with marriage?

In Denmark gay couples are allowed to marry, just not in a church. The situation right now is that the government and public are actually forcing the Church to accept gay churchial marriages. If you're gay, why do you even consider yourself Christian? I mean, Christianity is against homosexuality, Jesus or some other important guy even say in the Bible, don't mess around with your own gender.

End of discussion.
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