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Lesbians Vs. GaysFollow

#27 Dec 06 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
what about bisexuals? alot of us seem to be ok with gays, but whats your opinion on those who do both genders.
#28 Dec 06 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
what about bisexuals? alot of us seem to be ok with gays, but whats your opinion on those who do both genders.
If they're ok with gays I'm sure they're ok with bi's. Those are not ok with gays will not be ok with bi's unless they're hypocritical.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Dec 06 2004 at 10:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Those the dam fudgepackers , they are gay cuz they cant get a decent woman. lol
#30 Dec 06 2004 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
781 posts
Those the dam fudgepackers , they are gay cuz they cant get a decent woman. lol

...and you paying for it, does not count as you "getting a decent woman."
Same for lesbians, bet i could make u want the D*** again . lol the lesbians have to bring their own tweezers and pepper or will you be supply your own, tic-tac dick?

Edited, Mon Dec 6 23:17:34 2004 by lagduff
#31 Dec 06 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Default
ok ok i take that back sheesh everyone else put there 2 cents in......mine might be harsh but thats how i feel
#32 Dec 06 2004 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
6,158 posts
and men try and hide it, men don't like having gay friends because men are paranoid

Lmao. Who do you hang out with? Not all men hate gays, and most men aren't paranoid..

I never understood why it is the general public can seem okay with seeing Lesbians on TV, and be so against seeing Gay men.

Because society has taught us that women are attractive and men aren't.

Also, maybe men aren't paranoid, they're just They(we) want to have women attracted to us so we try to act more manly. Thats why men shun gays. As with women, they can appreciate the presence of lesbians because they aren't as difference.

Ex: Get a gay man and a lesbian to walk 10 yards and speak two sentences. The gay man (some of the time) will be easily spotted as gay. The lesbian isn't "more masculine" or "less femenine". Yes..I think it is because of how gay men are more easily spotted then lesbian women. I'm not saying that all gay men act femenine; take that black guy from The Real World..but they are more easily detected as a homosexual than a lesbian.

Edited, Mon Dec 6 23:31:15 2004 by Soprino

Edited, Mon Dec 6 23:38:20 2004 by Soprino
#33 Dec 08 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Default
Lesbians are just like gay men only angry because they don't understand that the world revolves around **** and they get no ****. I think that lesbians for the most part are revolting and wow what a waste of a perfectly good ******, even though most of them are repulsive ive seen a hot one or two out of.. thousands.
#34 Dec 08 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
689 posts

and it's not a sin

According to the bible it is

the most cited Biblical reproach to homosexuality is found in the Sodom and Gommorah story, Genesis 14 where Lot prevents a male angel from being raped by the city's men.

read the story.

if your argument around the story is that homosexuality is wrong, then you're completely accepting and condoning rape.

and if you have ANY other reference in the BIBLE as to why homosexuality is a sin, tell me. after 8 years of hard theological research, this is the ONLY example i've found. but please correct me if i'm wrong. homosexuality in the Bible has never been my first priority anyways.

*edit - {please forgive me} Genesis 14 is something like Abraham confronting the king of Sodom, i think. I meant Genesis 19, my fault entirely. only upon re-reading my post did i notice my error, sowwy!

Edited, Wed Dec 8 16:24:34 2004 by ataglance
#35 Dec 08 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I really don't care if there Gay or Lez. As long as thay don't do **** to me. I'm fine with it.
#36 Dec 08 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
2,711 posts
There is a line in Leviticus that says something like "Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman for it is an abomination." People take "abomination" to mean sin, but why doesn't it just say "sin"?

It's also just as much of an abomination according to the Mosaic code to eat unkosher food, and we know how many God-fearing Christians in this country <3 their bacon and eggs in the morning, and their shrimp and crawfish at night. But wait! Somehow Peter's dream of eating unclean animals was not symbolic of allowing Gentiles into the newborn Christian church, but was actually literal! Look mommy, I wanna take a bite outta that alligator! Jesus said I could! ^_^

The point of the laws of Leviticus was twofold. Firstly, it protected the Hebrew people from disease by enforcing strict fear of God upon them, and secondly, it served to show that man was imperfect and could not follow God's law perfectly, thereby needing a savior. If you're gonna bash on gays and lesbians for sinning, I hope you're ready to go out and buy two doves for your girlfriend to sacrifice every time she has her period.
#37REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2004 at 9:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You guys shouldnt be bringing in religion(some people just dont all wroship the same god I.E. muslims, and hindu, they all worship differnt things, and or ways of worshipping, differnt texts of worship and everything.) So if you wanna get techincal about religion and what God says, you would have to read EVERY religious(i hope thats how you spell it) Book in the entire world for every religion before you can say " no god didnt say this " or, before you can say " god said this " you all have to figure out, god probably in every religion has said Yes, and No to homosexuality and the sorts.(i really dont care about homosexuality just dont hit on me). Maybe if we all read a book from a differnt religion or 2, or just learned and talked to our friends about it that, God has said much more then just " yes and no ". its all according to waht text you REALLY want to think is generalized through the world. (sorry for a long post must waste time in class)
#38 Dec 09 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
You guys shouldnt be bringing in religion. Some people just dont worship the same God, i.e. muslims, and hindu. They all worship different things, or ways of worshipping, differnt texts of worship ,etc. So if you want to get techincal about religion and what God says, you would have to read EVERY religious(I hope thats how you spell it) book in the entire world, for every religion, before you can say " No god didnt say this " or, " God said this ". You have to keep in mind, God has said Yes and No,probably in every religion , to homosexuality.(I really dont care about homosexuality, just dont hit on me).
Maybe if we all read a book from a differnt religion or 2, or just learned and talked to our friends,we can find out if God has said much more then just " yes and no ". Its all according to what text you REALLY want to think is generalized through the world. (sorry for a long post must waste time in class)

I didn't do this as being mean. I just couldnt quite get what you were saying until I went through and really read it hon. I just fixxed a few areas for you so peopel get what you are trying to say along with paragraphing it.
#39 Dec 09 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
It's to early in the mourning sorry for my grammar, I should really edit that giant block of nothing, but its too early for me to really think right, so its all just one giant idea and nothing really just going to make sense with me while i type this stuff, and i wasnt impling anyone was mean or anything, I was just saying that you should consider, just consider, what every single religion and not base it off the "generalized" religon.
#40 Dec 09 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
Hehe no ptroblem and Im glad you didnt get angry. Some people get upset about that, but I really did want to see what you had to say. It's early here and my coffee hasnt kicked in all the way yet
#41 Dec 09 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
Ptroblem??? :p whats wrong with your spelling, maybe we should hook up to make one giant paragraph that has correct grammer and correct spelling. But, i didnt mean to offend you guys(sorry if i did i wasnt flaming upon you guys or anything) its just that, well........(im running out of ideas gimme a few days)
#42 Dec 09 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
But who would win in a fight?

I put my money on the Lesbians.
#43 Dec 09 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
Yea, lesbians are nice if there bi and I get em both.......Gays no no no no no bad!
#44 Dec 09 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
670 posts
Lesbians Vs. Gays?

What a stupid thread..
#45 Dec 09 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
Good to know you actually read the thread Panda. Maybe if you read the substance before the last comments you could see it was a very good discussion
#46 Dec 09 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
670 posts
Your right, I only read the first post, and that is what I reacted to.

Any thread called " ___ vs. ___" is a bad idea in my opinion. Theres no reason it couldnt have been called "Gays and Lesbians: A Comparison" or something similar.
#47 Dec 09 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
Youre absolutely right. But if youre going to make statements, make sure you have validated your thought. We can not choose the title of the post (only the OP can do that) but the context within was very decent... for awhile.
#48 Dec 09 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
Gays make my stomach feel icky inside!
#49 Dec 09 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
First off I would like to say that I am amazed that the ppl on here handled this heated debate so mature. /cheer for us.. It's quite funny b/c im always on the Redmage forum and just try to bring up the role of a RDM and it just gets ugly!!!

Now to get serious.. people say you are born gay... homosexuality is a lifestyle. Unless you are living under some unconditional law " i.e a religion" your lifestyle is based on your different attitudes of the world.. Your attitudes of the world is based on your feelings and emotions.. Your feelings and emotions are conditional.. they change multiple times within seconds every day.. If one say that they are born with a sexuality and can not change who they are.. then they are saying that they were born with set feelings and emotions that cannot be changed. Not to be confused with very strong feelings and emotions that you WILL not change.. but have the incapability to change them. I believe you are not born with feelings but the ability to have them..I say this from my personal experiences.. I never had a feeling toward something until I was aware of its existence. I never liked french fries until it became acknowledged by at least one of my 5 senses. I can't imagine anyone being born a Republican/Democrat, lazy, vegetarian, nun or any other life style and can't see how sexuality is any different. I surely doubt I was thinking about girls the same way I do now when I was 2. I was only introduced to food, play,sleep, and love( from an infants view)... so I would bet that those were the only things I craved.

: To reply what other ppl said.. I've heard homosexuals on television say that they were once heterosexual( no evidence)
again it is a lifestyle so it can be changed

Men are not paranoid.. we know the truth.. men are more sexual than women... men know what men think about it.. men think sexual things about random women all the time.. I can't imagine a homosexual's sex drive being any different b/c having or not having sex is a moral/value issue and not a "personal reference" issue. So if homosexual men think anything like a hetersexual man.. then yes he is thinking about sex.....
#50 Dec 09 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Krylanna wrote:
There is a line in Leviticus that says something like "Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman for it is an abomination." People take "abomination" to mean sin, but why doesn't it just say "sin"?

It's also just as much of an abomination according to the Mosaic code to eat unkosher food, and we know how many God-fearing Christians in this country <3 their bacon and eggs in the morning, and their shrimp and crawfish at night. But wait! Somehow Peter's dream of eating unclean animals was not symbolic of allowing Gentiles into the newborn Christian church, but was actually literal! Look mommy, I wanna take a bite outta that alligator! Jesus said I could! ^_^

The point of the laws of Leviticus was twofold. Firstly, it protected the Hebrew people from disease by enforcing strict fear of God upon them, and secondly, it served to show that man was imperfect and could not follow God's law perfectly, thereby needing a savior. If you're gonna bash on gays and lesbians for sinning, I hope you're ready to go out and buy two doves for your girlfriend to sacrifice every time she has her period.
You also realize that these religious books are written and rewritten by man, and not by god. Just because it's written does not make it a fact, and a lot of books will contradict others and/or itself.
#51 Dec 09 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
leviticus? dont listen to it. that was written for the old times. very old times. if ur gonna listen to anything in the bible listen to what they say in the new testament. the old testament said we could freakin stone people for pipes sake! this is coming from a christian. i can accept gays and lesbians. i dont see any proble with them. let them get married if they want. its unconstitutional to actually not let them get married. they have the right to persue happiness as long as it doesnt interfere with another persons persuit. How does it interfere with other peoples happiness to let gays/lesbians get married?
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