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An Afterlife? (gotta love me^^)Follow

#1 Jun 30 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I when im dead im dead there aint nothing on the other side.

Do people who believe this Choose to believe it or do they see it as the only option as far as their perception of reality goes?

In other words do atheists ever wonder about stuff somtimes?

Do some of you actually 'wish' that there was somthing more, but your own logic strictly forbids the possibility?

DO you ever see strange occurences and just instantly pawn it off as "somthing else".. not unlike a Christian would pawn it off on "God"?

DO you ever think about the unseen worlds of cells and molecules and the patterns of organisms that make up your body and the laws of nature and mathematics and the intricacy of the human mind in all it's many synapses and billions of highways of electrons and quarks vibrating in an everlasting tune that keeps it in existance in this entire universe?

Do you ever wonder if their could be anything else we've missed?(as Humankind)
With the receiver in my hand..
#2 Jun 30 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

Do people who believe this Choose to believe it or do they see it as the only option as far as their perception of reality goes?

Only option. Who would choose Atheism were there any evidence at all for another option? Nhilsts?

In other words do atheists ever wonder about stuff somtimes?

Of course.

Do some of you actually 'wish' that there was somthing more, but your own logic strictly forbids the possibility?

Not my own logic, just logic. Complete lack of evidence of the devine precludes the possibility. What I 'wish' is that most people could reach a level of self esteem to accept the fact that there isn't some sort of devine influence.

DO you ever see strange occurences and just instantly pawn it off as "somthing else".. not unlike a Christian would pawn it off on "God"?

Yes, it's called statistical anomaly. Sometimes I call it "coincidence".

DO you ever think about the unseen worlds of cells and molecules and the patterns of organisms that make up your body and the laws of nature and mathematics and the intricacy of the human mind in all it's many synapses and billions of highways of electrons and quarks vibrating in an everlasting tune that keeps it in existance in this entire universe?

Is that supposed to be a question? Of course atheists are amazed at the complexity and wonder of life. They just don't feel compelled to seek out simple explinations for it.

Do you ever wonder if their could be anything else we've missed?(as Humankind)

Atheists are the only ones who really wonder this. Religious, spiritual, enlightened, whatever you want to term non-atheists they've all bought into a belief system that offers answers to fill in the holes that we've missed (humankind)

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#3 Jun 30 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
I havent got time to contemplate it, i could waste weeks of my life that way, and i have everquest to do that for me, ill just see when i get there, and if its not there i wont be able to get pissed about it, so i dont care, unless im banished to hell for not caring, oh well.

In other words do atheists ever wonder about stuff somtimes?

an atheist is someone who has decided there is nothing, an agnostic is someone who wonders about it and hasnt made up their mind.

I'd be an agnostic if it was worth bothering with, i think we need ot sort out the problems of this plane of existence, like the class boundaries, before we start caring about other ones. If everyone stopped caring about what happened after they die the world would be a lot better for them before they did.
#4 Jun 30 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
My question for the athiests is: Why do you follow laws and act morally? If there is no retribution after death?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#5 Jun 30 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Do you think everyones motivation for being moral is religion? I am not a relgious person and i have morals, i have morals because if we didnt, the world would be a horrible place, not to buy myself into some magical kingdom of bob.
#6 Jun 30 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,281 posts
So for religious people, is the only reason you follow laws and act morally because of being punished in the afterlife?
Philemon on Valefor
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#7 Jun 30 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I guess thats kind of a hard one for me to answer as I've never seriously entertained the idea that there is not a God. I imagine if that was the case I wouldn't have much regard for the state I left the world in. I would be most interested in pleasing myself during the short time I was here.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#8 Jun 30 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

I guess thats kind of a hard one for me to answer as I've never seriously entertained the idea that there is not a God. I imagine if that was the case I wouldn't have much regard for the state I left the world in. I would be most interested in pleasing myself during the short time I was here.

That's diffrent from how you behave now?

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#9 Jun 30 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
That's diffrent from how you behave now?

I could be in a lot better position in life if I disregarded my religion, but this life is short and eternity lasts a long time.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#10 Jun 30 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

I could be in a lot better position in life if I disregarded my religion, but this life is short and eternity lasts a long time.

What have you ever not done that you could have that would have benefited you that wasn't illegal, but was against your religion?

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#11 Jun 30 2004 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo, what truly matters is that you know yourself, and in the end everything will be just fine.

People all over the world have an individual belief...all should be respected and tolerated. Is there an afterlife? There lies an undeniable urge that many people have to think so. Just because of the fact that so many people have this thought in their mind, it's safe to assume that there is something beyond our corporal self.

I remember when my dad died. He had lived a full life of eighty years, and accoplished quite a bit in that time. A few days before he died. He still held the doubts that all people hold..."what will happen to me?" "Will I be ok?"

We went out for a walk and my dad looked up at the sky and just stared at it for a long time. He turned to me and said, "You know. All you have to do is just look at the stars."

There is something amazing and timeless about who we are. We live in a western society that honors accomplishment and success. But sometimes you read about or see a grain of truth here and there...and we get that feeling.

Humankind has plenty of time...the stars still shine, the sun still rises to start a new day, the earth still revolves.

"Will I be ok?"

I think so. :)
#12 Jun 30 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
I guess thats kind of a hard one for me to answer as I've never seriously entertained the idea that there is not a God.

then how did you ever decide that there is?

editted to add:

Kelvyquayo, what truly matters is that you know yourself, and in the end everything will be just fine.
Kelvyquayo, what truly matters is that you know yourself, and in the end everything will be just fine.

no it wont, you might drown in your own filth or bleed to death in a store because you wouldnt hand over your wallet to a guy with a stocking on his head, it does not necisarilly turn out all right

Edited, Wed Jun 30 19:50:19 2004 by Dracoid
#13 Jun 30 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

People all over the world have an individual belief...all should be respected and tolerated.

Untill they start to effect my life.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#14 Jun 30 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
People all over the world have an individual belief...all should be respected and tolerated.

Untill they start to effect my life.

Very right, i tolerate everyones beleifs, but when people try to impose theirs on me, or tell me i am wrong for beleiving something, or try to change my life to suit them, there is no call for tollerance. When some neighborhood old christian comes knocking on my door looking for new recruits to christianity, i respect his choice to beleive it, but when he feels that i have to, i wanna slap him.
#15 Jun 30 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
then how did you ever decide that there is?

I find the idea that this entire universe is a random occurance laughable. I guess I know there is a God because I exist. I have come across no other feasable explanation for my existance.

What have you ever not done that you could have that would have benefited you that wasn't illegal, but was against your religion?

What reason is there to respect law without religion, What reason to respect any other persons rules at all? Why even recognize a ruler or a position of power? Really what does it matter after you cease to exist? Why even exist anyway if we are just blips in existance like fireworks? I guess its pretty difficult for me to fathom.

Edited, Wed Jun 30 19:57:10 2004 by xythex
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#16 Jun 30 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

What reason is there to respect law without religion, What reason to respect any other persons rules at all? Why even recognize a ruler or a position of power? Really what does it matter after you cease to exist? Why even exist anyway if we are just blips in existance like fireworks? I guess its pretty difficult for me to fathom.

So I guess the answer to my question is "nothing" then?

You respect the law for the same reason you'd respect the "afterlife" fear of punishment.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#17 Jun 30 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
You respect the law for the same reason you'd respect the "afterlife" fear of punishment.

I fancy myself a bit more savy than those that enforce the law. I respect the law because I believe that it pleases God for me to live a moral life. I do not fear earthly retributions.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#18 Jun 30 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
I have come across no other feasable explanation for my existance.

im too tired to say what i want to say:

Everything tastes like chicken, why does it? i cant think of ANY expliantion, apart from that the robots wrote the code wrong for it in the matrix, so i should beleive that one day i will wake up in a tub of pink goo and pull the plug out of my neck? no, there is no feasable explination apart from this, so i conclude that it is true? no, i conclude that it is either true, or there is something else i havent thought about. I'm not disrespecting your choice to be a christian, im trying to understand it.

What reason is there to respect law without religion, What reason to respect any other persons rules at all? Why even recognize a ruler or a position of power? Really what does it matter after you cease to exist? Why even exist anyway if we are just blips in existance like fireworks? I guess its pretty difficult for me to fathom.

Because everyone should acheive something, and everyone should make a difference for the people after them, so that their lives can be better, marx wasnt a religious person, but he wrote so that he could change the world for the people who's world needed to be changed, and for countless generations after them, a sense of worth, a sense that once our existence ends, we have made a difference, and for people that still exist, the world is a better place. I'm not saying thats right and religion is wrong, im saying its a point of view.

(trying real hard not to offend people here)

editted to add, because i missed posts while i was typing this one:

I always wondered when people reffer to good christians as "god fearing" people, dosent it make it seem like we have a supreme being bullying us into praying and stuff?

Edited, Wed Jun 30 20:06:00 2004 by Dracoid
#19 Jun 30 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
What matters is that you find your own answers.

You're not alone. You are loved.
#20 Jun 30 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I'm not disrespecting your choice to be a christian

Who said I was a Christian? Smiley: wink2 There sure is allot of assumptions being made in this thread.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#21 Jun 30 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
30,086 posts

I fancy myself a bit more savy than those that enforce the law. I respect the law because I believe that it pleases God for me to live a moral life. I do not fear earthly retributions.

That's utter *********

If it's not. Answer the question. It's simple enough. What have you ever not done that you could have that would have benefitted you because of your religious beleifs?

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#22 Jun 30 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
Who said I was a Christian?

ahh sorry

You're not alone. You are loved.

see this is the crap that gets me angry, you don't know me, how can you love me? if you love me, it tells me that you love everyone regardless of what they are ike, this dosent make me feel any batter about myself, i hate you (maybe this iss OTT for the OOT forum but i dont care)
#23 Jun 30 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
I love you :) Have a nice day.

#24 Jun 30 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
I love you :) Have a nice day.

have a nice day, thats another one that gets me going, you dont care how my day is gonna be, and i dont care how you want my day to go, and i still hate you
#25 Jun 30 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I'm sorry if my beliefs offend you Smash, I assure you they are not bullsh*t.

I'm pretty sure anyone here with an above average I.Q. can rattle off a dozen ways they could skirt the law and not be caught. Athiests do not follow the letter of the law simply because they believe they will most certainly be caught by the fuzz do they?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#26 Jun 30 2004 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

I'm sorry if my beliefs offend you Smash, I assure you they are not bullsh*t.

I'm pretty sure anyone here with an above average I.Q. can rattle off a dozen ways they could skirt the law and not be caught. Athiests do not follow the letter of the law simply because they believe they will most certainly be caught by the fuzz do they?

Your beliefs don't offend me at all.

Your lack of integrity does.

You implication that the only reason to be a moral person is because of the fear of other wordly retribution is not only offensive and naive, but insults the intelligence of everyone who reads it.

Your inability to answer a simple question offends me because you become a terrible example for people who actualy live their lives based upon their beliefs and could answer the question instantly.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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