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Who refuses to give up their pet for a boar?Follow

#1 Mar 21 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
Just to pass the time I thought I’d poke a stick in the hornets nest and stir it around a bit. *smiles* Even so, I am rather curious.

Personally, I’m kind of cheating. Of my four main hunters, two of them use boars. But two of them never will. Cashara would never give up her pink tallstrider. Nor would Farli ever give up his albino crocalisk. I have too many pleasant memories tied up into those two pets to ever consider replacing them.

So I was wondering if others chose their pets for role-play or aesthetic reasons instead of stats or abilities.

#2 Mar 21 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
100 posts
Call me crazy but in the early levels with my BE hunter alt, I've actually developed a bit of a soft spot for the dragonhawk. The flame breath ability has proven to be fairly handy when I send him against multiple mobs. I added bite to the mix and he's been doing remarkably well at holding aggro.

The big plus along with all of the above is, like boars, the thing will eat anything.

But you said for aesthetics...hrm. I was quite taken with Humar with my first hunter. Subsequent models, however, have all used boars. I'm sorry. Call me unoriginal but charge is just to darn sexy.
#3 Mar 21 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Feldspar wrote:
The big plus along with all of the above is, like boars, the thing will eat anything.


They only eat fish, meat, and fruit

Boars eat- Fish, Meat, Fruit, Fungus, Bread, Cheese

And your Dragonhawk has Caster stats, not that great

*FYI you might want to check your facts before posting as I will tear it appart if wrong

Calabar wrote:
So I was wondering if others chose their pets for role-play or aesthetic reasons instead of stats or abilities.

I chose mine for the abilities, not sure wich category it fits under.

Come on, as a 70 I went and tamed a 29 and am leveling it up to me, if that tells you anything
#4 Mar 21 2007 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
Boars are excellent pets, but I find pigs to be gross :/ Farm animals just don't seem all that epic... Now a GIANT python... thats sexy... Nothing like being a BE female, and going up to guys. "Wonna ride my snake! <3"

Though, boars are the best pet!

  • But I find snakes and kitties match my play style better...
    #5 Mar 21 2007 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
    2,388 posts
    Awesome, thats the point we are trying to get to with the crusade, find one that fits your playstyle!!

    Snakes are alright, I didnt have much time to play around with one, and not wanting to spend the time to go and tame one at lvl 60 as I have my hands full with my piggie
    #6 Mar 21 2007 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
    I've never tamed a boar on either of my two hunters. Vaporok tamed the Clutchmother at 20 and only tames new beasts to upgrade her abilities. Striders are one of the finicky eaters but I do have at least 3 food groups to pick from. It's been a tempting, fleeting thought to tame the level 60 boar in EPL but I dismiss it quickly when I think of how pretty Clutchmutha is and the compliments I receive from strangers about her looks.

    Maybe because I'm an orc, but there's something about the green theme that makes me want to tame a new raptor, but only after the Clutchmutha hits 70.

    Edited, Mar 21st 2007 2:52pm by thermalnoise
    #7 Mar 21 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
    I don't have boars on all my hunters, either. But I like boars a lot. There are many good, fun pets, however, and only two stable slots.

    You can't beat a boar for lvls 10 to 32 because of Charge alone. This doesn't mean other pets don't work - they do. But Charge is SO good!

    After 32 boar is still killer - but starts to get competition in the speed dept. At this point a fair number of pet types get dash or dive and get some speed. Or at lvl 20 or so you can get Bestial Swiftness for some speed for any pet.

    I have a BE hunter who has stalled at the lower lvls - experimented w/ Dragonhawk. Went BM to beef up the wimpy caster stats on the dragonhawk - so far it's worked fine in pve and bg. People say that wimp caster stats are not the end of the world but do become noticeable after lvl 40-50, i.e. they start to limit the pet more. I was planning to have my Dragonhawk "molt" at lvl 64ish and finally "evolve" or "grow up" (and magically attain non-caster-stat status)... but I doubt I'll have time to play this toon up.

    Boar is a no-nonsense, get-the-job-done, low-maintenance pet. You gotta love boars! You hear me? You GOTTA! (JK!)
    #8 Mar 21 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
    2,388 posts
    Lol, true that Ipon,

    The caster stats when Lvl 70 make a difference of about 1500 Health and 2000 Armor, plus lessened AP

    Why the hell they made a Warp Stalker with caster stats, who doesnt even cast spells, I will never know
    #9 Mar 21 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
    To vex people I suppose...
    #10 Mar 21 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
    2,388 posts
    Or to give us hunters yet another reason to scrath our heads/asses and try to figure out wether its a monkey or a hamster running the wheels back in the shop
    #11 Mar 21 2007 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
    They're quick to nerf any pet that helps us.

    But lovin' for our pets who need to be de-gimped, gee - and Bliz is only rolling in money. I hear they have to bring those little Bobcat gizmos into their offices every afternoon and use front-loaders to scoop out all the money that piles up on the floors and clogs the hallways. "Nooooo! We're too poor and overworked to fix this! Sorrrrrrry (hahahahaha, go get me another Bentley - forgot where I parked my last one, bwahahahaha!)
    #12 Mar 21 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,574 posts
    Why the hell they made a Warp Stalker with caster stats, who doesnt even cast spells, I will never know

    I don’t mind beasts with caster stats being in game. Its kind of a pain, but in most cases its not a big deal. You want a windserpent without caster stats? Fine, you can choose one of many. You want a warp stalker without caster stats? Fine, there is one of each color. But I’m ticked at Blizzard when it comes to dragonhawks. You want a dragonhawk before level 60? The ONLY choice is to have one with caster stats. *sigh*

    My draenei hunter has a dragonhawk. He’s only level 20, so it’s not a problem at the moment. But I’m a bit worried about what’s going to happen about level 60.

    I was planning to have my Dragonhawk "molt" at lvl 64ish and finally "evolve" or "grow up" (and magically attain non-caster-stat status)... but I doubt I'll have time to play this toon up.

    I did that with one of my boars. I tamed a level 9 black boar and then had him fitted for barding about level 28. *smiles* But I can’t do that with my dragonhawk. With my boar I wanted the armored look. That was my goal. But I vastly prefer the color of my current dragonhawk over any of the high level options. Its just not fair. *sniff*
    #13 Mar 21 2007 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
    2,388 posts
    Thats the only ***** to it, is the Caster stats, awesome colors like that shouldnt be single...
    #14 Mar 21 2007 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
    1,519 posts
    If there was any kind of white boar, I would consider taming it. I have a weird thing about only taming white pets (the all-white winterspring cats, the polar bears, the non-caster white winderspents). They match my character's hair and mount.

    The white warp-stalkers are intriguing, though. When I hit 64, I get rid of the wind serpent.
    #15 Mar 21 2007 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
    Never had a Boar and i don't intend to start now.
    #16 Mar 21 2007 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
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    #17 Mar 21 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
    383 posts
    I just started a Hunter alt the other night. I so far have tamed (beside the taming quests) a white boar, black boar, a wolf, a cat and one of those birds in The Barrens. No way I'll give up my black boar, "Stinky". I know... not very original lol. I'd like to think of it as a "she", being that its always shaking its *** and all. I'm down with the wagon now, boar all the way!
    #18 Mar 21 2007 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,574 posts
    If there was any kind of white boar, I would consider taming it. I have a weird thing about only taming white pets (the all-white winterspring cats, the polar bears, the non-caster white winderspents). They match my character's hair and mount.

    Also check out the two headed white and black bird Outland.

    Trachela (65, Terrokar Forest)

    I plan to try a flying pet again when Farli reaches that level. It would go with his albino crocalisk. *smiles*
    #19 Mar 21 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
    I like my pets with Screech. I find it gives solid aggro on many targets.
    #20 Mar 21 2007 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
    "Screech pets" is what we should say when newbs try the boar, gain a level (not in the game, but gain a level in terms of playing ability) - and come back here asking "what next?" Carion bird is probably next "best" pet after we say boar.

    But what do we call a newb who has advanced a level in mmo'ing??

    A "knows enough to be dangerous to himself?" Dangit, perfect - but too long.

    A "Ketbdth?" "KETBEDATH?"

    Maybe, but I wish it had more of a "ring" to it. And we'd be explaining a Ketbedath so often we'd hate ourselves for picking it (although it could remain a secret code).

    Second grader? Tenderfoot? Corporal? Grunt?

    We should have a naming contest!
    #21 Mar 21 2007 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
    I understand the need some have for aesthetics, but i would personally choose whatever gives me the biggest advatage in the game. It wouldn't matter if it was Mr. Hanky or the most beahtiful pet model in the game. The same goes for gear. It's always baffled me that people would sacrifice stats and/or effects to have a certain "look", but I suppose those people can't understand why people like me don't care :)
    #22 Mar 21 2007 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
    1,207 posts
    If only TBC has tameable high level boars.....

    The ones in hellfire look really cool, but they are demons.

    #23 Mar 22 2007 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
    IponemaGirl the Furtive wrote:
    "Screech pets" is what we should say when newbs try the boar, gain a level (not in the game, but gain a level in terms of playing ability) - and come back here asking "what next?" Carion bird is probably next "best" pet after we say boar.

    But what do we call a newb who has advanced a level in mmo'ing??

    A "knows enough to be dangerous to himself?" Dangit, perfect - but too long.

    A "Ketbdth?" "KETBEDATH?"

    Maybe, but I wish it had more of a "ring" to it. And we'd be explaining a Ketbedath so often we'd hate ourselves for picking it (although it could remain a secret code).

    Second grader? Tenderfoot? Corporal? Grunt?

    We should have a naming contest!

    Are you calling me ignorant? I honestly can't tell, nuances of speech don't come through in text.

    I mean, I said which pets I prefer and why. I've been soloing so I go for leisurely staying power and the AP reduction helps the bird tank. I never said they were the only pets to use, or even that they were the best. I just find they work well for what I'm doing.
    #24 Mar 22 2007 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    Wolves are a Tauren's best friend. I have had the same wolf since the mid-40's level and we are now at level 66. Nothing is more practical than having a wolf loping along side as you go about your business.
    #25 Mar 22 2007 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
    I believe that you should pick up a pet according to what you want to have near you all the way. It is useful however to choose, knowing what type of pet it is and what abilities it can learn. Great site "Petopia" ( can help with it.
    Me, personally ,have a simple Owl from Teldrassil, and i love her and her Screech ability as well =) And she is not that hard to feed - meat drops everywhere.
    So ask me to tame Boar - no way i will give up my "Wings"!

    edit - can't make a normal link, sorry :(

    Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 1:14pm by LadyKatherina
    #26 Mar 22 2007 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
    1,502 posts
    So I was wondering if others chose their pets for role-play or aesthetic reasons instead of stats or abilities.

    I decided real early on (before I could even have a pet) that I wanted Takk the Leaper once I hit 19. Yes I know his speed buff was nerfed, yes I know raptors can't dash, but I wanted Takk the Leaper.

    I found out shortly before I tamed him (by checking petopia) that the Deviate Scale Raptors in WC have the same skin, and that some people have had to wait 5 hours for Takk to spawn. I didn't care, that would be cheating. Even though nobody but me could know it was a Deviate, I still wanted Takk. No other raptor would do.

    Luckily the little bugger was waiting for me with hardly any mobs around him. So he is now my pet and I see no reason to swap him for a boar.

    So not really RP, some aesthetic reasons as I really like Takk's colours, and I think he'll look great running alongside me on a raptor mount in later levels. But mostly my pigheadedness at wanting one particular spawn as my pet.
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