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Okay, Honest Help plz.Follow

#1 Aug 06 2006 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
3,744 posts
Okay, I already regret it, but since I did it it's too late to go back now Might as well enjoy what I can.

I started up my EQOA account again, after like 2 years...

So basically I am LOST now ingame. I won't be playing longer then a month most likely, because there is so lil people ingame now and the population is so low that it's just impossible to get anything done now except have fun shouting in FP.

If you don't know me, I used to have a bunch of 60s in this game an sh*t, and I knew almost every class inside out at the time.

Now I dont really know any of them anymore...but idc for em either really.

I just really would like a pretty good update, and information on Bards, and what has changed about them..

If there's anywhere I can find information online specifically on bards and the new updates and whatever "Class Balancing" is that I've heard of and any NEW stuff in the recent past in the game I'd really appreciate it.

And if someone could just tell me on here that would be really nice of you, and yeah I really want to learn what's new about bards...I can't find a site to tell me. Thanks.

Edited, Aug 29th 2006 at 9:55pm EDT by Allakhazam

Edited, Aug 29th 2006 at 10:01pm EDT by Allakhazam
#2 Aug 07 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
3,273 posts
AFTER all that anti-eqoa BS you spewed forth... you got the ballz to come back to the game!?!? And, to top that off, you're now asking for help....

After all that crap, I would've been ashamed to come here and admit that I was returning to a game that I had just got done belittling! My, my, how the mighty come back slithering on their bellies to the BEST game in town!

Or, could it be ye are a lemming and does what a lemming does... follow everyone else!?

#3 Aug 07 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
"So basically I am LOST now ingame. I won't be playing longer then a month most likely, because there is so lil people ingame now and the population is so low that it's just impossible to get anything done now except have fun shouting in FP."

And you base this low population on what? Your entire one night back on the game?

#4 Aug 07 2006 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
3,744 posts
Geeze sing, I wasn't expecting that from you. You obviously don't know me anymore and have definitly misinterpretted anything I've said in the past. And it's fine, but atleast you could of said something either more funny, or atleast given me some info instead of bash me for stupid reasons. Grow up sing comon! =P

AFTER all that anti-eqoa BS you spewed forth... you got the ballz to come back to the game!?!? And, to top that off, you're now asking for help....

After all that crap, I would've been ashamed to come here and admit that I was returning to a game that I had just got done belittling! My, my, how the mighty come back slithering on their bellies to the BEST game in town!

I'm definitly not one to bash eqoa, you are wrong there. I do believe now from what I've seen in other games and MMO's that EQOA is not nearly as good of a game as many, and infact isn't a very good game. This also because it gets boring very easily, and there's just so many lil extra things that some other games have. But I do admit to all honesty that I had the most fun in EQOA at the time when I played it and liked it, and at that time I did believe it was a great game and it happened to be populated pretty well (or so I thought). And I was truly addicted to it, hence my so many high level characters in a game where it actually takes a long time to level.

So I never talked down on the game in the sense that I meant it, I only said the truth. It's a fun game, and was definitly one, and I remember great times and better times I had playing it...but since other MMO's have been coming out EQOA has been going downhill, and I did quit it for good.

I Would still Play EQOA probably if it didnt take AS long to level, had PVP, and had a more active population. Because then, all things considered, it would be a good game, or atleast a much better one.

And you base this low population on what? Your entire one night back on the game?

No, I base this population on my now 3rd day on EQOA. And the fact that a BARD, registered and shouting for group in Freeport for 6 hours straight can't find a group. And the fact that there's about 1/4 the amount of people online now in the towns as there used to be when I used to play. And that almost everyone in the game is lv60, but there is practically no lv1-59s. That is what I base it on. And it is the truth, atleast on the 2 servers I checked out.

Anyways thanks for nothing though sing, I did figure out almost everything I wanted ingame thanks to an old friend of mine that still plays. But you were no help on these forums, and neither was anyone else. Which also proves my point. At one point of time if I came here and asked what I did, I would get a ton of good well thought out answers, not a ridiculous bash that I don't even deserve...wether you think I do or not. And atleast back then the bash would have been funny...not just absurd. Later sing, and I do remember the good times, hope you do too.
#5 Aug 08 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
One word....denial...

And yes I do remeber the good time here! Yes I do!

I would pull up the EQOA bashing... but I just can't deal with the extremly slow responses from ALLA's server to search for it.

I could pull up the nasty little fun you, and others, had when I was arguing with certain two peeps, and then you would add your two cents in while I was too busy with them! Yes, the best time to hit someone is when they are on the ground with two others!

Yes I remember the good times! I am surprized that you would expect anything less of me! Hehe!
#6 Aug 08 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
533 posts
Dam, Sings the angriest person in EQOA. []Returning players are needed in Eqoa[/], but you need to consider some things before you bash the populations. First off its summer time most people are out on vacation,summer jobs and doing things outside. Secondly, most people who are on are using up whats left of the luck. There was 23 people on lfg on Monday from level 45 to 60.

So your starting over, the best advice I have is try to make some friends, who have alts your level, also maybe hitting pickclaws in Highpass or Rivervale.

#7 Aug 09 2006 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
sing man every post i get on there you are bashing someone for doing something they want or they wanna do again, i really dont think its any of your buisness what ne1 does in life man why cant you understand that being on a computer or a vidieo game is not real life people do it for fun cause they like to do i see you makeing somekind of remark to every game thats out right now!!!! my dude either your just a kid looking for attention or your a adult with no love life going on, you need to calm down and give these people a break........
#8 Aug 10 2006 at 4:16 AM Rating: Default
eqoa's population is dead..!

i remember when summer was eqoa's most populated time, because you know, no school for the kiddies! but he's right, the populaton is dead.. dunno what else to say.
#9 Aug 10 2006 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
3,273 posts

"i really dont think its any of your buisness what ne1 does in life man"

If someone post something on this forum, it just became my biznaz! :)

"now i see you makeing somekind of remark to every game thats out right now!!!!"

You must be confused! I havn't one thing about any other game out there! Hehe, pass me some of that **** you've been smoking!

" my dude either your just a kid looking for attention or your a adult with no love life going on"

First, I aint your dude! Second, I aint a kid, and I got more love life then you could imagine! Seem to me, maybe you might be the kid with out a love life! Nail on the head maybe!?!? :)

"you need to calm down and give these people a break........"

Haha, after going balistic like you just did, you're going to tell me to calm down! That's rich!

Now, as for being the angriest person in EQOA. Hehe, ok, I've been called worst! However, I'm really a happy go lucky guy!

These people, whom I've attacked here latly, were people from 2 years ago with whom I had troubles with before! I got no respect for them. I will say what I will say! It's too bad if I am pushing some peoples buttons! Too bad...
#10 Aug 10 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
Hehe, I love it when I push someone's button to the point where they go and register with ALLA just so they can make a attack on me out of their frustrated love/hate/jelousy towards me! :)

BTW, Imback, so you're back, who da hell are ye anyways? You may as well attacked me using an anonymous post. But ye can't can ye? Hehe, be bold, don't be afraid!
#11 Aug 10 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
533 posts
Now, as for being the angriest person in EQOA. Hehe, ok, I've been called worst! However, I'm really a happy go lucky guy!

No i dont doubt that but, you seemed especially angry when i read that thread.
#14 Aug 10 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Default
361 posts
Wow imback you better go make 'another' sock or something pretty soon you wont be able to post your karma is so ******* low buddy and only after three post thats bad.
#15 Aug 11 2006 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
You see why I stay out of these forums Fist?lmao
#16 Aug 11 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
361 posts
celestosll wrote:
You see why I stay out of these forums Fist?lmao

Lol I do.......Lost my scholar tag LOL but oh well.

Edited, Aug 13th 2006 at 11:44am EDT by fistandantilus
#17 Aug 11 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
533 posts
Bah, most of the other forums are far worse. Ive seen a LOT of people from here get jumped on over little things on other forums. Isnt that right Cele :)

Well anyway I got you your scholar back Fist, your one of the people on this forum that actually puts forth good advise. So i bumped you up..we wizzys need to look out for each other.
#18 Aug 11 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
361 posts
Denobi wrote:
Bah, most of the other forums are far worse. Ive seen a LOT of people from here get jumped on over little things on other forums. Isnt that right Cele :)

Well anyway I got you your scholar back Fist, your one of the people on this forum that actually puts forth good advise. So i bumped you up..we wizzys need to look out for each other.

Lol /Bows Thanks Shots I really appreciate it. you as well man, I always bumped up toons on DH lol. theres nothing better than a wizzy lol.

-Wizzy power-

Edited, Aug 11th 2006 at 11:39am EDT by fistandantilus
#19 Aug 11 2006 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
hmmmm fist now you see i really dont care bout me being able to post or not,cause without this site i will still have my job,my wife,my kids and most important my life, so i must ask you do you think i really care? rotflmao yea thats just what i thought!!!!!!!!
#20 Aug 11 2006 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
Undoubtly Quails:( I stay off forums anymore lol I saw Fist on here though so I had to see what he was getting into.I like Sing btw(no asskissing Singz *** =D),he has contributed more to this game then SOE has and has always been cool when I needed some backward question answered lol
#21 Aug 11 2006 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
533 posts
I saw that you got flamed pretty bad on the main forums just for voicing your opinion. I thought it was pretty unfair and kind of the reason in which i dont post on that forum. I dont dislike Sing, and I acknowledge that he has done alot to help people in game as well as keeps a tight website. We have our disagreements here but its nothing personal on my side.
#22 Aug 11 2006 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
361 posts
imback wrote:
hmmmm fist now you see i really dont care bout me being able to post or not,cause without this site i will still have my job,my wife,my kids and most important my life, so i must ask you do you think i really care? rotflmao yea thats just what i thought!!!!!!!!

First I think you do, for you replied to this and you are probaly waiting for me to reply........but anyway lets drop that stupid **** I got bored after I typed it. sorry. And about the 'Life' congrats sounds great man, their was no point in bringin it up. i was just pointing out how low your **** was man lol, thats not normal after three post lol -4- now.
#23 Aug 11 2006 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
Its always the same people on the main forums lol they rarely even play the game and are worried more about their post count and popularity.
#24 Aug 11 2006 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
celestosll wrote:
Its always the same people on the main forums lol they rarely even play the game and are worried more about their post count and popularity.

Play what?
#25 Aug 12 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
#26 Aug 12 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
3,744 posts
LOL!!!!!!!! I didn't take care to read any of the posts after a few on here, but LMAO I'm so glad I somehow was able to start up a completely retarded flamefest like before without even trying to. Haha, now I guess I might actually go through and read some of these and comment on it because this is old school material right here lol.

I knew you had it in you Sing, just let it out and join us! Us mainly being me and Murrun nowadays though lol....occasional dark or dirges. I don't think I've seen Kast in a long time either.

Like I said, this thread I really did make to get some help with EQOA, so far I think not one person really answered any of my questions of my first post, and instead its some stupid war with Sing vs everybody or something like that...idk I still need to read more posts. But this is halarious. I gave up on it and havn't returned to forums for almost a week now, came back today to check it out expecting no replies...and Hot Damn we are running 25 replies that have nothing to do with the first post on here already! =)

Alright gonna read through and comment, haha...great I tell u, this is great.
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