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#1 Feb 19 2006 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
Playing since day 1, I have loved this game. Through the rough and the tough, I still loved it. CU comes on, I stay with my proffesion, I learn it, don't complain, and learn to enjoy the game again. I was widely regarded as a good pvper, and by far one of the best TKs. I was part of a great guild I still keep in touch with. I was known as a Teras Kasi Master and teacher to young, aspiring teras kasi. Then comes the NGE, my favorite class is GONE from the game, melee isn't even an option (unless you have a lightsaber). All my veteran friends, and even friends that just started playing were robbed. Robbed from a great game that we had played for so long. Who remembers the AH vs. Bestine days? Who remembers the "I have a Krayt Dragon pearl!" (everybody in town /cheers, /flails in jealousy). Who remembers the 20 man raids on Squill cave/tusken camp (don't even remember the name of it anymore because nobody has been there since pre-cu)Who remembers when if someone was wearing chitin armor, they were considered a great, rich warrior. Who remembers the "Composite fasion shows". Who remembers the selling of holocrons for 250k. Who remembers people complaining about how they have mastered 32 profesions and still haven't unlocked. Come on guys, we know SOE won't change it back, lets stop complaining and start looking at the fun times we had. *CHEERS FOR OLD SCHOOL SWG (and the teras kasi proffesion :P)*

edit: *Whimpers* (starts playing with the un-updated character builder and makes himself TKM..over..and over..and over..and over again.)

Edited, Sun Feb 19 22:07:57 2006 by ScyllaCelica
#2 Feb 20 2006 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
360 posts
Yup, I remember.
#3 Feb 20 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
I would have to agree with you, remember the 'GOOD OLD SWG DAYS' The fact that I can remember everything you spoke about in your post, brings back a lot of moments from the game that I once loved. Been playing SWG since I was selected for the closed beta testing.

I Stoped playing when the NGE hit and gave my 4 accounts to my Guild who most of are still playing.
#4 Feb 21 2006 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
I can't even begin to express my disgust at what this game has become. I also recall playing since day 1, and how difficult it was to understand at first. Can't beat up a butterfly, can't find a pistol, can't play a tune, yet we soldiered on and on. Remember everybody waiting for the Holocron to drop, then using it and finding out you had to master Image Designer? How about hunting Bols on Dant when they used to run like crazy, and poison you? Waiting in line for a buff, only to have it wear off before everybody else got theirs? Seeing your first Jedi, and then watching him get his butt kicked by the first BH or TKM to come along?

Even when the Pub 10-12 hit, the game was still fun. Yes it had bugs. Yes, it had issues. Yes, the CU sucked. Still, it was the most innovative game many of us had ever seen, and probably will ever see again. How many professions did I master, how many people did I train, dance for, play for, and fight for? How many base raids did we do, turrets did we destroy, quills did we hunt? Anybody remember fondly hunting janta on Endor, Pickets on Dant, Rancor on Dath? Dark Force Wielders anybody?

The game was panned by some critics and roasted by most web sites. Yes, during the Fan fest, I saw thousands and thousands of players, fans, and wannabee jedi, enjoying the game, the sounds, and the memories. WoW, Guild Wars, CoH, all these games are good, but in the end they do not match up to the diversity, ingenuity and storyline that SWG had.

I am sad to watch such a wonderful experience end, and sadder at the way it ended. I have tried to play the NGE, and it seems to me a pre-cursor to a PS2 or 3 version. I fume at the 2+ years of trying to become a jedi, the grinding, healing, fighting, and crafting just to watch the whole process end without so much as a warning.


I am leaving this game, and thanks for all the great times! I will remember all the friends, enemies, guilds, weddings, hunts, races, vendors, and towns. My best to all of you.

I of course, can be found now, on Icecrown. WoW pales in comparison to SWG, but at least its entertaining..

Oggimi Irose
"Don't listen to her, listen through her"
#5 Jul 29 2006 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah I remember the good old days :) the mining outpost filled with people wanting to group and hunt pickets or bols, yeah it lagged like hell, due to so many people and of course that the system was still buggy, but we managed and once we were all out hunting it was fun! I mastered almost all professions dealing with close range melee, swordsman, fencer, TKM, only got half of pikeman, it was great seeing that little script saying You have earned badge for mastering profession X, you felt like you had accomplished something! then say, ok, on to the next one and get another set of skills from another prof. It was awesome! I could be which ever prof I wanted, and if I got tired, I'd dump it and try another one, or get another one (If I remember correctly, you could have 2.5 professions at the same time if you used all your skill points). Not this rigid pseudo EQ, FPS crap where you can choose only one profession and get only those skills! It's not unique! it's not innovative! every other MMO has it! they just call it different profession names.
Everyone was truly unique, not just because of the customization in characters, but also due to that people never really had every single skill, I.E. not all BH's had all the same skills, some had medic skills from medic prof, or pikeman skills etc.)
Even though it was a hassle to have to go to a cantina to get your mind healed, or a hospital to get your wounds healed, it was a minor inconvenience, but well worth it to see those sexy women dancers/entertainers :) I miss them sooooo much lol and we got our buffs.
Regardless of which way you view it, there was no such thing as an "I win" button! This was just some stupid rumour propagated by NGE fanbois or irate BH's that got their asses wooped one too many times because they felt they should be able to take down Jedi Masters just as easy as a Jedi Padawan. It was far from an "I win" button, in order to be succesful warriors, we had to think ahead of time what professions we were to get and what skills to train, I was a swordsman most of the time, so I complimented my skills with Fencer and added some TKM so I could get Meditate, when I got bored, I switched to another proff and had to learn what other skills or profs complimented them, it was FAR from "easy" and it was always more than just "click" a button, if that's what you think, then what the heck do you think you're doing now? now its even worse and definetely easier, thanks to the NGE, its not what skills you have (since you'll use only the skills from your proff) But how fast you can click the mouse button, this is not strategy! this is BOOOOORING!!!
This was meant to be an MMO-RPG NOT an MMO-FPS and a crappy one at that! RPG's require use of your brain, strategy, which attack shall I start with before I get stomped on? How should I immbilize this? Yes in theory you can still do this, in THEORY but lets face it, you're too busy doing click click click click to worry about what move to do next, again, BOOOORING! I will not be satisfied until I see this game run down to the ground, I want the whole world, not just the gaming community, to be exposed to what happens when a company unethically practices questionable changes to a game and completely disregards their customers. Last time greedy companies did this, They were packaging meat in horrible conditions, dead rats and even human fingers that were chopped off by accident were being delivered to customers in the form of hot dogs and ground beef "What's the harm" they'd say, "They won't notice" and thanks to the book "The Jungle" president Roosevelt stepped up and said "You can't do this! and if you do, you'll pay dearly!" the SWG players that are still paying and hate the NGE, but play to cling to the hope of a roll back should be brave and show them, just like roosevelt that we're not willing to stand for this and walk out, inform ALL customers of this un ethical behavior, run it to the ground until a better, more competitive company takes over the project, and learns from the mistakes of SOE and knows better than to mess with customers. We're the ones who pay their salaries, without us, they have NOTHING!
#6 Jul 29 2006 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
I remember those days. I came along the last few mounths of pre cu and i loved it. I loved being TKM and going fist of furry on some poor punk who challanged me to a duel, i loved traing pets as a creatuer handler, training and watch a little fur ball turn into a dangerous monster that could own nearly any living thing. I have also filled in the charactor builder countless times missing the greatness the game was.
My account ended because i didn't have the funds to play(no job) and came back some month later some few weeks before the nge. Uppon hearing the rumors about the NGE i knew we were in for the biggest kick in the teeth in gameing history. so i killed my account for WoW a few weeks later after seeing it turn the game to crap and i recently started it again to see if it had changed .... no it just got crappier and and more of a rip off. I miss the game that i would pull 18 straight hours through fatigue, hunger, and a very numb *** to grind out a new proffesion or theme park.
I want the game we paid for not this rip off!
(once my account dies at the end of its 30 days its so long SWG:a crappy ripoff for another 4 months or so)

P.S. i miss being a human and not knowing what a wookie was saying until i learned it was fun

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 12:05am EDT by supportrollback
#7 Jul 31 2006 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
Ahh, the memories...

- Standing in the midst of all manner of dangerous, oftentimes venomous creatures with scent masked to snare that baby I happened to spot as I rode by...
- Solo-group hunting Enraged Rancors on Dathomir...
- Delving into the depths of Ft. Tusken, or the Squill Cave, or Death Watch Bunker, risking instant death at every step...
- The day I finally earned Investigations IV to complete my Master Bounty Hunter grind...
- Hearing the BZZZZmmmmmmmmmmm of a lightsaber firing up behind me, back in the days when that sound signified the presence of someone really dangerous....
- The day I fired up my first handcrafted lightsaber, assembled with materials I had painstakingly harvested myself over many months prior to my ascent to Padawan status...

My most enduring foul-taste memory of the CU/NGE was the day I ventured into the Warren just to see what it played like in the post-NGE environment, and waltzed through the entire storyline without drawing a single aggro response. On that day, a couple months into the NGE was the day I finally said to myself, "This really sucks!" On that day, I finally gave up and decided to walk away from the game that had once brushed greatness but had become a sad, pale shadow of it's former self.
#8 Aug 04 2006 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
Great memories, the lines is MOP, the lines in almost every starport and outside every starport.

I loved hanging with my friends in the Squill caves grinding for hours on end just because it was fun. My greatest combo for fast grinding, TKM/MSwords/Doc 4xxx. I remember having 20 people groups and skill boxes and lagging only in popular cities instead of every city with no one in them. The memory of my first Jedi siting in MOP and 20 bh going after him. The memories of needing 10 docs/combat medics to go through DWB safely.

It wasnt even the CU that sucked, people started to like it, no buffs but grinding was faster, the NGE f**cked up SWG so bad they only have about 20% of customers as of Pre-NGE.

So many memories its hard to think of all of them.

Edited, Aug 4th 2006 at 11:48pm EDT by Asxar
#9 Aug 08 2006 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
wait when CU came out Rage of the wookies came out. when nge came out trials of obi wan came out thats meens whe the next game pack comes out an new Compat upgrade comes out. there is one coming out in couple of mounths that meens new upgrade we got to make SOE bring back pre CU before this thing hits
#10 Aug 08 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
wefi wrote:
wait when CU came out Rage of the wookies came out. when nge came out trials of obi wan came out thats meens whe the next game pack comes out an new Compat upgrade comes out. there is one coming out in couple of mounths that meens new upgrade we got to make SOE bring back pre CU before this thing hits

im assuming, like most info, that was just pulled out of your *** right?

or based on really old info?
#11 Aug 09 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
3,079 posts
First Lieutenant Xeiheo Reasoblin, Imperial Security Bureau, 101st Tatooine Battalion, reporting.

I remember back in the days of role-playing and large scale PvP. Sure pre-CU had its problems, but at least the enormous RP community was always there on Valcyn. I miss them :(
RPing is just not the same in WoW.
#12 Aug 09 2006 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
SplinterCellDude wrote:
First Lieutenant Xeiheo Reasoblin, Imperial Security Bureau, 101st Tatooine Battalion, reporting.

I remember back in the days of role-playing and large scale PvP. Sure pre-CU had its problems, but at least the enormous RP community was always there on Valcyn. I miss them :(
RPing is just not the same in WoW.

theres rping in wow?

too many rp griefers on wow, people who will play on an rp server just to **** rpers off.

then there was this time some gnome really scared me.




weirdest encounter ever, had followed me all over the tavern, then outside
#13 Aug 09 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
3,079 posts
RPing id pretty good on my server if you know where to hang out. So far, I've only seen one God-moder, but I have seen a couple idiots.

PS: Still though, I liked SWG better :/

Edited, Aug 9th 2006 at 12:05pm EDT by SplinterCellDude
#14 Aug 09 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
SplinterCellDude wrote:
RPing id pretty good on my server if you know where to hang out. So far, I've only seen one God-moder, but I have seen a couple idiots.

PS: Still though, I liked SWG better :/

Edited, Aug 9th 2006 at 12:05pm EDT by SplinterCellDude

there is rp'ing in WOW, but its not anywhere near as good as swg used to be, even the CU didnt entirely take that away, i just wish the NGE had never happened, then i would still have been playing SWG and WOW wouldnt even have been a consideration.
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