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doc's versus jediFollow

#27 Jul 19 2005 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
383 posts
most of use us PWN although Pawn would also work
#28 Jul 19 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
cool so now when I get my *** totally whooped (it seems to happen quite frequently) I know the proper terminology...pwn seems the easiest. Certainly easy for me to get pwn'ed hehe...

#29 Jul 19 2005 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
383 posts
oh well its been a long day and ive been up for 22hrs. talk to you all later
#30 Jul 19 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
peace solen, very nice to meet you:)

#31 Jul 19 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
I think most bh's take doc or combat medic to counter the jedi who can heal. I've seen jedi tank turrets purely on their high defences and ability to heal. For the bh profession to work, there has to be characters who are designed for pvp. My bh is rifles/bh/cm and does well in one on one situations. I would be able to solo krayts if they would stop retreating (retreat is the most stupid thing in swg). I could never think about tanking turrets, or letting hundreds of animals aggro me though, but I've seen jedi who can. I think when jedi moan about bh's ability to kill them its like moaning about droid engineer's ability to craft droids. Its just their profession working exactly how its meant to.
#32 Jul 19 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Just wanted to go on record saying sorry for the unnecissarily harsh tone of my previous post. Guess the sting of the nerf bat puts everyone in a foul mood. And for those who think their profession got hit hard in the combat downgrade, I have 3 letters for you: T K M. I used to be Bruce Lee, now I'm just some guy without a gun. Oh, for the old days again... /sigh

Peace out y'all
#33 Jul 20 2005 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
Well I guess things are gonna change a bit with bh's now...if soe is good at one thing it is swinging the nerf bat. After repeatedly being doinked in the head with nerf bat it is understandable that emotions are running high. Yeah the nerf of tka pretty much bites bantha balls, used to love my tka. So no hard feeling's buchou:) And yeah that retreat thing is totally gay, wtf is up with that.

Hate to laugh up the new bh nerf (since my alt is a bh), but laughing it up...even my good ganking friend gunni can't do a whole lot atm. Keep posting the changes in bh everyone, try to work out what the hell is going on with that proff now:)


Edited, Wed Jul 20 06:19:25 2005 by ProphaCard
#34 Jul 20 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
The nerf bat never stops hitting me. PreCU I was tkm/swordsman, then when my awsome damage was taken away I respec to bh/pistols. Now bh is nerfed. I'm worried for rifleman/cm now. Also before I get flamed for admitting I was a respec bh, I want to know why people act like I've sinned when I've said that. My respec bh character is nearly 600 days old, and I've mastered almost everything except jedi and the crafting professions (which I do on other characters)with him. Nearly everyone used respec after the CU so I don't see why respec bh are treated with so much hate.
#35 Jul 20 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
624 posts
Nearly everyone used respec after the CU so I don't see why respec bh are treated with so much hate.

Because you had Master BH who knew nothing about the profession, running around asking how to use tracking droids and such.
There will always be a flavor of the month template that people will think makes them uber, and when lots of people have it, lots of other people complain and out comes the nerf bat.
It was TKM, then MBH, I don't know what will be next. My advice is not to worry about which template is the best, just play something you like and you might not get nerfed. Of course there are no guarantees.
#36 Jul 20 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
hey hey hey!!!! did everyone forget that combat medics are even more lethal than docs? get master CM master BH and the carbineer snare shot and you have got a pwn machine.

to give some insight about BH's...........they are the perfectionists of SWG. they are always on the hunt for SEAs to help them do what they r supposed to do kill jedi. i know BHs who spend all day long just searchin for the uber weapons and the uber pvp armor. so of course they r gonna want the perfect companion prof for their jedi killin. bein a doc or a cm is just the natural progression of any person who wants you dead before them. its as simple as that. okay now im ramblin. but the point is and always will be BH's will always want to be uber!!!!!

if this doesnt make any sense to you well i apologize.

Edited, Wed Jul 20 18:39:15 2005 by papakap
#37 Jul 22 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Well as long as you guys are cool and don't freak out like the guy on this site:, ill keep readin the posts.
#38 Jul 22 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I don't mean to reopen old wounds, but the question to me remains, should it be possible for any regular character to be equal in 1vs1 battle with a Jedi? I don't really care what template you talk about, I don't understand how ANY template that is not a Jedi could stand to to toe with another Jedi in battle.

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not calling for a nerf of anyone, nor do I really care if Jedi are buffed back up. What I really don't understand is why, if it IS possible for a template comprised only of standard classes to be the equal to a full template Jedi, then why are Jedi punished for death.

Jedi skills cost more, and advance slower than any other skills in the game, and when jedi die they take huge experience losses for the death. This seems a little skewed to me in the current system where I could be MBH/Master Doc and be a a jedi's equal, grind out in less than a month, and never have to worry about penalties if I die. Wouldn't the xp costs and time required to play a jedi be addition enough to the challenge?

I am not a Jedi, in fact I'm MBH/Master pistoleer with a few boxes of Squad Leader. I just wonder if everyone REALLY thinks this system is fair, if you look at it from the POV of a Jedi player.

#39 Jul 22 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with what is said above if a jedi knows his temp he should be able to take any bh though if your a new jedi then you need to find a friend or quit compliaing.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 21:22:08 2005 by SwgDarkJedi
#40 Jul 23 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
If jedi know there temp then they should b able to win, but...
It seems like papakap is right, lol we did forget CM's in the whole discussion. Can CM's heal as well as docs? I fought one the other night one on one (she was also 2 hand). We fought about 15 mins niether of us could do much damage to the other, then her jedi friend showed up and I got toasted lol. Respec'ing my alt to be CM already mbh so will see how it is (CM's can turn off jedi force run from I have seen).

How well do poisons and such work now? If any CM's know...
And about xp lose, if they would turn that off, I woulnd't care how many bh's hunted me or how much I died. We could go to old way of hunting jedi and bh gank squads. Which would actually probably make the game alot more fun. Getting hunted by bh's is a rush, hehe:)the -500k xp I lose, not so fun. I only need 2 more boxes to finish temp so thats only 3.2 mill jedi xp. My point is what is the motivation for me to fight a bh my pvp rating goes up 10 points woot.
This has actually turned into a pretty sweet thread:)


Edited, Sat Jul 23 02:05:18 2005 by ProphaCard
#41 Jul 23 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
I love playing a CM these days. I respecced to TKM/CM. I don't do a lot of damage as I was mainly trying to be a groups tank and this combo works exceptionally well.

You get 2 dots that you will use regularly to drain mobs health, basically they are good for slowing down or reversing their health regen which is important for a TKM if you are going to solo since your dmg output isn't going to beat a lvl 84 mobs health regen on it's own.

You get a snare as stated above. I slows movement speed by about 50%, so you can stop anyone burst running away from you. What you also get is a crowd control, Mezz/stun poison. This stops all actions until the mob is hit again, lasts about 10 secs but can be reapplied as soon as it breaks. I've held 2 mobs in a mezz state while beating up a 3rd many times.

Last thing you will/should always apply on your target is a debuff that is supposed to reduce the fighting ability of your target. From what I've seen it just means they have a greater chance of missing a hit.

So, CM has a bit of everything and are great to have in a group. DOTS, CC and DEBUFF coupled with a profession that can handle getting agro from applying all that is bliss.

Edited, Sat Jul 23 03:32:19 2005 by Malaikatmaut
#42 Jul 23 2005 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Since earlier you brought up comparisons of the game versus the movie I thought I would add something. There are instances in E2 I believe where many Jedi die. And to droids. I have not seen E3 yet, but I know at least in E2 there are several Jedi that die in the arena. Now a droid is simply a stick with a gun on it. The droids do nothing but charge with guns roaring. They have no heal abilities, and it seems it's very easy to defeat them and avoid their gunfire. But yet Jedi still die in this battle, it could be the pure numbers of droids, but still, they died to guns on sticks. So now add a brain, and healing power to that stick. Throw in some adaptation and understanding and you've got something far more powerful, a Doc/BH. I'm sure there are some Jedi that Boba would have beaten. Maybe not at that time or place, but in situations it would happen. Jedi are strong, but they do die, it's fact. I have been playing since the month of release and have no desire to become Jedi. I don't know if thats rare or not, but I love being BH/CH/Doc. I know it's not a popular collection of professions, but thats who I've become and it's who I plan to stay. I could be one of the players who has been here forever who just decides that it's it's time to become Jedi, but if everyone was a Jedi what fun would the game be? I have chosen a role, I do not hunt Jedi, I am more of a NOOB coach in a sense. If I wanted to, I may be able to kill a Jedi, but that idea has never even come close to being reality because I think most Jedi have such a large head as is that it is better for me to stay in my Niche than die trying and inflate them more. I have met a few that have been nice, but most want you to bow to them simply because of what they are. My point is, I too could be a Jedi because of the time I've put in, so to those that wave it in my face I just ignore it and walk away, but there are Jedi who are only Jedi because they've played for so long and they feel there's no other option. I say there is, find your niche and stick with it, every story has to have it's role players, everyone can't be the star.

Weird post, ran from topic to topic, but it is what it is.
#43 Jul 23 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
yeah with carbineer and cm yyou can do the dirty double snare and render force run useless. with the poison and fire enhancers you can roughly take off anywhere between 400 to 600 damage per cycle. and not to mention all the action and mind debuffs. add in kd and stopping shot with the stances tree in the pistols tree and your a tough machine imo. but it definately boils down to player skill. and yes cm can heal just as good as docs.
#44 Jul 23 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
SOE made a mistake by allowing so many people to become Jedi. They know it was a mistake, they know it ruined PVP, they know it forces gameplay in one direction.

How to fix this? Make it less appealing to be a Jedi but more appealing (and easier) to kill them.

No game should have a profession that is clearly superior to others, it destroys any sense of balance of purpose to being anything but that profession.

This issue has bugged SWG since it's release. First, everyone was a CH, then everyone was a TKM, now everyone is going Jedi.
SOE haven't fixed things by now making everyone go DOC/BH though.

How to really fix the problem? Get rid of Jedi. Player character Jedi anyway, leave some NPC ones floating around and maybe we can get some variety into this game.

/ducks to avoid all the plastic lightsabers thrown at him!

Edited, Sat Jul 23 23:01:10 2005 by Malaikatmaut
#45 Jul 24 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
Actually not that bad of an reality (movies) there were not that many Jedi at all, there were some to a point, but then very few after that. It should be more like that. It should be almost impossible to become Jedi, and should possibly be different for each person, that way they have to work through it on their own, and it's almost as if you stumble upon Jedi. There's no set trials or anything, you stumble upon a NPC who apears random places at random times on random planets, and IF you are qualified he will take you as an apprentice of sorts. Just an idea. Would definatly only have a few Jedi then, and they would be lucky, but at least it would be controlled.
#46 Jul 24 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
624 posts
Like they are really going to remove Jedi from the game. Everyone who has a Jedi would quit, everyone who wants a Jedi would quit and those who are thinking about getting the game because they wany Jedi, wouldn't.

It's too late, pandora's box has been opened. Jedi are a major draw to this game and they are here to stay.
#47 Jul 24 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't say get rid of Jedi, so I don't know where you got that idea from. What I said was that from now on it should be more difficult to become such. I think my idea is very planned and thought out, if implemented the current Jedi could stay, but the number wouldn't continue growing exponentially, but there would still be people becomming Jedi, just not as many.
#48 Jul 24 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
624 posts
I got the idea from here:
Malaikatmaut wrote:
How to really fix the problem? Get rid of Jedi. Player character Jedi anyway, leave some NPC ones floating around and maybe we can get some variety into this game.

#49 Jul 24 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Ah, I see, not from mine but anothers.
#50 Jul 25 2005 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
bring back perma-death. That will cull the jedi pretenders from the real players.

I can relate to the jedi players being annoyed with bh killing them though. My character was a cm/rifle/bh, with a drop of pistols for root. I would knockdown, paraylse, apply my cm debuffs to them, apply poisons, root them and run to 60m while blasting them (I have the ranged arm so I could get them from 75m, but in case they try to run I want to be close). With the cm electroylte drain already working on them I would kneecap shot them once the root wore off. This meant they were moving incredibly slow even with force run and burst run going. Then I'd knock them down again, root them and keep the cycle going. The only way I'd lose is if I ran out of action, but with my krayt weapon and action food this happened only rarely. This formula beats any melee profession I've found. I solo krayt ancients while I'm not hunting jedi, with ease.

I would kill at least one jedi a day, sometimes five or six if I have some free time. The only reason this wasn't more is because more then half the missions I got ended up on kashyyyk where I can't hunt them at all.

Saying this though, I've lost to other ranged professions, and often against jedi/bh.

Since publish 20 I haven't hunted any jedi, as they've made it so that you have to be master bh again to hunt players. I don't have enough skill points to retain my template if I went master bh again.

I think that bounty hunters should be this powerful against jedi though. They are the natural enemey of jedi in this game, and it is a huge part of the bh profession that bh must kill other player jedi. My bh rocked, but mainly because I found a system I figured out and applyed through experience of me fighting against them alot. There are plenty of bh with my template that didn't have a clue how to solo jedi. Also I fought a load of full template jedi that knew exactly how to unravel my system and beat me, because of their pvp experience. Its only because the path to the jedi has become so easy now that you get hundreds of noob jedi (I'm not talking about lvl 67 paddy's, but the full template kashyyyk grinders). The only jedi that would beat me were seasoned pvpers, and the jedi that would be pissed off with their full templates losing would be the kashyyyk grinders who would try and spam force choke at me and then cry with frustration when they lost.

Putting in the effort to grind for months to get the jedi perks doesn't mean you will reign over all the other players in pvp. Playing alot of pvp means you will get better at pvp. My friend was a pikeman/cm with brawler and he did alright againt jedi because he did alot of pvp. He would armour break, intimidate and knockdown or something while turning on his cob. My point is that pvp doesn't rely on your template, it relies on your experience.
#51 Jul 28 2005 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
Someone said it best in another thread...jedi are for veterans who have done pretty much everything else in game. Jedi are still soe's main selling point for this game (no mention of the 1 year + it will take you to get Jedi are here to to stay or the game dies.

But there does need to be some sort of balance between jedi and non jedi. Jedi should be able to heal as well as a doctor or a combat medic and they should have ranged/melee defenses close to that of any double combat proff. Anyone who thinks jedi are overpowered, has not seen the nerf bat swing against the jedi...I know I have seen battles where a jedi could take a group of 20 (months ago of jedi are lucky to take groups of 3).

Oh and jack McMac you are pretty dead on pvp skill and pvp practice being related. The more you practice at it the better you become (should always try and duel your friends for practice). Perma death death bad idea...we want more people to play this game not quit, the jedi population is exlpoding, it is to late to stop it now. Punishing players just for playing is kinda dumb. If all negative xp was removed would help with bh vs jedi and pvp in general.

This post has actually become pretty interesting...let's keep it going:) Any thoughts on jedi, bh's, doc's, CM's let's hear 'em.


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